Gideon the Judge
- Joined May 2017
- Published Books 1
Copyright © 2017
In a time before Israel was united by one king, judges would be picked to help settle disputes and free Israel from certain misfortune. This method was only effective for certain periods of time, so Israel would generally sin after a long time of peace, causing more misfortune upon themselves. In this time, Israel was plagued by the Midianites.
The people of Israel had been living though forty years of peace set in place by Judge Deborah, however after the forty years, the Israelites committed idolatry by worshipping idols of Baal. In return G-d sent the Midianites to plunder the land of Israel. The Midianites would destroy crops and cattle and make the land unusable. The Midianites would mainly attack the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. The people of Israel were put in constant fear. G-d sent a prophet to the people of Israel, in the form of Gideon, the son of Joash.
Gideon, the son of Joash was afraid and did not appreciate the situation the Israelites were currently in. He lived in Ophrah and was from the tribe of Manasseh. His name means “Hewer” or “Smiter”. At this time, he was beating wheat in the winepress outside, in order to keep it away from any Midianites who might come to steal it.

Gideon comes from the tribe of Manasseh. Gideon was appointed when an angel who came in the form of a tired traveller needing some rest. The angel told Gideon that the Lord is with him. Gideon questions the Lord’s presence, as he could not believe that G-d would allow the Israelites to suffer so much. Gideon was reluctant to accept that he himself had been chosen to do the Lord’s work, so he requested proof from the angel. The angel told Gideon to bring a sacrifice, in which the angel consumed in flames. Gideon realizes that the angel is truly of G-d and he accepts his mission.

Gideon first had to rid the people of their own idolatry. He gathered a small group of ten men and went at night to destroy all the idols of Baal that the Jews had worshipped. He did not go during the day because he was scared that his father would catch him and be upset. The next morning, the people of the city figure out that Gideon committed these acts. The people want Gideon dead and demand his father to kill Gideon. Gideon’s father Joash replies to the people that if Baal is a god, he will punish anyone who may have done this act. The people of the city accept this and leave Gideon alone.

Gideon then assembled a massive army to fight the Midianites. G-d saw the army and told Gideon that his army was too large and had to be smaller. G-d told Gideon to bring all his men down to the water. At the water, G-d chose three hundred men based on the way they drank the water. Gideon and his three hundred men went to the camp of Midian, each with horns, pitchers and torches. Gideon told his men to blow their horns when he does and split them into three groups. Gideon’s army surrounded the camp.

Gideon and his three hundred men went to the camp of Midian, each with horns, pitchers and torches. Gideon told his men to blow their horns when he does and split them into three groups. Gideon’s army surrounded the camp. At once, the army blew their horns, smashed their pitchers, and held up their torches. Suddenly, the Midianites turned their own swords against one another. Gideon and his army chased after the Midianites. Gideon’s men went and found the two princes of Midian and killed them. The heads of the princes were brought back for Gideon to see.

Gideon ruled over as a judge for a while after. He was offered to be king, but declined knowing that G-d is the one true king of all Israelites.
He had seventy sons, including Abimelech and Jotham.
Gideon and Samson are two very different judges. Gideon leads small groups, such as his ten man expedition to destroy the idols, and his three hundred man army. However, Gideon may have been capable to lead many more people, as it was G-d who made him downsize the army. Samson only works alone and does not lead groups. Gideon is cowardly and reluctant to accept tasks, while Samson is reckless, aggressive and impulsive, as well as a womanizer. Gideon was successful in defeating the Medianites and accomplished his mission. Samson went down fighting the Phillistines and did not complete his mission because he lost the strength G-d gave him.
Published: May 25, 2017
Latest Revision: May 25, 2017
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-323197
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