Al-Haram Sharief in Jerusalem by sandy sabbah -
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Al-Haram Sharief in Jerusalem

  • Joined May 2017
  • Published Books 14

Dome of the chain

The Umayyad Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan ordered the building of this dome in 72 Ah691 AC

it islocated to the east of the dome of the rock


صورة ذات صلة


The Dome of Ascension   

     The Dome of Ascension was built in commemoration of Prophet Mohammad’s (PBUH) ascension to heaven (AL-Mi’raj)

 it was renovated by Prince Ezz Ad-dIN Ottoman bin Ali Az- Zanjabily, the Governor of jerusalem, during the Ayoubi King Al -Adel’s reign in 597 AH/1200 AC.

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                  The spirits Dome

This is a small octagonal dome located on the Dome of the Rock’s courtyard , The Dome was probable built during the 10th Century AC and was called the “Spirits Dome” because of its close location to a cave called the “Spirits Cave“.

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Mohammadiyah lodgee Dome/ Al-Khalili.

Mohammad Bek Hafez , Ottoman Governor of jerusalem, ordered the building of this dome in 1112 AH/1700 AC.

The dome is located to the northwest of the Rock. Today, the dome is used as an office for Al-Aqsa Mosque’s Construction Committee.


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Dome of Moses

This dome is located in the middle of the Moses Platform in the western courtyard of Ad-Aqsa Mosque.

It was built by the Ayoubi King Najm Ad-Din bin Al-Malk Al-Kamel in 647 AH/1250 AC as place of worship and a sanctuary for clergymen and imams.

The Dome is also famous by the name the “Dome of the Tree” because of its close location to a huge palm tree that stood next to it in the past.

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suleiman’s Dome

This dome is located in the northern part of Al-Aqsa Mosque to the southwest of the southwest of the Gate of Darkness.

it is  believed that it was first built during the Umayyad era.Itwas rebuilt and renovated during the Ayoubi era since it is similar in characteristics to the Ayoubi Dome of Ascension.

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Dome of Yusuf Agha

Yusuf Agha, an Ottoman governor of Jerusalem, built this dome to the west of Al-Qibly Mosque in 1092 AH/1681 AC.

Today, it is used as an information office of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

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Sultan Mahmud ll Dome / The lovers of the Prophet(PBUH)

The Ottoman Sultan Mahmud ll wanted  to Leave a landmark that commemorates him inside Al-Aqsa Mosque, thus.

He built this dome in the nothern  part of the mosque next to the Gate of Darkness in 1223 AH/808 AC.

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Yusuf’s Dome

The dome was built in 587 AH/1191 AC by the Ayoubi King Saladin; it was renovated in 1092 AH/1681 ACduring the Ottoman Era.

According to some historians it was named Yusuf Dome incommemoration of Prophet Yusuf 9PBUH).Others attribute the name to its founder Yusuf bin Ayoub, who is famous by the nickname Saladin.


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AL_khadr’S dome (Ottoman Era)

The small hexagonal dome was built in the 10th century AH on the Dome of the Rock Plateau next to the northwestern arched gate to mark the spot where Muslims believe a righteous man who was mentioned in chapter 18 of the Nople Qur’an Al_khadr (pbUH) used to pray to allah

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Grammarian Dome

King Iss Al-Moatham ordered building this dome’s basic structure in 604 AH/1207 AC and dedicated it to teaching Arabic language and grammar in particular.

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The prophets Dome And Niche 

The prophets Dome is an octagonal dome located northwest of the Dome of the rock. In 945 ah/1538-1539AC, Mohammad Bek, the governor of Gaza and Jerusalem during the ottoman sultan suleiman the Magnificents reign built a niche on this location to mark thw place where Muslims believe Porphet Mohammad (PBUH)led the prophets and angels in prayer at Al-Aqsa mosque on the night cf Al-Isra wa Al-Miraj.

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There are 15 gates leading to Al-Aqsa Mosque compoud,ten of which are open while the remaining five are



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Ablution Gate

This gate is located in the western corridor of al-Aqsa Mosque near the Cotton Merchants’ Gate which is close to the Dome of the Rock.



