When Random Turns To Fate by Matricide  - Illustrated by Ran Eliahou - Ourboox.com
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When Random Turns To Fate


Artwork: Ran Eliahou

  • Joined Feb 2014
  • Published Books 1
When Random Turns To Fate by Matricide  - Illustrated by Ran Eliahou - Ourboox.com
When Random Turns To Fate by Matricide  - Illustrated by Ran Eliahou - Ourboox.com


The excuse for our existence seems so far away. How longer before we start to comprehend. The further we walk along the line we only seem to be getting further from the end. Incapable to detain the answers. Will we ever be able to apprehend. Bound with limitations to see, to get, to admit it could we ever understand? Shut your eyes and give up the fight to see, end this quest for clarity. We’re led astray, sufficed for me, needless to say. Shut your eyes and give up the right to be, end this quest for clarity. We’re led astray, sufficed for me needless to say. Had enough of what it all means. Shut me off I’m caught in routines. And after all it’s not what it seems. Had enough of what it all means. Could you tell me why are we blind to see why Instead of answers we are given ignorance? 





I lay in innocence and accept that it doesn’t make a difference. The distance between us keep us from reaching the cause of our existence. you might as well turn me off, That’s it I had enough of this lack of evidence! Shut your eyes and give up the fight to see, end this quest for clarity. We’re led astray, sufficed for me needless to say. Had enough of what it all means. Shut me off I’m caught in routines. And after all it’s not what it seems. Had enough of what it all means. Do remember this is nothing but a gesture. In search of truth misled further and further from the proof. Further from the end, I’m led further from the end, I’m led further from the end, I’m led further from the end! Do remember this is nothing but a gesture In search of proof misled further away from the truth.

When Random Turns To Fate by Matricide  - Illustrated by Ran Eliahou - Ourboox.com


We’re radiated we’re generated, varigated and duplicated. Reformulated body and soul, laminated plastic matter.

Is it getting better or worse? Is this a blessing or another curse? Caught in a rapid race of self gain & profit. A chase few do summit, all the rest will plummet. Shame on egotistic sales-men. On man who failed to see, to notice, it’s simple, it’s final. over in to a synthetic hell, piles of litter, piss and artificial fiber nature will not filter. Abandon, abort this anatomic sell. Free the self from the fabric And all material. A burial of the economic spell. See now clear the primal logic – All is immaterial! Disintegrated, deteriorated, evaporated, eradicated, decontaminated and rid of all.



Fabricated, manmade plaster. Is it getting better or worse? Is this a blessing or another curse?

Shedding all layers, stripping us bare is time’s evident effect of wear & tear.

Out of the organic shell. Mind over matter. This body is superficial, only but a cover.

Doubt the automatic or dwell here forever. Back to the initial, finger pulls a trigger.

A barrier withholding a vast mass of axial rooted path ways in its border.

No textures yet cover the castes. A spiral emitted math lays in disorder.

Lack of order! Random order! Random order! Lack of order!

I’m made sick of this disarray.

When Random Turns To Fate by Matricide  - Illustrated by Ran Eliahou - Ourboox.com



Video direction and camera by Adam Shuldman.



When Random Turns To Fate by Matricide  - Illustrated by Ran Eliahou - Ourboox.com


In a rate a circle run. A permanent score left for settle on the plain.

Shudder, according to bearings or assembling Piles in ties, all in vain.

Redundant, fighting these alleged barriers.

Null, relapse and recollected. Deteriorated whole – Not an option!

Neither sight nor have I aim. No way or compass. While asleep or  wide awake. No feet or surface.

Absence of meaning, chaotic talk nine teen to the dozen.

Guns over no warranty taking war nearer, Add your steps over.




Redundant, fighting these alleged barriers.

Null elapse and recollected. Deteriorated whole, not a fucking option!

The notions failed on me when I thought, I thought I had it right.

Tongues tide me mute. Hands tide. No plain need catching me at sight.

So much for waking up: Good night. So much for waking up: Good night.

Neither sight nor have I aim. No way or compass. While asleep or wide awake. No feet or surface.

When Random Turns To Fate by Matricide  - Illustrated by Ran Eliahou - Ourboox.com


Why can we not admit we are kept in order. Kept in line, we do not change, we  do not or alter?

Why can we not see it. We aren’t getting any closer to the answer, the search is far from over?

We never see an end to these blacken skies. Why instead of truth do we follow lies? Why?

All is only as real as you’ve made it. So what is real? What is real? What is real?

False truth! True lies! False truth! True lies! False truth! True lies! False truth!

