MultiEnglish ( 6th grade ) by Julia Rakusa -
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MultiEnglish ( 6th grade )

  • Joined May 2018
  • Published Books 2


Good day! My name is Julia Rakusa. I have decided to make this book to help children (6 Grade) so that they can train all the necessary skills on various topics. However, I want to note that the book will be useful not only for children, but also for everyone who wants to improve their level of English. If you want me to assist you with this book, please, send me an email ([email protected]) and contact me for detailed information.


   Доброго дня! Мене звати Юлія Ракуса. Я вирішила створити цю книгу, щоб допомогти дітям (6 клас), потренувати всі необхідні навички на різні теми. Однак хочу відзначити, що книга буде корисна не тільки дітям, але і всім, хто хоче вдосконалити свій рівень англійського. Якщо ви хочете допомогу у роботі з книгою,  будь ласка, надішліть мені листа [email protected]) і зв’яжіться зі мною для отримання детальної інформації.


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MultiEnglish ( 6th grade ) by Julia Rakusa -
MultiEnglish ( 6th grade ) by Julia Rakusa -

   Our life is very important for us and family and friends are such people we can not imagine our life witout. That`s why it`s really necessary to know these words. Click here, then click ‘to start lesson’, then learn and train the words.




Now, train your skills


The exercises were done by Юлия Ракуса(, 
Ирина Левина (, 
Наталия Симкина (,
Елена Л. (

Now, train your skills

The exercise was done by julia zhuravlyova(

Look through the words about appearance and character, and then train your skills

The exercises were done by

maureen_k (, 
Дарья Катефина (, 
Anastasiya Ushakova(, 
Татьяна Олексюк(, 
Tatiana Glushakova (,
MultiEnglish ( 6th grade ) by Julia Rakusa -

Now, train your skills

The exercise was done by Елена Пензина (
MultiEnglish ( 6th grade ) by Julia Rakusa -

Read the text again and choose True or false or doesn`t say


Now, train your skills

The exercise was done by: Ирина Левина (
MultiEnglish ( 6th grade ) by Julia Rakusa -


Adverbs of manner are used to tell us the way or how something is done.

An adverb can be added to a verb to modify its meaning.

“She plays piano.” – An adverb of manner can be added to the verb (play) to modify its meaning and give us more information on how she plays piano.

“She plays piano beautifully.”

“She plays piano softly.”

“She plays piano terribly.”

Adverbs of manner are usually placed after the main verb or after the object. “He left the room quickly.”

It can also be used before the verb. “He quickly left the room.”

Adverbs of Manner – Examples

“The rain fell heavily.”

“When my teacher speaks, we listen carefully.”

“Make sure you write neatly.”

“She easily passed the test.”


Now watch the video and try to understand the using of adverbs.


Adverbs of manner are usually formed from adjectives by adding –ly:

bad > badly; quiet > quietly; sudden > suddenly

but there are sometimes changes in spelling:

easy > easily; gentle > gently

If an adjective ends in –ly we use the phrase in a …. way to express manner:

Silly > He behaved in a silly way.
Friendly > She spoke in a friendly way.

A few adverbs of manner have the same form as the adjective:

They all worked hard.
She usually arrives late.
I hate driving fast.

Notehardly and lately have different meanings:
He could hardly walk = It was difficult for him to walk.
I haven’t seen John lately = I haven’t seen John recently.

We often use phrases with like as adverbials of manner:

She slept like a baby.
He ran like a rabbit.


Now, train your skills






MultiEnglish ( 6th grade ) by Julia Rakusa -
MultiEnglish ( 6th grade ) by Julia Rakusa -

Now, train your skills

The exercise was done by: Анастасия Снытко(

Now, train your skills

The exercise was done by Galina Sedakova(
MultiEnglish ( 6th grade ) by Julia Rakusa -


Watch the interactive video and do all quizzes


 Small Talk


 Now you are going to listen to the video about family and try to speak, using the information from the video and questions below. (*Запиши відповідь за допомогою мікрофона та відправь мені на пошту).

