All About Me – Yahel Cohen

by Yahel Cohen

Artwork: Yahel Cohen

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All About Me – Yahel Cohen


Artwork: Yahel Cohen

  • Joined Oct 2017
  • Published Books 1

All About Me

My name is Yahel and I live in Alfei Menashe.

I live in Kidron street. It is pretty and quiet.

I am 12 years old. I am in the 7th grade.

My birthday is on August 29th.

I have two sisters. I have also a dog called Joy. She loves to play.

All About Me – Yahel Cohen by Yahel Cohen - Illustrated by Yahel Cohen -

My faorite Activity

  • My faorite activity is playing tennis.
  • I love to play tennis because it’s fun.
  • I play tennis  twice a week on Sunday and Tuesday.
  • Each lesson is for an hour.
  • I play tennis for three years.


All About Me – Yahel Cohen by Yahel Cohen - Illustrated by Yahel Cohen -

Natural disaster in Indonesia

I read a story in the Internt about a tsunami. The story tells about the tsunami in Indonesia. The tsunami took place in 2010.
Early in the morning of December 26, there was an earthquake on the island of Sumatra in the Indian Ocean.
It was a strong earthquake that created big tsunami.
More than 230,000 people have been killed in the tsunami.
Over one million people remain homeless.
Many coutries sent help to them, also Israel.
In this tsunamis a 4-year-old girl drifted into the sea and managed to board a plank floating in the water.
She drifted to an island dozens of kilometers away.
She was rescued by fishermen in a fishing boat.
It was an happy end because she was safe and returned home.
Her family was very happy to see her again.
All About Me – Yahel Cohen by Yahel Cohen - Illustrated by Yahel Cohen -
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