The Four Treasure-Seekers

by RyanCaleb

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The Four Treasure-Seekers

  • Joined Sep 2017
  • Published Books 22

Four Brahmins lived in a certain town, who shared a good friendship among themselves. However, they were utterly poor.

They discussed their condition and concluded, “Let us leave this place, where we are languishing in poverty. Let us go somewhere else and prosper”

After meeting their friends and relatives, they started on their travels. After some time, they reached a town, where they decided to stay for some time.


There was a Shiva’s (the God of death) temple nearby on the bank of a river. They worshiped in this temple after bathing in the river. It was there, that they met a Yogi, and accompanied him to his hermitage.

The Yogi enquired, “Who are you? And where do you come from? What did you come in this town for?”

They explained their condition to the Yogi, “We took this journey to earn money. We are in a state of poverty, that we would have died in our town. Since, you are an accomplished Yogi, we believe you must be gifted with wonderful powers. Please guide us to the path of earning money.”

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