My Summer by Noya Israeli - Illustrated by Noya Israeli & Google -
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My Summer


Artwork: Noya Israeli & Google

  • Joined May 2017
  • Published Books 1

Chapter 1: About My Summer

This year I am going to finish the 6 grade.

This summer I am going to do lots of things. This book is going to be my ”Summer Book”: I am going to show you all of these things.

My Summer by Noya Israeli - Illustrated by Noya Israeli & Google -


Chapter 2: July

In July I will not be entirely free. Although I will not be in school, but in our swimming training we will prepare for the championship of the country to be held in late July. Only in August will I really be free.

My Summer by Noya Israeli - Illustrated by Noya Israeli & Google -

Chapter 3: August

In August I will have real vacation. All day long I’ll be sitting at home reading books and watching movies. My family and I will go to England for two weeks, to the Harry Potter Museum, to our good friends there, to Sherlock Holmes’ house, to museums and beautiful views. It is going to be a gread vacation!

My Summer by Noya Israeli - Illustrated by Noya Israeli & Google -

Chapter 4: My swimming camp in July

This summer in July I will have a swimming training camp in Kfar Blum. It will be for four days, three nights. I’ll be with my team, just us, in four days filled only with swimming !!!

My Summer by Noya Israeli - Illustrated by Noya Israeli & Google -

Chapter 5: Sherlock Holmes’s books

As you probably know, I really like reading. The series I will read will be “Sherlock Holmes,” a very interesting and suspenseful series. I highly recommend it! Anyway, I’ll read it for all the vacation, and for me, just thinking about it makes me feel pleasure!

My Summer by Noya Israeli - Illustrated by Noya Israeli & Google -

Chapter 6: The End

Well, that’s where my summer vacation ends. I hope that everything I have described here will really happen, that you will all have a wonderful summer vacation and of course, lots of lucky in the seventh grade!

My Summer by Noya Israeli - Illustrated by Noya Israeli & Google -
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