Answer the questions:

1.Do you get along well with your family?

2. Do you often visit your grandparents?

3. Are your parents strict?

4. Are friends more important than family?

5. How many children are there in your family?

MultiEnglish ( 6th grade ) by Julia Rakusa -

Prepare yourself to write a letter. Watch the interactive video and do all quizzes  


Writing(a letter about your family)

Read the letter about family. Then use this example to write your letter. Copy your letter to Google-doc.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: My family


Dear Yoko

Let me tell you about my family. I live with my mum, my dad and my big sister. We live in California. My mum’s name is Carmen. She’s Mexican and she speaks English and Spanish. She’s a Spanish teacher. She’s short and slim, she’s got long, brown hair and brown eyes. My dad’s name is David. He’s American. He’s tall and a little fat! He’s got short brown hair and blue eyes. He works in a bank. My sister Shania is 14 and she loves listening to music. She listens to music all the time! She’s got long brown hair and green eyes, like me. I’ve got long hair too. We’ve got a pet dog, Brandy. He’s black and white and very friendly.

Write soon and tell me about your family.



MultiEnglish ( 6th grade ) by Julia Rakusa -
MultiEnglish ( 6th grade ) by Julia Rakusa -

Work with words


Now, train your skills

This exercise was done by yelena6161 (

Now, train your skills

This exercise was done by Лариса Викторовна(


Now, train your skills



Now, train your skills


Now, train your skills


Now, train your skills

This exercise was done by teacher_viktoria p(

Check yourself


Work with words

Read the words and try to remember

tableware [‘teɪblweə] посуд
plate [pleɪt] тарілка
bowl [bəʊl] миска
cup [kʌp] чашка
mug [mʌg] кухоль
spoon [spuːn] ложка
fork [fɔːk] виделка
knife [naɪf] ніж
glass [glɑːs] склянка
saucepan [‘sɔːspən] кастрюля
lid [lɪd] кришка
ladle [‘leɪdl] черпак
jug [ʤʌg] глечик
kettle [‘ketl] чайник
coffeepot [‘kɔfɪpɔt] кавник
teapot [‘tiːpɔt] чайник (для заварки)
frying pan [‘fraɪɪŋˌpæn] сковорода з ручкою
pan [pæn] сковорода
salt shaker [sɔːlt ‘ʃeɪkə] сільничка
pepper shaker [‘pepəˌʃeɪkə] перечниця
sugar bowl [‘ʃugə bəul] цукорниця
bottle [‘bɔtl] пляшка
napkin [‘næpkɪn] серветка

Work with words


Work with words


Now, train your skills


Creative thinking. Now, train your skills

MultiEnglish ( 6th grade ) by Julia Rakusa -

Read and say: What does the word “food” mean to you (*Відповідь запиши у відповідний Google-документ)

“What does the word “food” mean to you? Is it a pleasure or just a fuel? This question has been disputable for a long time and everybody has his personal opinion about it. The most of people would agree that we eat in order to have enough energy to complete our routine tasks. Nevertheless, nobody would agree to eat the same  products from day to day. Moreover, food is certainly more than just a number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It’s the way to get some satisfaction after a long working day for the majority of people.” (Tis text is from EnglishDom)


Read the text and do exercise below

Food in our life

Food is the basis of our life, because human body cannot exist without it. Every day we eat and we have to spend a significant part of our income on food, if we want to have a  healthy diet.

Food plays a very important role for everyone and different nations eat different meals, but the majority of countries have 3 main courses of meal: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

One famous English saying goes “We are what we eat”, and it’s true. The food we eat can influence our body and our mind. It contains nutrients, such as proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates. Different products contain different nutrients. For example, we can get lots of vitamins eating fruit and vegetables.

