Rencontre avec le Géant du désert

by Olivier Jost
Artwork: Tobiana's Mask in Ezuz
- Joined Feb 2014
- Published Books 20
Copyright © 2014
Meeting with the Giant of the desert
“Key and Gold” are two angels.
They met a Giant in the desert.
He is sleeping from morning till night.
No, actually he’s not sleeping… the Giant has no heart.

In search of lost heart
“Key and Gold” meet the Goddess of the corner.
She gives them a path to follow …
the H track

The H path.
Along the way “Key and Gold” are lost.
Is the Goddess of the corner a liar?
Does the night in the desert also falls?
Fortunately there is Pistaccio, the third eye.
He gives them a little boost.

A little boost for the road
Pistaccio has led “Key and Gold” to the feet of Ben Minir who had none.
Ben Minir is the son of Minir, the guardian of the world tree.
Looking for the heart of the giant? said Ben Minir
Yes sir
Call me Ben
Yes Ben
No, call “TouTou Ben”, my dog
TouTou Ben

TouTou Ben (with a Portuguese accent)
Unfortunately the dog’s head is in the bucket and dream to leave it
as soon as possible.
Will Odin dare to help them?

Odin’s ode
Neither the goddess of the corner nor Pistaccio , the third eye,
neither the son of Minir, ben Minir, nor his dog, Toutou Ben
helped you to found the heart of the giant, this is my song:
I ask my little finger,
for him to tell me the place
but he remains silent, as a carp as the good god.
Life is a labirynthe, you’ll fly without fear, in a cloud you’ll transform and the heart will be yours.

Mission Accomplished
They found the heart of the Giant in the middle of a labirynthe of stones.
But this heart identified perfectly loved, was petrified in stone for eternity.
Could “Key and Gold” read the Rongorongo epitaph?

“Gold ” starts channeling Rongorongo,
he claims that the Lemurs symbols are not to be tranlated but
are full of intentions that you just have to capture.
However, only an angel’s heart enough
pure can dare to finally translate the most taboo language
and yet always secret.
“Key” says that the Lemur symbols look like Polynesian symbols.
But he knows nothing, he said, and it feels good.

Mon cœur pétrifié, libère en ce jour, les pouvoirs de toutes les femmes.
My petrified heart, releases this day, the powers of all women.
Le voile de la mort est aujourd’hui, maintenant, en ce jour brûlé par le soleil.
The veil of death is today, now, this day, sunburned.
Ô Lune reprend ton pouvoir, nourris-toi de nouveau de nos soins bienveillants.
Ô Moon shows your power, fed up again our compassion care.
La réalité est une danse, la réalité est une danse.
The reality is a dance, reality is a dance.
Si les poissons se cachent du soleil c’est pour nourrir la lune .
If the fish are hiding from the sun, it is to feed the moon.
Le cercle des femmes, chargés des pouvoirs de guérison, a été enterré ici.
The circle of women, laden with healing powers, was buried here.
Mon cœur pétrifié est le garant de leur puissance.
My petrified heart is the guarantor of their power.
En ce jour à venir, le premier descendant du peuple des Zé,
le géant sorti du volcan, a enterré ici le pouvoir du cercle des femmes.
On this day to come, the first descendant of the people of Zé,
the giant out of the volcano,
buried here the power of the circle of women.
Demain, aujourd’hui, dès maintenant, ce pouvoir, va sortir des tréfonds du désert créé par les hommes et réintégrer les couches vivantes du cinquième monde.
Tomorrow, today, now, this power will emerge from the depths of the desert created by men and reinstate the living layers of the fifth world.
L’amour, pur comme l’eau des roches souterraines, est la seule issue et trouvera sa voie.
Love, like pure water from underground rocks is the only way and find his way.
L’homme, tombé de haut, réintègrera la puissance féminine pour le nouveau monde.
The man fell from above, reinstate the feminine power to the new world.
L’étoile brillera encore. L’esprit libre prendra soin du clan des Salamandres.
The star will shine again. Free Spirit will take care of Salamanders clan.
Nul ne pourra plus les séparer.
No longer be separated.
En l’Homme règnera une femme intérieure, douce et puissante, en la femme régnera un homme intérieur, doux et puissant.
In the man will reign an inner, soft and powerful woman and in the woman will reign a soft and powerfull inner man.
Ensemble et pourtant seuls, ils réaliseront la fusion des jumeaux originaux.
Together and yet alone, they realize the fusion of the original twins.
Le rayon de la création va pouvoir directement être employé pour le bien de tous.
The ray of the creation will be used directly for the good of all.
L’amour cristallisé pourra accueillir ce rayon et offrir au monde une lueur d’éternité.
Love crystallized will accept this ray and offer the world a glimpse of eternity.
Published: Mar 2, 2014
Latest Revision: Aug 21, 2014
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-4412
Copyright © 2014