I have a Birthday!

by Avigail

Artwork: Avigail Weksler

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I have a Birthday!


Artwork: Avigail Weksler

  • Joined Jan 2018
  • Published Books 2

Danny Woke up in the morning and said:

“Hurray! I have a birthday today!”


I have a Birthday! by Avigail - Illustrated by Avigail Weksler - Ourboox.com

Danny ran to his mother and said :

“Let’s bake a cake and invite all my friends!”


I have a Birthday! by Avigail - Illustrated by Avigail Weksler - Ourboox.com

Mother said:

“Danny, you have to go to school today!”

I have a Birthday! by Avigail - Illustrated by Avigail Weksler - Ourboox.com

Danny was so sad because he did not want to go to school on his birthday.


I have a Birthday! by Avigail - Illustrated by Avigail Weksler - Ourboox.com

Danny said to mother that his birthday present will be to stay home.

I have a Birthday! by Avigail - Illustrated by Avigail Weksler - Ourboox.com



Danny stayed home and baked a cake with his mother. 

I have a Birthday! by Avigail - Illustrated by Avigail Weksler - Ourboox.com

After the cake was ready, Danny and his mother prepared

the birthday party! 

Danny said “Thank you, mother! I am so happy!”

I have a Birthday! by Avigail - Illustrated by Avigail Weksler - Ourboox.com


Danny’s friends came from school! what a surprise!

So, the party started and they had so much fun!

I have a Birthday! by Avigail - Illustrated by Avigail Weksler - Ourboox.com

The End

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