If we want to live long, we should pay attention to what we eat. A healthy diet usually includes a lot of fruit and vegetables, regular portions of fish or white meat, grains, nuts and a few liters of water per day. It is better to choose products without artificial ingredients and with minimal quantity of sugar.



Watch the interactive video and do all quizzes



 Read the dialogues and say where each one takes place. Then explain the words in bold.( *Відповідь запиши у відповідний Google-документ)


A) Sue: I’m going to get some things from the corner shop, Bill. What do we need?

Bill: Let’s see … Well, we need a loaf of bread and some cheese.

Sue: Is there any rice?

Bill: Not much. Perhaps you should get some more.

Sue: Okay. And there’s plenty of chicken left from last night, so we can have that.

Bill: Urn … it’s all gone, actually.

Sue: All gone?! But there was a lot left over!

Bill: Er … I’m afraid I felt sorry for that stray cat again.

Sue: And you gave him all our chicken?

Bill: He was starving!

Sue: Well, I wanted to make chicken curry — but I think it’ll just be bread and cheese for dinner now!


B) Waitress: Can I take your order?

Les: Yes – I’d like a double cheeseburger with a large fries, a side salad and an apple pie, please.

Ron: But Les, what about your diet?

Les: Oh, yes, I forgot! Can I have a Diet Coke too, please?


C) Waiter: Good evening, sir. May I take your order?

Tim: Yes, please. I’ll have the vegetable soup to start with.

Waiter: And for the main course?

Tim: I’m not sure. What’s today’s special?

Waiter: It’s grilled fish with carrots.

Tim: That sounds nice. I’ll have that, please.

Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?

Tim: A large glass of mineral water, please.

Waiter: Thank you.
(text from Click On 2, )


Work with words


Corner shop

a small shop, especially on a corner of a road,

that sells foods and other things that are often needed


Stray cat

a pet that no longer has a home or cannot find its home


dying because of not having enough food


an eating plan in which someone eats less food, or only particular types offood, because they want to become thinner or for medical reasons



to be unable to remember a fact, something that happened, or how to do something



a request to make, supply, or deliver food or goods

Main course

the largest or most important part of a meal in which there are different partsserved separately


big in size or amount


not ordinary or usual

Mineral water

natural water from underground, containing dissolved minerals that arebelieved to be good for your health


Read the text and do exercise on the next page

Food around the world

New Year

In China people eat eight, ten or twelve dishes of food at New Year. This is because an even number means double the luck. A lot of the food at New Year has a special meaning. Seaweed means good luck and long noodles mean long life. They eat whole vegetables and don’t use knives to cut things, because this means the end of your good luck.
In Ukraine there is lots of food on the table so the next year will be happy and plentiful. At 11.59 people open champagne and wait for the clock to strike twelve. Then they make a toast for the New Year. They wish everybody good luck and happiness.
In Spain people eat twelve grapes – one with each chime of the clock at midnight. This brings good luck for the next twelve months. But it is difficult to eat twelve grapes in twelve seconds, so people usually have a mouth full of grapes at the end!



Italians eat doughnuts in the shape of bowties for good luck. They also eat sugared almonds when they hope for a baby. Many years ago in Britain the father of the bride gave the groom ‘honey mead’ (a honey drink) for a whole month. In this way the couple had a month of sweetness and happiness. We have now changed the word to ‘honeymoon’ – the holiday a couple goes on after their wedding.



When a child is born in China, the father gives red eggs to his friends and family – an even number for a girl and an odd number for a boy. The birthday party started in Europe in the Middle Ages. People were afraid of ghosts and bad spirits on their birthdays. Friends and family came to visit you with presents to stop them.
In Mexico people fill a paper animal with sweets. Children close their eyes and hit the animal until the sweets fall out. Then everybody eats the sweets.

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Read the text again and do the exercise


To read and speak about food, fun, celebrations, you need the appropriate vocabulary.

