The Story of the Merchant’s Son

by RyanCaleb

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The Story of the Merchant’s Son

  • Joined Sep 2017
  • Published Books 22

Sagardatta was a merchant who had a handsome young son.

One day, he observed that his young son had bought a costly book. But the book contained only one verse: “You get what is destined for you!”

When the merchant realized that his son was a fool to buy a book with so much cost, but only one verse, he grew very angry. He said, “How can you do well in business, when you can buy a book which contains only one verse! Get out of my house, and never show me your face again!”

The young man was utterly dejected for being driven out by his father; he started travelling with only his book along with him. He learnt the verse well, and kept repeating it, all the way.

On his way, he arrived in a village. The villagers asked him his name and he replied from the book, “You get what is destined for you”


Thus, the young man became known as ‘You-get-what-is-destined-for-you’.

One day, the princess of the country visited a festival and saw a handsome prince, who was also attending the festival. She fell in love immediately and asked her attendant to find a way to send a message to the handsome prince.

She wrote a note, and gave it to her attendant. The attendant gave the note to the young merchant’s son by mistake. He read that she wrote, “I have fallen in love with you, the very moment I have set my eyes on you. Please meet me in the castle. You will find a rope hanging from one of the windows, which will lead you to my room.”

He thought, “I will honour the wishes of the princess to meet me in person.”

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