26 Haziran Ortaokulu- Ensar from Turkey/Lena from Italy

by Ferhat Şimşek

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26 Haziran Ortaokulu- Ensar from Turkey/Lena from Italy

  • Joined Jan 2018
  • Published Books 5
26 Haziran Ortaokulu- Ensar from Turkey/Lena from Italy by Ferhat Şimşek - Ourboox.com


Morgana has a special power such as to protect the environment to maintain clear the Earth

she represents the respect for the world.

She represents the four elements: water , land, fire and air . She has got a long red curly hair., she has got green eyes, her t -shirt is yellow like the sun. Her shorts are green water like the clear water. There is a mantle which represents the green amerald leaves, her shoes are made of white branches the leaves.

26 Haziran Ortaokulu- Ensar from Turkey/Lena from Italy by Ferhat Şimşek - Ourboox.com


It helps good people

It attacks bad people

ıt can climb walls and buıldıngs

It wears an durable out fıt against fire flood explosion etc

It spreads fishing rod with İts middle finger

It can catch big fish and share them with poor people.
It has got black fur shoes.
It has got the eyes of a bat and It has got a woolen cap

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