Count That Day Lost- Post Reading Activity

by Liza Estrin

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Count That Day Lost- Post Reading Activity

  • Joined May 2018
  • Published Books 2

In the picture we can see a man helping a disabled woman, he’s holding his umbrella over the woman’s head, so she won’t get wet in the rain. But in doing so, he’s getting wet because he isn’t under the umbrella himself.
This is a self denying deed, the man risks himself at getting sick in order to help this woman who he might not even know.
The connection between this picture to the poem “Count That Day Lost”, is in the first stanza of the poem, where we can find examples for a “day well spent”, and one of them is a self-denying deed, just like in the picture.

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In this picture we can see two people smiling at each other.
Smiling is an immediate act we do when we are happy, and it’s known that a smile can be contagious. So, when someone is smiling or looking at someone else with a smile, it makes the second person happy and smile back! This process takes seconds, but it can make someone’s day.
This picture connects to the poem by the line “One glance most kind
That fell like sunshine where it went” 
that says that even one look, and in this case one smile, can make someone happy- and for that, the day was well spent.

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In this picture we can see someone who fell while running, and the people near him are looking at him instesd of helping him get up or just checking on him. This one, small, simple act, but they won’t do it.
This picture connects to the poem because it is an example for the second stanza that says “No act most small
That helped some soul and nothing cost”. 
The people didn’t do this one smaill act to help someone, they ignored him, and because of that, theur day is worse than lost.

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