The Monkey and the Crocodile

by RyanCaleb

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The Monkey and the Crocodile

  • Joined Sep 2017
  • Published Books 22

There was a Jamun (Black-berry) tree on the bank of a river, which was full of sweeet Jamun fruits throughout the year. This tree was home to a monkey called Raktamukha. He used to pass his days happily by playing and jumping, and used to eat the sweet Jamun fruits.

One day, a crocodile named Karalamukha came out of the river to take some rest under the Jamun tree. When Raktamukha saw him from the tree, he said, “O Crocodile, this tree is my home and you have come under this tr


Raktamukha plucked lots of fruits and threw them in the crocodile’s mouth. Karalamukha loved the sweet fruits, and became friendly with Raktamukha. Karalamukha left in the evening after thanking the generosity of the monkey.

Karalamukha started coming to the Jamun tree every day, and they became good friends. They would talk for a long time and enjoy eating the sweet Jamun fruits together.

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