Work with words

health – здоровье

wealth – здоровье

happiness – счастье

Chinese New Year – Китайский Новый год

bring luck – приносить удачу

colourful street parades – красочные уличные парады

fish dishes – рыбные блюда

sesame seed balls – кунжутные шарики

chicken wings – куриные крылья

amazing – изумительный

independent – независимый

potato salad – картофельный салат


Read the text “Memories of May Day” and then check yourself.

I’ll never forget the May Day Festival we had every year when I was a little girl. On 1st May, everyone on our village used to celebrate the start of Spring with dancing, food and fun!

One of the things I liked best was the maypole dance. The children from my school made a circle around the maypole, and we covered the pole with pretty ribbons as we danced around it.

After the dancing we always had delicious food. There was a huge buffet in the village hall, with mountains of sandwiches, cakes and biscuits. At the end of the day, there was never any food or drink left, because we were so hungry after all the dancing and party games.

Today, not many English villages celebrate May day in the traditional way we used to. I always had a great time though, and I feel happy when I remember that.

(This page has been downloaded from


Food Around The World

Around the world, people eat different food to stay healthy. What healthy food around the world do you know?
In Japan, people eat lots of rice, vegetables, and fish. This food has lots of fiber and vitamins. It doesn’t have much fat.

 Many people in Asia use chopsticks to cook and eat food. Chopsticks were invented in China about 5,000 years ago

In countries near the Mediterranean Sea, people eat lots of bread, salad, and fruit. They use olive oil and tomatoes for making salads and for cooking. Scientists think that olive oil and tomatoes help people to stay healthy.
In Peru and Bolivia, people eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Some people eat rice or quinoa seeds with meat and potatoes. Quinoa has lots of proteins, fiber, and iron.

(Text from Oxford Read and Discover)


Read the text again and do the exercise(*Відповіді на питання відкритого типу додай до Google-документу)

1 What is the most popular food in your country?
2 Which food from your country is healthy?
3 Which food from your country is unhealthy?

MultiEnglish ( 6th grade ) by Julia Rakusa -



Countable nouns are for things we can count using numbers. They have a singular and a plural form. The singular form can use the determiner “a” or “an”. If you want to ask about the quantity of a countable noun, you ask “How many?” combined with the plural countable noun.

one cat
two cats
one pig
three pigs
one man
five men
one thing
six things
one candy
many candies



  • She has three cats.

  • I own a house.

  • I would like three books please.

  • How many friends do you have?




Uncountable nouns are for the things that we cannot count with numbers. They may be the names for abstract ideas or qualities or for physical objects that are too small or too amorphous to be counted (liquids, powders, gases, etc.). Uncountable nouns are used with a singular verb. They usually do not have a plural form.

  • coffe
  • sugar
  • salt
  • water
  • air
  • rice
  • knowledge
  • beauty
  • anger
  • fear
  • love
  • money
  • research
  • safety
  • advice

We cannot use a/an with these nouns. To express a quantity of an uncountable noun, use a word or expression like some, a lot of, much, a bit of, a great deal of , or else use an exact measurement like a cup of, a bag of, 1kg of, 1L of, a handful of, a pinch of, an hour of, a day of. If you want to ask about the quantity of an uncountable noun, you ask “How much?”


  • There has been a lot of research into the causes of this disease.
  • He gave me a great deal of advice before my interview.
  • Can you give me some information about uncountable nouns?
  • He did not have much sugar left.
  • Measure 1 cup of water, 300g of flour, and 1 teaspoon of salt.
  • How much rice do you want?

PIT FALLS (Подводные камни)

Some nouns are countable in other languages but uncountable in English. They must follow the rules for uncountable nouns. The most common ones are:
accommodation, advice, baggage, behavior, bread, furniture, information, luggage, news, progress, traffic, travel, trouble, weather, work


  • I would like to give you some advice.
  • How much bread should I bring?
  • I didn’t make much progress today.
  • This looks like a lot of trouble to me.
  • We did an hour of work yesterday.



