The alternative endding
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Mr. Know All alternative ending.


Artwork: Tomer Barzilai, Assaf Barbash, Yonathan Webman.

  • Joined Feb 2018
  • Published Books 2

Mr. Ramsay just saw his wife slipping the envelope under Mr. Kelada’s room door, “What are you doing?” asked Mr. Ramsay, “I am returning Mr. Kelada’s money to him” she replied, Mr Ramsay asked angrily: “Why are you doing that?” “Because the pearls are real! Mr. Kelada lied to you!” she exclaimed. Mr. Ramsay’s face turned red as he yelled: “How did you get those pearls?! and why Kelada lie anyway?!”. Mr. Ramsay grabbed his wife and dragged into their room. he repeated his question, “Kelada tried to cover up my affair” Mrs. Ramsay answered, ” how dare you cheat on me while i work days and nights for you!” Shouted Mr. Ramsay. He slapped Her, she started crying. He continued shouting her, and at a moments notice she made a fatal decision, she took of her necklace and strangled him until his face turned white and he stopped moving.


The door suddendly opened, the doctor entered into the room. “What happened here, darling?” asked the doctor confused, “We got into a fight, my love, i… i don’t know what happened to him…” the doctor rushed to check his beat, “he… he is dead” said the doctor. “We can’t let it be discovered” said Mrs. Ramsay, “What can we do?” asked the doctor, “I have an idea” said the recently-widowed lady. Mrs. Ramsay and the doctor sneaked into our room in the evening, while everyone were in the dining room, they hid the body under Kelada’s bed.


when we got back to the room i noticed a strong stench, similar to the smell dead bodies in the trenches. Mr. Kelada looked under his bed and there he found him, Mr. Ramsay lying dead. When Kelada told it to me his dark face turned almost completely white. the rumor spread through the ship like fire, soon everyone was talking about the case of Mr. Ramsay. Everyone suspected that Mr. Kelada was the perpetrator because of the humiliation of Kelada after the bet. but when i looked at the body i saw weird markings around the neck of Mr. Ramsay, and then i understood… those were made by the pearl necklace! then rushed to help clear Kelada’s name.

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