by Roland Baker
Copyright © 2017
Natural Iron Supplements: The Benefits of Plant-Based Iron

by Roland Baker
- Joined Feb 2017
- Published Books 24
Copyright © 2017
Iron is an essential mineral that your body requires to maintain optimal health. There is a common misconception that iron is only obtained by eating meat and that iron deficiency is more prevalent amongst vegans and vegetarians.[1] Natural, plant-based iron supplements and food can provide the iron your body needs and in some cases may even help prevent iron toxicity. If you need to shore up your iron levels, then consider the benefits of plant-based iron.
Optimal AbsorptionThere are two primary sources of dietary iron—plant and animal foods. The technical terms for these are heme iron and nonheme iron, respectively. There has been a lot of investigation into the absorption differences between these two types of iron.
Although animal, or heme, iron is absorbed faster, it can actually overwhelm your body and even lead to a serious iron imbalance known as iron toxicity. In contrast, the body absorbs plant, or nonheme, iron at a more controlled rate. Slow, regulated absorption helps keep your body’s iron levels optimal and in balance.[2]
Fewer Health Risks
Low iron levels can lead to fatigue, chills, brain fog, or worse: iron deficiency anemia. Too much iron can lead to vomiting, intense abdominal pain, and even organ failure. Plant-based iron is absorbed more slowly and that helps maintain normal iron balance, which translates to fewer health concerns.[3] In contrast, heme iron from animal sources (blood and tissue) has been linked to heart disease, stroke, and colon cancer.[4, 5, 6] One study reported that increasing your heme iron intake by just one milligram per day could increase your risk of heart disease by 27 percent.[7]
Cofactors and Conutrients
Your body has a complex set of mechanisms that work together to absorb, store, utilize, and monitor iron. Vitamin C, for example, supports your body’s ability to absorb iron.[8] Likewise, gut health significantly influences iron uptake.[9] By obtaining your iron from dark leafy green vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds, you will also get the added benefit of vitamins, trace minerals, prebiotics, and antioxidants. A healthy and consistent intake of fruit and vegetables ensures you don’t miss out on these vital nutrients.
For More Details: Health care video
Published: May 25, 2017
Latest Revision: May 25, 2017
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-323089
Copyright © 2017