True lies! False truth! True lies! False truth!

Is there somewhere an end to these blacken skies? Why instead of truth do we follow lies? Why?

Just because.



All is only as real as you’ve made it. So what is real? What is real? What is real?

Computer generated life form, built on binary code.

Mesh and matter, discharge simulation. A matrix of vertices lines and geometric shapes.

ever expanding on It’s perfect form.

All is only as real as you’ve made it. So what is real? What is real? What is real?

When Random Turns To Fate by Matricide  - Illustrated by Ran Eliahou - Ourboox.com


Shut me down, I won’t mind. Done and through, seeking your sunshine.

I am done, send me to your worst design.

Pick me out, take me now. Drain my mind and my soul and my life.

I am done, send me to skies filled divine.

Skies filled divine.

When I feel like I’ve been fed from birth with lies. Taken by your words, burn me I am done, burn me with your sun.

Stretched beyond the bounds of reason, undefined body or mind.

Cannot fix the loose ends of mine, now god can you tell me why?

Now do I? Why do I? Now do I? Enough fucking lies!




With holy written words you’ve sent us into the sun shine. Burn me I am done.

When I feel like I’ve been fed from birth with lies. Taken by your words, burn me I am done.

Burn me with your sun.

When I feel like I’ve been fed from birth with lies.

Taken by your words, burn me I am done. Burn me with your sun.

Burn me with your sun

When Random Turns To Fate by Matricide  - Illustrated by Ran Eliahou - Ourboox.com



Video by Shahar Guy and Ami Bornstein


When Random Turns To Fate by Matricide  - Illustrated by Ran Eliahou - Ourboox.com


Sick To my stomach and mind, to find I’m already in hell And I’m

spiraling down a worm-hole’s Never ending curve, turning end over end.

Let me out, won’t you please? Let me loose of this spiraling dream continuation entrapment.

Caught in a perpetual sewer. Corridor of concrete flesh, a flaming vomit simulation.

Tell me am I Just another mechanical tool made to and for the cycle?

Perpetual motion machinery. Set to clean, set to clean, set to clean.

Scatter me in pieces. Free my spirit out. Shatter me in ruins. Rid me free of doubt.




I beg you please release me of this cubicle abomination.

Make me nothing, cancel me, delete me from all recollection.

Mend my suffering, rid me loose of all this agony.

Ever circling Its way around me.

Around me, ever circling its way around me.

Scatter me in pieces. Free my spirit out. Shatter me in ruins. Rid me free of doubt.

When Random Turns To Fate by Matricide  - Illustrated by Ran Eliahou - Ourboox.com


Toxic humanity, the poison of our nature. We are pollution, an illness of the world. Piles of litter, a waste of a civilization.Spreading bacteria. A sickness of planet earth. A germ, a disease, a virus, an infection – That’s what we are!

The point of no return. All our fault, when will we learn. The point of no return. All the wreckage, death pattern.

The point of no return. All in ruins, let it burn. The point of no return.

The natural’s vomit. The garbage of D.N.A. The stench of feces, we are a reeking rubbish. The trash of the globe, choking the air out of our atmosphere. We are left over junk, nothing but a disgrace. A germ, a disease, a virus, an infection – That’s what we are!



The point of no return. All our fault, when will we learn. The point of no return. All the wreckage, death pattern.

The point of no return. All in ruins, let it burn. The point of no return.

Watch the rippling waves. We are all torn asunder! Cant see past the rippling waves.

Making the world sick with venom. What a way to kill planet earth.

Waking up to a disaster. Destroy, destruction , conclusion.

The point of no return. All our fault, when will we learn. The point of no return. All the wreckage, death pattern.

The point of no return. All in ruins, let it burn The point of no return.

When Random Turns To Fate by Matricide  - Illustrated by Ran Eliahou - Ourboox.com



Video & Art Production by Ran Eliahou


When Random Turns To Fate by Matricide  - Illustrated by Ran Eliahou - Ourboox.com


Burning, within me, the flaming will to be ahead of this consuming aching. Breathing the pain is the only way to see the real and the unreality. An illusion, this never ending maze. A hallucination found in a perfect circle. I know reality, caught in the same old cycle. Is all a lucid dream, taking place in my own brain. Am I insane? Am I crazy? Am I losing my mind? Or is it just all in my head? My way of thinking effecting surroundings, reacting according to my thoughts.

Hearing the walls crack, confirming my actions, my every move down to the second.

I make it, I think it, I want to believe in the signals, the sings and the message.


