Mr. know-All Post Reading by bar horev - Illustrated by Bar  -
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Mr. know-All Post Reading


Artwork: Bar

  • Joined Nov 2017
  • Published Books 1

Hello guys, my name is Max Kelada and i’m on my way to Japan because of my work.

Today I met a new friend, even though he won’t admit it.

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Hey again guys, so yesterday I told you about my new roommate, and today something new happened: they called me Mr Know-All, I really like it, finally everybody sees the real me.

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Hello guys, I think i’m going to stop with the guys and stuff it’s starting to annoy me. So today I met the beautiful woman in the world 😉 and her really fat and way bellow her level husband. WTF how this guy could get this kind of beauty.

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GUYS!!!   you wont believe what happened to me today, i’m so furious.

this Mr Ramsay guy thinks he knows better then me about pearls, and Mr Ramsay even want to bet on it. I will continue to tell you this nonsense later.

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OK so about before, I know that I sound needy, but I am right she is a fucking lair, that’s it i’m so going to say yes to that stupid man’s bet and would win a 100$. (God he’s so stupid)

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I knew it I was right she is a huge lair, maybe she cheated on him, (that’s probably the reason she stayed in NY for a year while her husband was in Japan 🙂 )

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I feel really bad, she looks like she is about to faint and her husband don’t care. Maybe I should lie and say that I was wrong and her stupid necklace is fake. (I cant see a distressed girl 😉 😉 )

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I WANT TO CRY everybody on board is making fun of me, because I know anything in the world except my work, and that I was a total foll. I’m so ashamed of myself, I cant take it I loved that everybody called me Mr Know-All, 🙁 🙁

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I’m satisfied because, today I got an envelope with a letter and a 100$. Now I know that I was a 100% right about Mrs Ramsay because this letter is from her!

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Now it’s the end of story, I went to my room late that day I got the envelope, and then I saw them, my roommate and Mrs Ramsay. that’s why i’m the best friend ever!!!! 😉

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