Sharing games by CLAUDIA MASSAREGLI - Illustrated by Kids from ICS
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Sharing games


Artwork: Kids from ICS "Don Giulio Testa" Venafro - Italy

  • Joined Feb 2016
  • Published Books 7

The legend of Mures and Olt

a Romanian Legend

drawn by Italian Kids

Translated in :

English, French, Greek, Italian, Romanian, Spanish

Sharing games by CLAUDIA MASSAREGLI - Illustrated by Kids from ICS "Don Giulio Testa" Venafro - Italy -
Sharing games by CLAUDIA MASSAREGLI - Illustrated by Kids from ICS "Don Giulio Testa" Venafro - Italy -
Once upon a time there was a fortress with two towers on top the Eastern Carpathians. There lived a prince and a princess. They had twins, Mures and Olt. Il était une fois une forteresse avec 2 tours à l’aile est. Y vivaient un prince et une princesse. Ils avaient des jumeaux : Mures et Olt. Μια φορά κι έναν καιρό, υπήρχε ένα βασίλειο με δύο πύργους στην κορυφή των Ανατολικών Καρπαθίων. Εκεί ζούσαν ένας πρίγκηπας και μία πριγκίπισσα. Απέκτησαν δίδυμα, τον Μιουρς και τον Ολτ. C’era una volta, tanto tempo fa, una fortezza con due torri sulla cima dei Carpazi Orientali. Lì vivevano un principe e una principessa. Ebbero due gemelli: Mures e Olt. Odată, a existat o fortăreață cu două turnuri deasupra Carpaților Orientali. A trăit un prinț și o prințesă. Au avut gemeni, Mureș și Olt. Había una vez, una fortaleza con dos torres en la cima de los Cárpatos orientales. Allí vivían una príncipe y una princesa con sus gemelos, Mures y Olt.
Sharing games by CLAUDIA MASSAREGLI - Illustrated by Kids from ICS "Don Giulio Testa" Venafro - Italy -

The boys were alike but used  to fight all the time so the princess built two towers for them,the North and the South.

Les garçons se ressemblaient mais ne cessaient de se battre. La princesse fit construire deux tours : une au nord et une autre au sud. Τα αγόρια έμοιαζαν πολύ, αλλά μάλωναν συνέχεια κι έτσι η πριγκίπισσα έχτισε γι αυτούς δύο πύργους, έναν στο Βορρά κι έναν στο Νότο. I ragazzi somigliavano ma litigavano tutto il tempo così la principessa costruì due torri per loro: a Nord e a Sud. Băieții erau asemănători, dar obișnuiau să se lupte tot timpul, astfel încât prințesa le-a construit doua turnuri pentru ei, Nordul și Sudul. Los chicos eran agraciados pero solían luchar constantemente por la princesa y construyeron dos torres, una al norte y otra al sur.
Sharing games by CLAUDIA MASSAREGLI - Illustrated by Kids from ICS "Don Giulio Testa" Venafro - Italy -
One day the prince went to the battle and did’t return. The princess was crying day and night. Un jour, le Prince ne revint pas du  combat. La princesse pleurait jour et nuit. Μια μέρα ο πρίγκηπας έφυγε για τον πόλεμο και δεν επέστρεψε ποτέ. Η πριγκίπισσα έκλαιγε μέρα και νύχτα. Un giorno il principe andò in battaglia e non tornò più. La principessa piangeva giorno e notte. Într-o zi, prințul s-a dus la bătălie și nu s-a întors. Prințesa plângea zi și noapte. Un día, el príncipe marchó a la batalla, pero no volvió. La princesa lloraba todo el día, y toda la noche.
Sharing games by CLAUDIA MASSAREGLI - Illustrated by Kids from ICS "Don Giulio Testa" Venafro - Italy -
The twins decided to forget about their arguments and go find their father.

Princess:Go my sons,but don’t separate!

Les jumeaux décidèrent de ne plus se battre et d’aller chercher leur père.

Princesse : Allez mes fils, ne vous séparez pas!

Τα δίδυμα αποφάσισαν να ξεχάσουν τις διαφορές τους και να πάνε να βρούνε τον πατέρα τους.

Πριγκίπισσα:”Πηγαίνετε παλικάρια μου, αλλά μην χωριστείτε!”

I gemelli decisero di dimenticare i loro screzi e andare alla ricerca del padre.

Principessa: andate figli miei, ma non vi separate.

