Legend of Maiden Tower

by Hecer Abdurzaqova

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Legend of Maiden Tower

  • Joined Jan 2018
  • Published Books 7
Legend of Maiden Tower by Hecer Abdurzaqova - Ourboox.com

                                             The legend of the fiery-haired girl

Once upon a time, there was an ancient town-fortress of Baku. The fortress had a Fire Temple-Tower. In very ancient times, an enemy encircled the fortress. The enemy ordered Baku’s people to surrender but they refused. So the enemy launched a siege to demolish the fortress and capture all inhabitants as slaves. Many fortress’ defenders died trying to stop enemy attacks. Meanwhile, the enemy’s commander ordered the water supply lines to be cut. So everybody was thirsty inside the fortress. No water no food, only blood and death. And the Supreme Magi, together with other priests, prayed to the Holy Fire in the fortress’ Fire Temple-Tower, asking the God of Ahura Mazda to help the people. They prayed day and night asking Ahura Mazda to save their life and to push the enemy back. Finally, he heard their prayers. On the next day, the people saw that a large piece of the Holy Fire fell down from the top of the Fire Temple-Tower. A beautiful girl came out from the fire. She had long fire-colored hair.

                                           The legend of the fiery-haired girl


                                         The legend of the fiery-haired girl


The crowd went down on their knees and started to pray to her. She said: “Don’t worry. I’ll help and protect you. Give me a sword and a helmet. The enemy should not see my girl’s hair, open a fortress’ gate”. Meanwhile, the enemy’s commander was waiting outside for the fortress’ pahlevan for one-to-one combat. If the fortress’ pahlevan had won the fight, then the enemy’s army would back away. But if the enemy won, they would capture the fortress and all surviving inhabitants would be slaves. The fortress’ gate was opened and the enemy’s commander saw that one pahlevan was coming to fight him. The heavy battle began. In one of God’s blessed moments, the fortress’ pahlevan unhorsed the enemy and put a knife direct to his neck. The enemy’s commander screamed: “You win! Who are you? Take your helmet off. I want to see your face, pahlevan!” He took off the helmet and saw that the fortress’ pahlevan was a beautiful girl with long fire-colored hair. He exclaimed: “Oh, you are a girl! You are brave and beautiful girl! If girls of Baku are so brave, I’ll never capture your fortress! Don’t kill me, beauty!” He fell in love with her for her beauty and bravery. He asked her to marry him. Of course, the girl did not kill him. She fell in love with him too for his open heart. Thus, the enemy did not capture Baku and the local people named a tower as the Maiden tower

Legend of Maiden Tower by Hecer Abdurzaqova - Ourboox.com
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