my new ending to the story

by amit dagon
Artwork: amit dagon
- Joined Dec 2017
- Published Books 1
Copyright © 2017
After the truth about Joe revealed, Chris couldn’t take it anymore and decided to run away. He doesn’t want to talk or see his father ever again and he was very upset. At the morning everyone were worried and looking for Chris, who disappear.
suddenly heard a knock on the door.
Mother open the door but there wasn’t anyone out there, she looked down and saw a letter, she took him quickly and close the door.
Mother: Joe, Come here!
Keller: What is it?
Mother open the letter slowly and start reading it. “Dear family, I couldn’t deal with the truth, so I chose to leave and start a new life, decent life like I always want. Joe, you were my hero and I still refuse to believe that you are the one who responsible to the 21 pilot’s death. In my opinion, the only way you could make up for what you did is by paying for it. It was really hard for me to make this decision, but the cups will arrive to our home in a few hours, you can run away and live your life like nothing ever happened or you can stay till they come and pay for your mistake. I’m giving you the option to choose what kind of person you want to be, hope you will choose right, Chris.”
Keller: That kid is out of his mind! Unbelievable, cups? He want to send me to jail?? I am his father!
Mother: What we have done Joe? Our life is over now. I can’t make it alone, you can’t survive in jail. Larry is gone, Chris is gone, and no one left!
Joe: pack your things Kate, we’re living. This is madness, I will never let to one mistake to ruin my all life and to ruin my family.
someone knocked on the door and mother open it slowly, but in the moment she saw who stand there she was completely shocked that she lost her consciousness. Joe comes fast to the front door to see what’s going on.
Keller: Am i dreaming? I can’t believe (he starts to scream).
Larry: I’m sorry that I’m surprising you like this. Hey mother wake up it’s me everything is okay.
Mother:Where have you been all this time? We hoped you will back every single day. We almost thought you dead, and you never coming back. But i knew you’re alive! I felt it! (she huges him and cry).
Larry: Mom. Dad. Sit dawn please I have to talk to you, before it will be too late. Listen, I was alive all that time, actually I lived my life, just in a different place, alone. I did it because I heard about you dad, about what you have done. From that moment I couldn’t looked at you again, I couldn’t pretend to be your son anymore. It was very hard for me to accept the fact that you both where responsible for the death of 21 poor pilots, and worst of it you both hide it and lie about it. So I made a decision to walk away, I hoped that if I will gone you would feel the way those families feels after you took their sons. I heard now that the truth comes out and Chris find out about what you’ve done and run away, like I did. Running away is not a solution and I realize that now, you can’t solve your problems by avoiding them.
Keller: Larry I don’t know what to say. I thought I doing it for my family and I wrong, okay? No money in the world could ever fix what I’ve done. And for the first time I’m seeing it clearly. Let’s go to the police station and find Chris, I want to pay for my mistakes, and I’m sorry I didn’t do it till today.
Published: Dec 24, 2017
Latest Revision: Dec 24, 2017
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-398327
Copyright © 2017