Have I anything In my hand at all or am I just beginning to see things.

An illusion, this never ending maze. A hallucination trapped in a perfect circle.

I know reality, caught in the same old cycle. Is all a lucid dream, taking place in my own brain

Am I insane? Am I crazy? Am I losing my mind? Or is it just all in my head?

Paranoia eating me alive. Paranoia eating me from the inside. Paranoia makes my life a living hell.

Paranoia is all I got left in me.

My eyes dilated, my mind dilated, my life dilated.

My eyes dilated, my mind dilated, my life dilated.

When Random Turns To Fate by Matricide  - Illustrated by Ran Eliahou - Ourboox.com


A plastic bag in the wind, a bird’s shade past the window, a flickering of a light – When random turns to fate

A flying v in the sky, a black cat passing me by, a twitching of the body -When random turns to fate. The light of a shooting star, the sight of the crack of dawn, the sound of the walls talking -When random turns to fate. The never ending spiral, Tthe chaos in the pattern, the pattern in the chaos – When random turns to fate. This world, that has been framed over our eyes.Wrapped around our minds, round our minds. Don’t open the door because there’s hell to pay. Don’t think for one moment it ain’t meant to be. Don’t attempt to understand the agony. Don’t mistake coincidence for destiny NO. A meaning of a number, 


a geometric figure, a closing of a cycle – When random turns to fate. The tree of evolution, the flower of life pattern, the golden rules of nature – When random turns to fate. By chance, or intention created?Mathematics or act of god? The holy archetype, the finger print of god is on the face of reality. Cannot believe it taken above the ability of comprehension. The endless prototype. Wake up call reality check, questioning what you believe. Cannot get out of a cycle a loophole, trapped in the same old hallucination.Chaos turns to order when random turns to fate! This world that has been framed over our eyes. Wrapped around our minds, round our minds. Don’t open the door because there’s hell to pay. Don’t think for one moment it ain’t meant to be. Don’t attempt to comprehend the agony. Don’t mistake coincidence for destiny. NO!


When Random Turns To Fate by Matricide  - Illustrated by Ran Eliahou - Ourboox.com

All music by Matricide

Shahar Guy – Auria Sapir – Yogev Sitton – Ran Eliahou – Rom Gov
Mixed by Daniel Strosberg at the KEOSS Studios, Tel Aviv
Mastered by Maor Appelbaum at Maor Appelbaum Mastering – California – USA

Follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mtrcd
Follow us on ReverbNation: http://www.reverbnation.com/MTRCD?

Follow us on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/matricide-1

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mtrcd

Buy the digital version of When Random Turns To Fate:



Matricide was formed in late 2003 with The mission statement to create the most powerful music ever to come out of Israel.

The band brings forth powerful metal music with lot’s of groove and some exploring elements, along with lyrics talking about the big unsolved questions of life and spirituality.

The name comes from the Latin language and means – Matri = Mother Cide = Murder, “matricide.”

The band’s name is a metaphor for what is happening on our planet.  the mother is Gaia, Mother Earth,    related to the purity of the earth and the wonders of creation. Murder Is reflected in the way that humanity takes for granted the wonders of creation and the natural resources and systematically destroys them.



Guitarist Yogev Sitton joined forces with guitarist Auria Sapir (Eternal Gray) and together they collected some of the most known artists in the Israeli metal scene – vocalist Yotam “Defiler” Avni (Prey For Nothing), bass player Elad Manor (The Fading) and drummer Matan Shmueli (Orphaned Land). After some time, the band reached a point of disagreement which led to some lineup changes. Ran Eliahou (7% Mind Usage) took the spot on vocals, Rom Gov (Seek Irony) on the Drums and Shahar Guy (Solitary) on Bass. further on Ofir Zigi had replaced Rom on the drums.

Due to the line-up changes, They started Reinventing their style and Together they recreated Matricide and recorded the “We Are Alive” E.P. After sharing the stage with bands such as: DOWN and BEHEMOTH Matricide became one of the strongest bands in Israel.



Influenced by various genres of music, MTRCD guys create their own sound – A unique mixture of Death Metal, Hardcore & Punk. Matricide has been known for their intensive live shows and non-stop craziness on stage.

The band released their first full length album named “When Random Turns To Fate” and went on a European tour with Orphaned Land, Klone & The Mars Chronicles.

Catch MTRCD live on their upcoming summer tour abroad and in local shows.




Auria Sapir – Guitars

Shahar Guy – Bass

Ran Eliahou – Vocals

Ofir Zigi – Drums

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