Now, train your skills

The exercise was done by Наталья Чертопрудова (


A quantifier, as its name implies, expresses quantity. Quantifiers can be a single word or a phrase and are used with nouns.

They can be used with either a countable or an uncountable noun to express amount or quantity.

• some + plural nouns or uncountable singular forms. ( has an affirmative meaning)

• any + plural nouns or uncountable singular forms. ( is used with negative sentences and questions.

• much + plural nouns

• a lot of + uncountable or plural nouns( is more usual in affirmative sentences)

• a little + singular uncountable nouns ( has a positive meaning)

• a few + plurals ( has a positive meaning.)

• no + zero quantity ( no = not any)


Work with words


Now,train your skills


Check yourself


MultiEnglish ( 6th grade ) by Julia Rakusa -

Small Talk

Answer the questions

(*Запиши відповідь за допомогою мікрофона та відправь мені на пошту)

1. Do you follow your health? Do you follow what you eat?

2. Would you say that you have a balanced healthy diet and how can you improve it?

3. Count your favorite fruit and vegetables.

4. What do you usually eat in the morning?

5. What is the traditional dish for your family?


Solve the puzzle and express your attitude to such food.

(*Запиши відповідь за допомогою мікрофона та відправь мені на пошту)

preview48piece продуктов питания

What do you think about this food?

preview81 pieceFood2


Watch the interactive  video and do all quizzes




The exercise was done by Елена Шелякина(

Listen to the text “Watermelon Thump”and do the exercise below


Task. Tell us about your eating habits answering the questions

* Відповідаючи на питання (1-7), опишіть свої звички в їжі

(*Запиши відповідь за допомогою мікрофона та відправь мені на пошту)

1. At what time do you eat the main dishes of the day?

2. Do you eat regularly?

3. What do you often eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

4. What kind of food do you hate?

5. What is your favorite food?

6. How often do you eat in restaurants?

7. What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?




MultiEnglish ( 6th grade ) by Julia Rakusa -

Writing(an article about a festival which you attended)

First,answer the questions

1 Which festival are you going to write about?

2 When/Where did it take place?

3 What was the reason for celebrating the festival?

4 What activities did you/other people take part in?

5 What food did people make?

6 How do you feel about that festival?


Then read plan


(Para1) name/date/place/ reason

Main Body

(Para 2) activities

(Para 3) food


(Para 4) feelings about festival


Read the letter about family. Then use this example to write your letter. Copy your letter to Google-doc.

(*Напиши письмо про фестиваль, який ти відвідав (хочеш відвідати) та розкажи про їжу на цьому фестивалі. Додай письмо до документа на гугл-диску)

May Day Festival

    I’ll never forget the May Day Festival we had every year when I was a little girl. On 1st May, everyone in our village used to celebrate the start of Spring with dancing, food and fun!
One of the things I liked best was the maypole dance. The children from my school made a circle around the maypole, and we covered the pole with pretty ribbons as we danced around it.
After the dancing we always had delicious food. There was a huge buffet in the village hall, with mountains of sandwiches, cakes and biscuits. At the end of the day, there was never any food or drink left, because we were so hungry after all the dancing and party games.
Today, not many English villages celebrate May Day in the traditional way we used to. I always had a great time though, and I feel happy when I remember that.



Favourite food

What I like about cheese,
is that you can put it on veggies,
and it tastes,
Mmm mmm so good

I like to talk about food,
‘Cuz it’s my favorite thing to do,
Every treat from yellow to blue,
red to greenso lets all sing!

