DIARY Of a pizza hater by Harel school - Ourboox.com
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DIARY Of a pizza hater

  • Joined Dec 2017
  • Published Books 49

So most of you guys like pizza, for me its like drinking spoiled milk.

You guys might think i’m crazy but i’m NOT!.

Last summer my mom ordered pizza, I was so excited but when I

tasted the pizza I felt like barfing. Luckily I had a glass of water

write beside me, so i drank for my life.

DIARY Of a pizza hater by Harel school - Ourboox.com

Okay, you guys are telling me now why don’t

you just order from a different pizza place.

That’s the last thing I will do, it’s supposed

to be the best in the country, so I guess

pizza is  gross. My mom said we where going to

eat pizza so I ordered noodles instead.


Today  my mom asked me if I wanted

to go to a camp? I agreed only so I won’t

have to eat pizza for the whole summer.

I was kinda sad that I won’t be home, but

trust me its better then eating pizza the

whole summer.

When I got to camp I was so excited,

I made sure to get a good tent.


Image result for camp sites


The camp site was beautiful I was sure

I was gonna have a good time at camp.

But my mom tricked me, she didn’t say

anything about PIZZA!!!

But it was to late the bus already left.

I guess my mom was really sick of me

getting something else when all of

my family got stuck eating pizza.


I have to give props to my mom

for thinking about that plan to get me

to eat pizza for the whole summer.

Well she know’s I don’t like pizza

so I went on a streak.

I wont eat pizza the whole summer

cause that’s what they where serving the



Now I see the camp site like this.

No trees, no flower,no grass,

one big tent for everyone to share,and

no showers.

It was bad that i couldn’t eat the

whole summer, but now no privacy.

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