Book of Gorby by Ido - Illustrated by Ido Appo -
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Book of Gorby


Artwork: Ido Appo

  • Joined Jun 2017
  • Published Books 1

This is the Book of Gorby.


if you read this book i suppose you firmly believe in Gorbyism.


Gorbyism is the state religion of shitpostia and it worship the being know as Gorby and his deeds and virtues.


“The Book of Gorby and by extension the whole of Gorbyism is the only thing keeping us united, even if not everyone firmly believes in it”


-Ido V. S. Appo, the Lord of Idodia, the Viscount of Gateria, the Earl of Sheronia replying to infinitians asking him why they should not secede and why the Church of Tibby Dobbs isnt a state religion alongside Gorbyism

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