THE NOUGHTY STUDENTS AGAINNST ENGLISH BEAST by mohamad seeed younis - Illustrated by google photose  -
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Artwork: google photose

  • Joined Mar 2018
  • Published Books 1
Chapter 1:at the class (Abed’s edition)

English lesson was the most hatted lesson ever, most students hates it because the teacher is pretty loudmouth and boring, so we were shouting each other when he turn his face to the board, eating our food(a big loaf of bread for example) and chewing gum and bleating but we were angles when he turn to us with his “Medoza’s face- a monster from Greece’s myth” ,and don’t forget that he had a woody stick for beating naughty students, he was beating students hardly if they are so rowdy or annoying .

I was about to fall asleep because of boredom, and I would take a big risk and a big mistake either but luckily my seat neighbor  Mohamad knocked me and  waked me up right at the suitable time before I just get killed by the English teacher.


this is the teacher

“ring ting” the bell of mercy has rang after an hour of  torture, finally its the lunch time , I toke mu lunch that I couldn’t eat at the English dump lesson then I went to the yard where I meet my class neighbor Mohamad as usual, but suddenly I saw him running in an unusual way or even like someone who had a trouble with some beasts, he stood beside me and took a deep breath then he said to me:

_oh my god !,hi Abed, I’ve got rebuffed by that “Medoza’s face” because I didn’t write my lesson.

_Ha haha ,what do you mean by “Medoza’s face”? (I asked in a ridicule way)

_you know, that loudmouth alien, “Jhone sena” with the woody stick in his hand yelling all the day around.

_oh, you mean mister “fady” worst English teacher ever seen in this school.

_yeah and in additional of that , the sport teacher is absent and “Jhone Sena” will teach us instead.

_ yay I like “Jhone Sena”, and he is my favorite wrestler.

_wake up dode !, I am talking about the English teacher.

THE NOUGHTY STUDENTS AGAINNST ENGLISH BEAST by mohamad seeed younis - Illustrated by google photose  -
chapter tow: our punishment (Mohamad saed younis edition)

I got into the class and our hearts was full of sorrow and vindictiveness as well, I started being on fire because of this teacher

and there he is my neighbor ” Mohamad” is building a paper rocket launchers to explode that teacher and the dumper is the nuke charm on the launcher, I tried to calm him down but he was soo pissed, that rebuff had stuck  in his mind like his gums onto  the teacher’s chair. the teacher didn’t notice the pink smudge of gum on his pants but the student did,  then here we go ,the entire class started laughing out loud with no resistance, that mess was such the nuclear explosion  , in that moment the teacher couldn’t calm down the class, then in that while Mohamad pulled me out the class and without the teacher  feel as well as “James Bond” .


we stood nearby the class’s door , then he said me :

listen the rocket paper is almost done now all what i need is an iron oxide and some Aluminum.

_ yo professor of chemistry what the hell is that ?

_listen closely ; search for some rusted iron and give it to me, ok?

_what will you do ?

_ hahahaa, when you combine aluminum with iron oxide or “rusted iron” it will generate a heat that it is more than three thousands degree wich is enough to burn this teacher’s face.

_ok ! hell yeah , I have a rusted nails in my bag and an aluminum paper of my sandwich , sounds good?

_hell yeah, the rocket’s engine is soo ready dode!, make the teacher busy while I am making the interaction at the broad head .

_roger that professor, and lets send I’m to hell.


THE NOUGHTY STUDENTS AGAINNST ENGLISH BEAST by mohamad seeed younis - Illustrated by google photose  -
THE NOUGHTY STUDENTS AGAINNST ENGLISH BEAST by mohamad seeed younis - Illustrated by google photose  -

Thank god we got back into the class alive and that teacher still busy! ,now we will be into a deep trouble with the police because “Mohamad” is the best of chemical combinations and he have almost the best marks of chemistry.

The tyrant teacher finally put off the fire of laughers and some the student who laughed where a brave victims under the fist of this stiff teacher, I need to make that teacher busy till my neighbor finish the rocket, I was asking him some silly question to make him open his bore barrel at his mouth, hours and hours past but the stupid teacher didn’t notice my dear professor making his last touch on the rocket launcher.

and suddenly this teacher asked my friend a question to make him embarrassed in front of the class, luckily he is a professor and he answered as proper, after he finished answering the teacher, teacher said  him :

finally you are a good dog, ops  boy i mean.


Mohamad’s face was reed as beet or tomatoes ,he smiled a little bit and said in hoarse  voice :

you calling me a dog after I was a good student , well ,stand by for my anger

_what will you do?

_I will burn you up with my magical paper rocket .

_ Rocket ?

then Mohamad suddenly picked up a ” papered RPG7 ” rocket launcher and then he strongly pulled the trigger , the mist when the rocket has shot and the  interaction was sparkling; after the explosion is gone the teacher’s face wasn’t sparkling as interaction that Mohamad made, its now as black as the charcoal, also the teacher is fainted now.

At the end of all , all the class has ran out the school happily, in the to of them me and Mohamad, he knocked my shoulder and said: lets celebrate with some ice cream with some café  bro, all on own. then I shouted :hell yeah bro !.

The End !

THE NOUGHTY STUDENTS AGAINNST ENGLISH BEAST by mohamad seeed younis - Illustrated by google photose  -
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