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The Gate of Bani Ghanim

The Gate is located in the northwest part of Al-Aqsa Mosque and was last renovated in 707 AH1308 AC

It is a relatively small gate named after the old city’s Bani Ghanim Quarter to which it leads . in the past, the Gate was called Al-khalil

(Hebron) Gate after Prophet  Ibrahim Al-khalil (PBUH)

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The Gate of Chain

The Gate of the Chain which was built during the Ayoubi era is one of Al-Aqsa Mosque’s main entrances.

It is located in the southern part of Al-Aqsa’s western wall .

The Ayoubis also renovated it in 600AH/1200AC.

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The Inspector Gate

The Inspector’s Gate is located in Al-Aqsa Mosque’s westem corridor to the south of Bani Ghanim’s Gate.

It was renovated in 600 AH/1203 AC by king Moathem sharaf Ad-Din.

It is a huge gate with a 4.5 meter high entrance.

The gate takes its name after the job of the Inspector of the tow Noble Mosques (Al-Aqsa   Mosque  and Al-Ibrahimi

Mosque) during the Mamluk Era.

It is believed that the Inspector’s residence was dose to this gate and that in why it was named after him

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The lron Gate

The lron Gate is located in the western corridor of Al-Aqsa Mosque between the Inspector’s Gate and the Cotton Merchant’s Gate; it was last renovated in 755-758 AH/1354-1357 AC. It is also called Aragun’s Gate after its renovator and founder of the Araguniyah School Prince Aragun Al-Kamili.


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Cotton Merchant’s Gate 

The Mamluk Sultan Mohammad bin Qaloun built the Cotton ‘Merchants’ Gate in 737 AC AH/1336 AC , in the western part of Al-AQSA Mosque between the Iron Gate  and the Ablution Gate .

The gate leads to the Cotton Market in the Old City of jerusalem , from where it derives its name This gate is considered to be one of Al-Aqsa Mosque’s most beautiful gates with decorations of Islamic motif and stalactites covering its entrance .

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Tranquility Gate

The Tranquility Gate is one of Al-Aqsa Mosque’s main gates. It is located to the north of the Gate of the Chain, and is also Known as the Wizards’ Gate and David’s Gate.

The gate was built and renovated during the Ayoubi era it is relatively high with overlapping ornamented stones decorating it.

The gate has a double wooden door with a small opening that allows a single person to pass through when the double door is closed,Today,the gate remains closed.

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The Moroccan Gate

The Moroccan Gate is located in Al-Aqsa Mosque’s western wall (Al-Buraq Wall) .

It was last renovated in 7131AH/1313Ac. The gate leads to the Moroccan Quarter.

That was demolished by the lsraeli Occupation Forces in 1967 to build the Wailing Wall Plaza in order to create a larger space for Jews to pray in front of Al-Buraq Wall,in addition to buildind the necessary Facilities to service them. The lsrarli forces ban Muslims form using this gate allegedly for security reasons.

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The Closed Gates 

(The Golden Gate)

The Golden Gate is an ancient historical door carved inside Al-Aqsa’s eastern wall It consists of two posts one to the south (Al-Rahma-Mercy) and one to the north (Al-Tawbah-Repentance).

Ther name Gate was named after the Mercy Graveyard which is locate in front of it.

Archaeologists say that this door was probably built during the Umayyad era, and it is said that Al-lmam AlGhazzali, the prominent lslamic Scholap and Philosophec staed in achamber an top of the Mercy Gate where he wrote his famous book The kovival of Religious Sciences ” This door is currently dosed ,it was shut by Saladin when he entered Jerusalem in order to protect the city from future raids.
















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The Funerals Gate 

The Funeral’s Gate is one of Al-Aqsa’s hidden gates located on its eastern wall Its eastern wall Its name stems form the fact that it wasused by Muslims restrictedly to carry (Mercy)Graveyard Today , the gate is permanently closed.

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