The Greedy Cobra and the King of Frogs

by RyanCaleb

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The Greedy Cobra and the King of Frogs

  • Joined Sep 2017
  • Published Books 22

Gangadatta was a king among frogs. He ruled over a group of frogs that lived in a well.

His relatives were always nagging to him over small things, and he was fed-up with them. One day, he climbed up the water-wheel and left his kingdom.

He sought revenge on his relatives, due to whose constant torment; he had to leave his kingdom. Just then, he saw a cobra entering his cobra. He thought of a plan of having his relatives eaten up by the cobra.



He went to the entrance of the hole, and said, “My friend, I have come to make friends to you. I am the king of frogs!”

On hearing this, the cobra realized that it was not the voice of his kith or kin, but his natural enemy. He decided not to leave his hole and come out, for he suspected some foul reason. He suspected someone might be trying to catch him through mantra (magic spell), or maybe flute, or even herbs.

He answered cautiously, “Who are you? Why do you talk this nonsense about friendship? Can timber and fire ever be friends? You are my natural enemy!”

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