The Shnitzel that wanted to fly

by Mang Mang

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The Shnitzel that wanted to fly

  • Joined Mar 2018
  • Published Books 2

Once upon a time, there was a flying shnitzel, his name was Shnitzel.

He loved to play video games, and his favourite game was Fortnite.

Shnitzel was one of the best players in Fortnite history.

תוצאת תמונה עבור ‪fortnite‬‏


After he won the biggest tournament in fortnite,

he got 100,000 VBucks as prize.

He thought he can do anything!

תמונה קשורה


After he defeated Ninja in the last battle at the tournament, he started to think:

“Can I fly?”

At the exact time there was a new update in the game.

תמונה קשורה <— This is Ninja



“Hey, new update! what’s new at the game?” he said.

His biggest enemy, the flying spaghetti monster, uploaded a new video about the update before him!

He decided to see the video, and saw that there’s new thing in the game, Llama!

תוצאת תמונה עבור ‪flying spaghetti monster‬‏תוצאת תמונה עבור ‪llama fortnite‬‏


The Llama was a “legendery” thing in the game, only 3 of it in the whole map every game!

Shnitzel started to play alot.

After 5 days, he finally found it!

תמונה קשורה



He opened the Llama, and he didn’t belive what he saw!

There was wings, and a gun that’s shooting Tropit Bustan.

תוצאת תמונה עבור ‪fortnite wings‬‏תוצאת תמונה עבור טרופית בוסתן

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