Living legends

by Hecer Abdurzaqova

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Living legends

  • Joined Jan 2018
  • Published Books 7

                                                        eTwinning project – Living legends

As a  genre our folklore legends have an ancient history.  Everything has a legend or a story about its etiology and formation. These legends have traces in our literature, our history, our everyday life as well. Legends cover a number of topics. In this project of ours students of the participating countries will explore legends about their formation  and make presentations regarding to historic places, cities, animals, birds, flowers, place names, etc. Using new Web 2.0 tools to get acquainted with new learning techniques will be an essential part of the target project.


Students will share legends and stories about their native cities, palaces, fortresses and historical sites of their own countries. They will present their photos on Web 2.0 tools. Thus, they will introduce their literature and culture. They will also gain new knowledge by learning about other cultures.

The main goals of the project are:

  • To create interest in folklore
  • To improve students’ cooperation and collaboartion
  • To enhance technological knowledge
  • Acquaintance with different cultures
  • To develop students’ research skills


Living legends by Hecer Abdurzaqova -

Project will be implemented from 01.10.2017 up to 01.06. 2018. Online meetings will be organized and exchange of opinions will be made between the students of the partner schools. Every month they will show different presentations.


Living legends by Hecer Abdurzaqova -

We expect that this project will positively impact on the outlook of schoolchildren, which will increase interest in folklore and literature. Collaboration between the schools participating in the project will be enhanced. This project will have students gain knowledge in  literature, folklore and world culture.

Living legends by Hecer Abdurzaqova -
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