The Bird and the Monkey

by RyanCaleb

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The Bird and the Monkey

  • Joined Sep 2017
  • Published Books 22

There lived a group of monkeys in the mountains. During one winter, there were heavy rains. Drenched in the rain, they began to shiver in the cold.

The Bird And The Monkey - Panchatantra Story Picture

During this time, some of the monkey found some colourful Gunja fruits, which appeared to them as embers of fire. Hoping to make some fire for themselves, they began to blow at them.


A bird on a nearby tree was watching the monkeys from above. Considering the vain attempts the monkeys were busy with, it thought of advising them against it, “What big fools you are. You are blowing at some Gunja fruits and not embers of fire. You will never be able to make any fire out of them.”

The Bird And The Monkey - Panchatantra Story Picture
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