1. Introducing the topic
Look at the pictures. What historical events they can be related to?
– So what is the subject of our lesson?
– Today we’ll have an unusual lesson: we’ll make travelling in time, revise history of Kyivan Rus, practice our listening, speaking and writing skills, we act it in pairs, ask and answer about historical landmarks and main dates of our capital .
2. Listening
Listen and put the names of the people and events onto the timetable.
In the 12th century, feudal conflicts split Kyivan Rus into 15principalitiesand lands
In 882, Prince Oleh the Seer defeated the Kyiv Princes Askold and Dir and brought the Slavic tribesof Eastern Europe together.
In the 8th and 9th centuries Kyivan Rus expanded and developed, and later became one of the target and mightiest of medieval powers. It stretched from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south and from the headwaters of the Vistula in the west to the Taman Peninsula in the east.
In 1240.Tatar Mongols captured Kyiv
In 988 Prince Volodymyr accepted Orthodox Christianity as the religion of his lands.
In 913, After Oleh’s death, Ihor and his wife Princess Olha joined the Drevlyans’ land to Kyivan Rus. After Igor’s death, Olha ruled Kyivan Rus as regent on behalf of their son Svyatoslav. As revenge, Princess Olha burnt the town of Iskorosten to ashes.
In the 11th century Kievan Rus’ reached its greatest extent under Yaroslav the Wise
3. Relaxation
Good work! Let’s have a rest. Stand up, pleaseand do my commands.
If you are patriots and love Ukraine,
Clap your hands! (twice)
If you’re happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you are patriots and love Ukraine,
Stamp your feet! (twice)
If you’re happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you are patriots and love Ukraine,
Shout “Hurray”! (twice)
If you’re happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
4. Reading
Read the text and put the paragraphs in historical order. Start with the earliest.
In the 12th century, feudal conflicts split Kyivan Rus into 15 principalities and lands
In 882, PrinceOleh the Seer defeated the Kyiv Princes Askold and Dir and brought the Slavic tribes of Eastern Europe together.
In the 8th and 9th centuries Kyivan Rus expanded and developed, and later became one of the target and mightiest of medieval powers. It stretched from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south and from the headwaters of the Vistula in the west to the Taman Peninsula in the east.
In 1240 Tatar Mongols captured Kyiv
In 988 Prince Volodymyr accepted Orthodox Christianity as the religion of his lands.
In 913, After Oleh’s death, Ihor and his wife Princess Olha joined the Drevlyans’ land to Kyivan Rus. After Igor’s death, Olha ruled Kyivan Rus as regent on behalf of their son Svyatoslav. As revenge, Princess Olha burnt the town of Iskorosten to ashes.
In the 11th century Kievan Rus’ reached its greatest extent under Yaroslav the Wise
5. Task «Match the words in bold to their definitions»
a) Groups of people who live together and have a traditional way of life
b) Superior power or strength; force:
c) To break into parts or groups
d) To exact punishment or expiation for a wrong on behalf of, especially ina resentful or vindictive spirit
e) A place ruled by a prince
f) To have lost in a fight or competition
6. Speaking
Role play.«Excursion in Kiev. Tourists and Guide»
– We are going to practice role play today. Imagine that you are in tour. One of group will be a tour guides, another – foreign tourists.
Tour guides. You are going to show your town. You should prepare speech and then give a guided tour. Be prepared to answer the tourists’ questions! Also you can use the map of Kyiv and show places of interest of your tour.
Foreign tourists.You are asking the questions about
the founder of city
history or legends
places of interest
Use the words from the box
Published: Apr 19, 2018
Latest Revision: Apr 19, 2018
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