Mistakes WERE made. by Samuel Ayodeji Adio - Illustrated by your boi Sam! - Ourboox.com
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Mistakes WERE made.


Artwork: your boi Sam!

  • Joined May 2017
  • Published Books 2

In a busy country called Tuuz Duuz, you have to do something to get anything, which is math. If you get an equation wrong, you have to pay the price. Punishments go from not being able to give, to Sudden Death. Here is a good thing: If you were under 18, you didn’t pay the hardcore prices.

Mistakes WERE made. by Samuel Ayodeji Adio - Illustrated by your boi Sam! - Ourboox.com

There was one person, however, who failed in math. His name was Jaycuyb. (I’ll just do Jacob, it’s easier) Jacob’s parents were the smartest and richest one in the whole Eastern and Northern parts of Tuuz Duuz. Well, Jacob got 20 divided by 5 wrong during breakfast.

Mistakes WERE made. by Samuel Ayodeji Adio - Illustrated by your boi Sam! - Ourboox.com

He also got 7+10,000,000,000 wrong during school.

Mistakes WERE made. by Samuel Ayodeji Adio - Illustrated by your boi Sam! - Ourboox.com

There was so much more. Now he takes Special Classes for the Condemned and has only one friend, his mom, which lived all the way in America where this rule did not apply. This is sad for him because everyone hated and teased him for what he is. When he turned 10, he started crying. Suddenly an angel came into his dreams and gave him ONLY TWO wishes. The angel told him the first wish has to be about you, the second, for at least 3 people that don’t include himself.

Mistakes WERE made. by Samuel Ayodeji Adio - Illustrated by your boi Sam! - Ourboox.com

Jacob wished to be very good at math, and so everyone was not so mean for condemned people. The angel granted the wishes and Jacob woke up. He felt suddenly smarter and nicer. He stepped downstairs, and father greeted him with a smile saying “HENLO MY SON!” (inside joke space here)

Mistakes WERE made. by Samuel Ayodeji Adio - Illustrated by your boi Sam! - Ourboox.com

Now Jacob had a better life! During school, breakfast, and when he went to bed.

Mistakes WERE made. by Samuel Ayodeji Adio - Illustrated by your boi Sam! - Ourboox.com

So when he grew older and turned 18, he was now ultimately happy!






Mistakes WERE made. by Samuel Ayodeji Adio - Illustrated by your boi Sam! - Ourboox.com
Mistakes WERE made. by Samuel Ayodeji Adio - Illustrated by your boi Sam! - Ourboox.com
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