The Turtle that fell off the Stick

by RyanCaleb

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The Turtle that fell off the Stick

  • Joined Sep 2017
  • Published Books 22

There lived a turtle called Kambugriva in a lake, who had two swans as her good friends.

The Turtle That Fell Off The Stick - Panchatantra Story Picture

All three of them would meet on the banks of the lake every day, and exchanged stories, before returning at sunset. They enjoyed each other’s company.

One year, there was no rain and lake started to dry. The swans got worried about the declining water level of the lake, and said to the turtle, “You will not be able to survive in this lake. All the water in the lake will soon dry up”.

The turtle was aware of the problem, “It is indeed difficult to live here anymore. Dear friends, please look for an alternate lake which is full of water. Then, find a strong stick from somewhere.”

The Turtle That Fell Off The Stick - Panchatantra Story Picture

The turtle continued, “Once you find another lake, you can carry me to the lake with a stick. I can hold the stick tightly with my mouth, while both of you can hold the stick at either ends and fly”.
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