Tell me all about your favorite foods,
(Mine is pizza!)
And I like hamburgerstoo.
I’ll eat ice-cream cake,
till my tummy aches
But then here’s what I’ll do,
Here is what I’ll do,
Share some of mine with you.
(Ooohhin my tummy)
(Ooohhyummy yummy)
All of my favorite foods
(Ooohhin my tummy)
(Ooohhyummy yummy)

WellI like noodles in a bowl,
Chicken nuggets make me lose control,
‘Cause they taste
Mmmmmmso good



MultiEnglish ( 6th grade ) by Julia Rakusa -
MultiEnglish ( 6th grade ) by Julia Rakusa -

Shopping is a great way to communicate with lots of different people, and it really helps to improve your level of English! Every person sometimes goes shopping. So, you should know the shopping words!


shop(s) customer(s) cashier(s)
Shop(s) Customer(s) Cashier(s)
Men=wallet(s) Women=purse(s) scale(s) till(s)
Wallet(s) (m)
Purse(s) (f)
Scales Till(s)
shelf(shelves) aisle(s) barcode(s)
Shelf Shelves Barcode(s)
trolley(trollies) lift bag(s)
Trolley(s) Lift(s) Bag(s)
basket(s) changing room(s) escalator
Basket(s) Changing Room(s) Escalator(s)

Ways to pay

cheque(s) cash banknote(s)
Cheque(s) Cash Note(s)
coin(s) credit or debit card(s)
Coin(s) Credit card(s)
Debit card(s)


Useful Vocabulary

cash box
cash machine
bank(s) cash box(es) cash machine(s) / ATM(s)
cheque book
cheque book(s)
coin(s) note(s)
History of the piggy bank
piggy bank(s) poor purse(s)
rich safe(s) till(s)

$ = Dollar € = Euro
us money euro money
£ = Pound (Sterling) ¥ = Yen
pound money yen money


Now,train your skills

 This exercise was done by Людмила Шклярова (

Where to buy what

toiletries Chemist’s
ladies clothes Ladies Clothing Shop or Boutique
Mens clothes Mens Clothing Shop or Tailor’s
shoe(s) Shoe Shop or Cobbler’s
jewellery Jeweller’s
electrical goods Electrical Store
toy(s) Toy Shop or Toy Store
cd(s)/record(s) Record Shop
book(s) Book Shop
magazine(s) and newspaper(s) Newsagent’s
tool(s) Ironmonger’s
glasses Optician’s
sewing things Haberdasher’s
All or most of the above Department Store
meat Butcher’s
fish and seafood Fishmonger’s
fruit and veg Greengrocer’s
bread Baker’s
continental food Delicatessen
groceries Grocer’s
alcohol Off Licence
bouquet Florist’s
envelope(s) Post Office
All or most of the above Supermarket


Useful Shopping Phrases

Finding a Shop Opening Hours
  • Can you recommend a good toy/clothes shop?
  • Is there a chemists/supermarket in the area?
  • Where can I get toothpaste/pet food?
  • Where’s the nearest shopping centre?
  • There’s a really good bookshop just around the corner.
  • You can buy that here in the hotel.
  • The best toy shop is in the shopping centre.
  • The nearest one is a few miles away.
  • What time do you open, please?
  • What time do you close, please?
  • What are your opening hours?
  • Are you open all day?
  • Are you open on Sundays?
  • We’re open 24/7. (24 hours a day / 7 days a week)
  • We’re closed at lunchtime, between 12 and 2pm.
  • We’re open from 9am till 6pm, Monday to Friday.

Shopping for Clothes Paying
  • Could you help me, please?
  • Could you tell me where the ……………. department is?
  • Excuse me, I’m looking for a ………. .
  • Is there somewhere I can try this on, please?
  • Does it suit me?
  • Do you have this in a (larger/smaller size) (different colour), please?
  • Do you do alterations?
  • Do you have a refund policy?
  • Is this in the sale?
  • It’s too long / short.
  • It’s too tight / loose.
  • The ladies / gents changing rooms are over there.
  • You can bring it back and exchange it or get a refund within 2 weeks if you keep the receipt.
  • Do you take credit cards?
  • Do you give credit?
  • Do you have a loyalty card?
  • Does it have a warranty?
  • Can I pay by cheque?
  • Do you offer a cash discount?
  • Could I have a VAT receipt, please?
  • Could I leave my bags here and pick them up later?
  • We take all the major credit cards.
  • We only accept cheques with a cheque card.
  • We are offering 6 months free credit with no deposit.
  • Sorry, no.
  • Yes, certainly.


