The Tallest Man in the world
Robert Pershing Wadlow is the tallest man in the world. He was born to Addie Johnson and Harold Wadlow in Alton, Illinois. He was born on February 22nd 1918 and he passed away on july 15th 1940 when he was only 22 years old. His length was 2.72 meters!
He had 4 more brothers and sisters and the was the oldest from them. In addition he was taller than his father by the age of 8, and in elementary school they had to make a special desk for him becuse of his size.
Personal Blog
Hello, my name is Robert Pershing Wadlow and I’m the Tallest man in the world.
From the begining I knew I wasn’t normal, when I was eight years old I was taller than my dad.
Because I’m a very tall man it is not easy to be me, allways when i’m walking I hit my head from the ceiling or the door and then my head hurts. In addition it is very uncomfortable to wear shoes because people make special shoes for me and I need a special delivery so it takes long time to get them. And after all this I dont have a bed, people make me a special bed.
Thanks for listening!
Maxim and Roy: Hello Robert it is very nice to meet you!
robert: Thank You It is very pleasing to talk to you!
Maxim and Roy: No problen actually thank you for letting us interview you!
Maxim and Roy: so first question: are you excited to be the tallest man in the world?
Robert: Well It is a great feeling so ill say yes.
Maxim and Roy: Do you like being tall?
Robert: Well being tall has pros and cons: the pros are it is nice because your’e individual but the cons are you allways hit your head and then your head hurts.
Maxim and Roy: ok and last question: do you have something to say about people who want to be special?
Robert: dont stop beliveing and follow your dreams!
Maxim and Roy: Ok thank you for the interview and good bye!
Robert: Good Bye!
Published: Mar 15, 2018
Latest Revision: Apr 6, 2018
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-447740
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