The Gray Fox

by moo the mloo
- Joined Apr 2018
- Published Books 1
Copyright © 2018
The story begins with a man named Thon Fox. Thon lived in a sleepy town in the U.S in 1932. When Thon celebrated his 18 birthday, his father, Roy, invited him to sail in his fishing boat. Thon and Roy went to a sail in the Atlantic ocean. Three days after they went on their fishing trip, they were trapped in a big storm. Due to the storm, they ran out of food. Thon fish for food but his father didn’t eat the fish because he wanted that Thon will survive. Eventually, Roy starves to death. A day after his father’s death, the boat drifted to a Mexican island named Cozumel.
At Cozumel, he escaped to the forest and there he met a Mexican tribe. The tribe accepted Thon to the tribe. When Thon was 27 years old, he was the best warrior of the tribe. One day, Thon went to the river, he heard something from the bushes. That was a wounded fox. He never saws a fox like that on the island. He went to the fox and wanted to bring him to the tribe, but suddenly, the fox bites him. “The destiny chose you,” the fox said, “use it smartly”. When Thon looked to the river he saw his reflection and it was furry and strange.
Due to his change, the tribe banished Thon and he moved to live alone in the forest. During his time in the forest, Thon trained with his new powers. He had a gray fur all over his body, sharp teeth that can break rocks, he can to smell things from kilometers, his claws can slash steel and his strength grew twenty-fold. Three years later, Thon discovered a new city in the center of the island. When Thon reached the city, the people scared of him and even tried to shoot him, but with his new superpowers, he escaped the bullets and even cut one of them in half.
Thon told the people that he’s friendly and just want a place to live. The people of the city saw him as a threat but they could not banish him from the city. Thon got a new name from those people, “the Gray Fox”. Six months after Thon’s arrival to the city, he was attacked by an army of British.
The British army was six times bigger from the city’s men, but Thon wanted to help the city. With his superpowers, they won the British. After the victory, the city’s peoples saw that Thon is their guardian angel.
Published: Apr 16, 2018
Latest Revision: Apr 16, 2018
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-462108
Copyright © 2018

The best book I read
tha graetest book in tha word
This is the worst grammar I ever saw