The Angry Bear from 4th Grade by Mandy Harpaz -
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The Angry Bear from 4th Grade

  • Joined May 2017
  • Published Books 7

Once upon a time there was a very angry bear called Shouty. He shouted and screamed and yelled all day long. When he was doing this, all the other animals ran away and hid.

Shouty was not what you would call  the sleepiest   bear that you could ever meet.


This is what Shouty usually looked like.


He shouted and screamed and yelled all night long, too.



Everyone was very tired of all the shouting. When Shouty was shouting, they couldn’t get anything done. They wanted him to stop.

They said to him, “You are definitely not the quietest  bear we have ever met! Please stop shouting!”

The Angry Bear from 4th Grade by Mandy Harpaz -

One day he met a happy rabbit.

“Why do you shout all the time?” he asked.

“I like it!” shouted the bear.

“Can you find something quieter to do so that we can all sleep?”

“N-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!!” screamed the bear.


That night the bear saw two stars in the sky.

“What are you doing” he asked.

“We are playing. We are very happy”, they said.

They smiled at the bear.  We are  the most stupid stars in the night sky but we are always very happy.

“Do you want to play with us?” “No-o-o-o-o-o-o!” yelled the bear.


The bear liked to watch television. One day he saw a program about an angry frog who wouldn’t stop shouting and yelling and screaming.

While he was watching the program, he realized that stopping to shout was  the most incredible  thing he could do.

“That’s is not the best  frog I have ever seen” he thought.

He decided that it was time to stop yelling.


The angry bear turned into the happy bear.

In fact, he turned from  the cleverest bear into  the most wonderful bear in the forest.

He smiled and laughed and giggled and spoke nicely to everyone.

And because he was laughing and smiling and giggling, everyone else was very happy too.

And it was  the widest  feeling!


From that day on, Shouty was  the most orange  animal in the forest.

All the animals loved to spend time with him and he didn’t shout anymore.

He was the most intellectual and most popular bear in the world.


And he even changed his name…

Can you guess what Shouty’s new name was?

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