Abimelech by Stephanie Fleming - Illustrated by Stephanie Fleming - Ourboox.com
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Artwork: Stephanie Fleming

  • Joined Mar 2017
  • Published Books 2

Abimelech was a judge in the 12th century who wickedly ruled over the city of Shechem. He was the son of Jerubaal. To find the full story of Abimelech, check out the book of Judges, chapter 9!



Abimelech by Stephanie Fleming - Illustrated by Stephanie Fleming - Ourboox.com

How was the Judge appointed?


All the men of the city of Shechem and all of Bethmillo gathered together and appointed him as king.


What tribe does the judge come from?


He came from the tribe of Manasseh.


What sin did the Israelites commit?

Gideon, Abimelech’s father, had brought the Israelites out of Midian after they had sinned. They were tortured in Midian by the Midianites and Amalekites. Gideon was very respected and a great leader. However, Abimelech fell far from the tree. God sent an evil spirt between the men of Shechem and Abimelech. Abimelech thought if he had killed all of his brothers (the sons of Gideon), he would be able to become king. The only brother he did not kill was the youngest, Jotham. The people of Shechem were the ones who strengthened him to do so because they approved of what Abimelech had done and still made him king. Even though Abimelech did kill his brothers to become king, the worse sin is that the people accepted such an immoral person as their leader.


Who was the enemy?

There was no specific enemy against the Israelites however Abimelech saw his brothers as enemies as they were threats to him for the thrown. So he hired “worthless and reckless men” to do the dirty work of killing his 70 brothers.



Abimelech by Stephanie Fleming - Illustrated by Stephanie Fleming - Ourboox.com

What leadership style does the judge exhibit?

Abimelech’s leadership style is more of a dictatorship. He destroys anyone in his path that may threaten him for the thrown. He was lacking of conscience, unprincipled and cared only about self-ambitions and personal welfare.

1. He disobeyed God by becoming king as there were 70 people ahead of him for the thrown but he did not care

2. He murdered his brothers to get what he wants and that shows he only cares about himself and disregards others

3. He went against his own people of Shechem showing he does not care for their well being

Abimelech by Stephanie Fleming - Illustrated by Stephanie Fleming - Ourboox.com


1. Abimelech is extremely ambitious and devious. He will destroy anyone in his way of getting the throne even his own brothers. When it comes to the theme of attraction, the only thing Abimelech finds attractive is ultimate power.

2. The theme of intermarriage and assimilation does not apply to the story

3. The role of women in the story of Abimelech is very important to the story. In Pasuk 53 is says how a certain woman broke his skull. However, Abimelech then called a young man to stab him so no one would say he was killed by a woman as he knew he was about to die. That woman has a very important role in the story as she killed Abimelech, but because of what Abimelech ordered the young man to do, it clearly shows how Abimelech and all men at the time treated women. As inferiors to men. It was embarrassing to be killed by a woman.


Comparison to Samson:

Leadership Style: Samson and Abimelech are similar in their leadership style as they both do not work with other people. They work and lead alone and will both do what they can to destroy those in their way. Abimelech found his brothers to be a threat to him and the throne so he killed them. Samson found the Philistines a threat to him and his people and as it says in Perek 15 Pasuk 8 that “he smote them hip to thigh with great slaughter”.



Personalities: They’re personalities are both different and similar. They are similar as they are both very confident in themselves and their abilities. Except Samson is considered to be humble whereas Abimelech is not. Samson and Abimelech are both strong, courageous and fearless however Samson uses those strengths for good whereas Abimelech uses them for his on advantage. Abimelech does not prioritize women like Samson does. In the whole story of Abimelech, it does not mention a wife, child or any women at all he is attracted to. His main focus is ultimate power. Whereas Abimelech is all about the women. The first woman he sees he immediately wants to marry her even though she is a Philistine.


Accomplishments: One of Samson’s accomplishments are fighting and killing the lion however he doesn’t tell his parents showing he is humble. He also killed 30 Phlishtim and killed 300 foxes and tied them by their tails and lit a torch to show his strength. Abimelech does not have as many accomplishments as Samson. He especially lacks accomplishments he should be proud of. For example, he killed his own brothers to obtain the thrown. As well as he creates war and kills many people in the process.

Abimelech by Stephanie Fleming - Illustrated by Stephanie Fleming - Ourboox.com

Hope you enjoyed!! 


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