The Ninety Second Plunge – Living Your Dream by Mel Rosenberg - מל רוזנברג -
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The Ninety Second Plunge – Living Your Dream

After fruitful careers as a scientist and inventor I've gone back to what I love most - writing children's books Read More
  • Joined Oct 2013
  • Published Books 1556

We all know the scenario. We are at the sea (or swimming pool), wearing our bathing suits, ready for a refreshing dip or swim. We step into the water, and it is COLD. We tiptoe gingerly in, and slowly venture a bit deeper.  But when the water reaches a sensitive part of our anatomy (I think you know what I am referring to),  what do we do? We stop!

The Ninety Second Plunge – Living Your Dream by Mel Rosenberg - מל רוזנברג -

What follows is a hiatus which I call the 90 seconds. I’ve never measured it, but it seems like ninety seconds. This is the time it takes us to convince ourselves to dive in, to brave the cold water, to immerse our bodies, to take the plunge.

The Ninety Second Plunge – Living Your Dream by Mel Rosenberg - מל רוזנברג -

But isn’t it ridiculous? What are we waiting for? Okay, we know that we will be cold and miserable for a moment or two. But after that, we will get used to the temperature of the water. And we are likely to have a great time. Heck, isn’t that the reason we came? I mean, bathing suit, beach towel, and all.

The Ninety Second Plunge – Living Your Dream by Mel Rosenberg - מל רוזנברג -

The argument goes on in our brains for about 80 seconds.  “Jump in, we’ll have fun.” “No, it’s freezing cold.” “Yeah, but then it’ll be awesome.” “But in the meantime we’ll freeze. We can still go back to the shore.”  “Don’t chicken out, we came all the way here to go swimming. Everyone else is in the water already.” “OK, just give me a few seconds.” Etc.


In most cases, we know that at some stage we will jump in. But the internal argument goes on and on. At some stage, between the eightieth and ninetieth second, our brain takes the final decision, shoots electrical signals to the muscles which following orders, take the plunge. The ninety second plunge.



 And it is freezing cold. And we curse the decision for half a minute. And then we get used to the water and start having fun.

I find this whole process quite intriguing.  In particular, what goes on during the last few seconds? How does the brain convert the inaction into action? What happens at the particular millisecond when the order is given? How does it differ from all the milliseconds that preceded it?


The ‘ninety second plunge’ is a powerful metaphor in our lives. How many times do we contemplate a positive change, a dream we’ve had, or a welcome career switch, yet fail to take the plunge? In this context, the ninety-second plunge can turn into months, years. Or never happen at all (akin to walking back to the beach or the poolside, dry, unbathed, embarrassed, unfulfilled).


In a recent un-conference (Kinnernet Italia, 2017) I asked about a dozen participants to describe the “ninety seconds” in their lives, i.e., what have they dreamed of accomplishing and yet demurred. Was it a social relationship? The dream of a new career in politics, music or entrepreneurship? At the end of the day, it’s about taking a decision. A decision to take the plunge. To weather a few minutes (or months) in an uncomfortable new setting (outside your comfort zone) and then have the time of your life.


So what is the ninety second plunge in your life?

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