Completeness in all its senses
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Artwork: Leordys Taly

  • Joined Mar 2017
  • Published Books 2

In psycholinguistic completeness is referred to as the subconscious knowledge that allows the speaker to recognize when a message is incomplete and he’s able to predict or know what’s missing in it.

Chomsky explains this on his theory when he talks about a surfer structure which is what the speaker says, and a deep structure which is what he really means. This subconscious knowledge is characterized as competence that is what the speaker knows about his native language.

COMPLETENESS by Argenis Boada - Illustrated by Leordys Taly  -

Philosophy says:

Completeness Speech that is genuinely about completeness and not about something else—is the speech that grasps the truth about human nature, and so it functions in a healthy or sane way to articulate desire.


From this point of view, completeness refers or it is about how human nature has used the speech throughout the years to express ideas or desires and how the mind of it has the power to comprehend through completeness the message that the man wants to give.

COMPLETENESS by Argenis Boada - Illustrated by Leordys Taly  -

In linguistics we can find what some people call “The 7 C’s effective for communication” and completeness is within these “C’s”.

For them, completeness takes place when the speaker conveys his message entirely, he is clear and  the message doesn’t have any ambiguity, it is not questionable and it is beyond or more than understandable for the listener.


Also, there is a “diological completeness” which referers to a logical and argumentative dialogue being fully expressed or finalized without any kind of interruption.

COMPLETENESS by Argenis Boada - Illustrated by Leordys Taly  -

In mathematical logic and metalogic, a formal system is called complete with respect to a particular property if every formula having the property can be derived using that system, i.e. is one of its theorems; otherwise the system is said to be incomplete.


We also find Functional completeness, which is a set of logical connectives associated with a formal system is functionally complete if it can express all propositional functions.

COMPLETENESS by Argenis Boada - Illustrated by Leordys Taly  -

The religious point of view talks about the body, soul and spirit and how they are connected and need to be synchronized in order for man to reach completeness, which would be the feeling of being whole in every single aspect of his life. Rather the Hebrew Scriptures would say that the soul is the result of the spirit of God giving life to the body. And it is both body and soul together that forms a basic unity, a basic fullness and completeness that is often described as personality.

COMPLETENESS by Argenis Boada - Illustrated by Leordys Taly  -

We decided to make a small Survey among some of our classmates and teachers, asking them a simple question “what does the word completeness mean to you?”. Here are some of their answers:


  1. “Completeness is when you feel that you have accomplished everything you wanted or planned to do. The sense of reaching more than you originaly wanted”.
  2. “I think that is something that has nothing missing. In linguistic, it would be something that has completed many parts of language, enough to cover big part of the field’s areas of stufy. In life, it would be somethig that gives you a sense of fullfilness and you have little to complain about because you are satisfy”.

3.”I think completeness is a whole in every ascpect of life, but for me, completeness does not exist. Human lives in constant process, therfore, we never reach completeness, we can only long for it.

4.”Completeness is when something has all its parts working well, so nothing is missing. For example, a puzzle is complete when all its parts are united and convey an image. Also, when a person feels that all their geals have been acheived”.

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