Now,train your skills.

Click here and play the game.

Now play another game.

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Now, train your skills

 This exercise was done by Ирина Туриченко (

Now, train your skills

 This exercise was done by Венера Гафиятуллина(

Now,train your skills


This exercise was done by oksana rakova (
MultiEnglish ( 6th grade ) by Julia Rakusa -

Going shopping is the part of our everyday life! Click the link and know the Smiths do the shopping! And then make tasks there.

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Now, train your skills


This exercise was done by lutik26(
MultiEnglish ( 6th grade ) by Julia Rakusa -



We use and, or and but to connect two parts of sentences which are similar in grammatical status.

Do you want chocolate, strawberry or vanilla? (joining words)
Amy’s dad is taking us on Saturday morning, and he’s offered to bring us home again on Sunday. (joining clauses)

We use and  for adding information, or for giving alternatives and but for unexpected or different information.

I’m OK for food, dance  and  music, and I’m having a wonderful time.
There’s a reggae band from Jamaica or a Russian electro-pop group on the other stage.
She’d like to go but she can’t.


There are a lot more conjunctions which we use to connect one clause with another clause.

For example: because, for giving reasons, so, for talking about results or purposes, and although, for unexpected or different information.

  • I’d like to see that Irish band, because Celtic music is pretty cool.(the second clause explains the reason Alfie wants to see the Irish band)
  • Although he doesn’t like camping, he goes to lots of music festivals.(the speaker thinks it’s unusual to go to music festivals if you don’t like camping)
  • We need to arrive early so (that) we can get a good place.(the second clause shows the purpose of the first clause; that is optional)

    Now watch the video about using conjunctions and try to understand


Now, listen to the song about conjunctions and try to understand


Now, train your skills



This exercise was done by Дарья Катефина (
MultiEnglish ( 6th grade ) by Julia Rakusa -


Now you are going to listen to small dialog between two people about buying presents. Click here, listen to the audio and check yourself



Watch the ineractive video and do all quizzes  


Small Talk

Make a sory aboyut shopping. The questions can help you. (*Запиши відповідь за допомогою мікрофона та відправь мені на пошту).

About you

  1. Do you enjoy shopping?
  2. Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes?
  3. What products do you prefer to shop online for?
  4. What do you buy for yourself?
  5. When do you go shopping?
  6. Name a shopping centre or department store in your town.
  7. Do you like going there? Why? / Why not?
  8. Do you like shopping there? Why? / Why not?
  9. Has it got a sale at the moment?
  10. Are things usually cheaper there than in the other shops in your town?
  11. When you go to the shopping centre, what do you usually buy?
MultiEnglish ( 6th grade ) by Julia Rakusa -

Watch the interactive video and do all quizzes  


Writing(a story about buying things)

Prepare to write – A story
GET READY Read the story on the next page. Find  these words in the story:
after that, after (two weeks), (six days) later, finally
PLAN Imagine you tried to buy something online and there was a problem.
Read the questions and make notes.
1 What did you want to buy? Describe it and say why you liked it.
2 How did you buy it? Did you use a credit card? Whose card did you use?
3 How long did it take to come?
4 What happened when it arrived? What was wrong with it?
5 What did you do?
6 What was the end of the story?
to and
WRITE Write your story in about 50 words.(Copy your story to Google-doc.)

Try to link the events in your story with after, after that, later
and finally. Start with these words:
I wanted to buy a
so I looked on the internet. I found one on this fantastic website and

MultiEnglish ( 6th grade ) by Julia Rakusa -
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