Gemenii au decis să uite de argumentele lor și să-și găsească tatăl.
Prințesa: Mergeti fii mei, dar nu va despartiti!
Los gemelos decidieron olvidar sus disputas y buscar juntos a su padre.

Princesa: Ir hijos míos, ¡ pero no os separéis!

Sharing games by CLAUDIA MASSAREGLI - Illustrated by Kids from ICS "Don Giulio Testa" Venafro - Italy -
They left as friends but when they came of the fortress they started arguing again.

Mures:Let’s go to the North!

Olt: Let’s go to the South!

Mures: I will go this way!

Olt : I will go this way!

Ils partirent amis mais quand ils revinrent, ils recommencèrent à se battre.

Mures : Allons au nord!

Olt : Allons au sud!

Mures : J’irai par là!

Olt : J’irai par là!

Τα δύο αγόρια έφυγαν σαν φίλοι, αλλά όταν έφθασαν στο βασίλειο άρχισαν πάλι να


Μιουρς: Ας πάμε προς το Βορρά!

Ολτ: Ας πάμε προς το Νότο!

Μιουρς: Εγώ θα πάω από εδώ!

Ολτ: Εγώ θα πάω από εκεί.

Loro partirono come amici, ma quando tornarono alla fortezza ricominciarono a litigare.

Olt: vai al Sud

Mures: io andrò da questa parte!

Olt: io andrò da questa parte!

Au plecat ca prieteni, dar plecand de la cetate, au început să se certe din nou.
Mureș: Să mergem spre nord!
Olt: Să mergem spre sud!
Mures: Voi merge pe aici!
Olt: Voi merge pe aici!
Marcharon como amigos, pero al volver continuaron discutiendo.

Mures: ¡Vamos al norte!

Olt: ¡Vamos al sur!

Mures: ¡Iré por este camino!

Olt: ¡Yo iré por éste otro!

Sharing games by CLAUDIA MASSAREGLI - Illustrated by Kids from ICS "Don Giulio Testa" Venafro - Italy -
The boys got separated! Soon they forgot about each other. Their mother found out happened and started praying:

Dear Lord, please take care my sons, make them immortal!

Les garçons se séparèrent.

Ils s’oublièrent. Leur mère fut mise au courant et se mit à prier. “Dieu, je vous demande de prendre soin de mes enfants et de les rendre immortels”

Τα αδέρφια χωρίστηκαν. Σύντομα ξέχασαν ο ένας τον άλλον. Η μητέρα τους ανακάλυψε τι είχε συμβεί κι άρχισε να προσεύχεται:

Θεέ μου, σε παρακαλώ, πρόσεχε τους γιους μου, κάνε τους αθάνατους.

I ragazzi si separarono! Presto si dimenticarono l’uno dell’altro.

La loro mamma scoprì cosa era accaduto e cominciò a pregare:

Caro Signore, per favore custodisci i miei figli, rendili immortali!

Băieții s-au separat! Curând au uitat unul de celălalt. Mama lor a aflat ce s-a întâmplat și a început să se roage:
Dragă Domn, te rog să ai grijă de fiii mei, să-i faci nemuritori!
¡Los chicos se separaron!

Pronto, se olvidaron el uno del otro. Su madre los encontró y comenzó a rezar:

Querido Dios, por favor cuida de mis hijos, ¡hazlos immortales!

Sharing games by CLAUDIA MASSAREGLI - Illustrated by Kids from ICS "Don Giulio Testa" Venafro - Italy -
God heard and turned her sons into immortal rivers. Nowdays they still exist as rivers: Mures and Olt. Dieu l’entendit et transforma ses fils en deux bras de rivière. De nos jours, elles existent encore. Ο Θεός άκουσε τις προσευχές της και μεταμόρφωσε τους γιους της σε αθάνατα ποτάμια. Στις μέρες μας αυτά τα ποτάμια ακόμα υπάρχουν. Είναι οι ποταμοί Μιουρς και Ολτ. Dio udì e trasformò i due figli in fiumi immortali.

Ancora oggi esistono come fiumi: Mures e Olt.

Dumnezeu a auzit și a tranformat  baietii în râuri nemuritoare. În zilele noastre încă există ca râuri: Mureș și Olt. Dios la escuchó y convirtió a sus hijos en rios immortales, los cuales aún existen: Mures y Olt.   
Sharing games by CLAUDIA MASSAREGLI - Illustrated by Kids from ICS "Don Giulio Testa" Venafro - Italy -
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