Modernised Fairytales 2°3 by Mrs English -
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Modernised Fairytales 2°3

  • Joined May 2017
  • Published Books 2

Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf

Little Red Riding Hood lived in one little house with her mother. One day she decided to go in the

forest because she want prepared a surprise for her grandmother. Her grandmother lived in one

house at 1 hour of the house of Little Red Riding Hood . In the forest , lived a wolf ; he lived easy

with the family wolf . Little Red Riding Hood are in the forest . She ran , she jumped , she played

and she harvested a flower for the grandmother . She looked in one corner to the forest and view ,

one wolf , it’s the wolf . To is turn , he view the Little Red Riding Hood and ran .

But the Little Red Riding Hood had a gun and she doesn’t have a problem for kill the little wolf .

The wolf wanted to live but he can’t running at this rapidity for one gun .



she saids


“it’s true !!!” (“PPPAAANNN”) the girl had shoot the wolf . The little wolf is not alive , it’s finish

for he . Finally , she gave the wolf at her grandmother for decorate the house .


If you are human , you are not the king of the world , and you can’t kill the animal just for your satisfaction because you could are in her place ,

Modernised Fairytales 2°3 by Mrs English -

Once upon a time there lived a bad boy and his name was Peter Pan.

One day Peter Pan kidnapped the children. It was Wendy and her brothers.

Peter wanted to kidnap the children to have people to make a car for him but when captain Hook knew that, he went to help the children. When he arrived in Peter Pan’s house the car was built and Peter Pan wanted to drive but when he saw captain Hook, he left the car and said

“Are you going to help me to make new mordenized objects ? How lucky I am!”

“I’m in your home to help the children and not to help you Peter Pan.”

“The children are not important to me now. If you want to help them, you must give me a ransom.”

“I don’t have the money but to me, the most important is to help the children”

“And to me the most important is to have a ransom.”

Captain Hook took his weapon and tried to kill Peter Pan. But Peter Pan went in his car and said.

“What a bad pirate you are!”

He drove the car and killed captain Hook thanks to his car.


Moral: You should not to become a hero to help people.



Modernised Fairytales 2°3 by Mrs English -

The Little Red Riding Hood

Once upon a time, in a small village, little red riding hood lived here. Her mother asked to her : « You have to see your grand-mother and give her a basket of butter and cakes ».

On the way, she met a nice wolf and the wolf ask to her : « Hi ! What a beautiful girl you are ! Can you give me something to eat ? »

The young girl said : « Yf you want something to eat, follow me. »

And the wolf followed the Little Red Riding Hood.

The wolf and the girl arrived together to the grand-mother’s house.

The Little girl opened the door of the house and saw her grand-mother with a gun and said : « Give me the wolf, my beauty ».

The girl answered : « Ho ! You are so beautiful with your gun, grand-ma ».

The wolf was scared because he didn’t want to be killed.

The grand’mother said : « What a wonderful wolf you are ! I want your skinso I have to kill you ».

The scared wolf said : « No, please, I can do everything but don’t kill me ».

The grand-mother and the Little Red Riding Hood said : « Too late… »

A loid noise was heard, that a noise of a gun.

The wolf was killed by the grand-mother and shed doing a coat with his skin.

The grand-mother was the most worst of the world.


Moral : You shouldn’t have to trust strangers.

Modernised Fairytales 2°3 by Mrs English -
Modernised Fairytales 2°3 by Mrs English -


Il était une fois, il y avait un petit garçon, Timmy qui vivait avec sa mère dans le magnifique quartier d’Amérique: Hollywood. Le père de Timmy était voulu et il n’a jamais vu son père. Un jour, pendant la nuit, Timmy lisait une disne fairyteale quand il vit un homme à la fenêtre de HIOS. Timmy avait peur, mais l’homme disait:

«Allez Timmy! Ouvrez la fenêtre s’il vous plaît, je suis une bonne personne, je veux simplement vous parler! »

Alors Timmy a ouvert la fenêtre et les gars sont entrés dans la chambre du timmy et il a dit:

«Bonjour Timmy! Je m’appelle Peter Pan! Je suis ici parce que vous avez besoin de votre aide et vous êtes le garçon le plus fort pour ma mission. J’ai perdu la clé magique pour ouvrir la porte de Neverlands, mon monde magique. Voulez-vous m’aider? »

Timmy a accepté la mission et Peter Pan a touché Timmy et Timmy volait. Alors Peter Pan est allé à Hollywood avec Timmy. Ils sont arrivés sous la lettre «W» et Peter Pan a essayé d’ouvrir la porte du monde magique mais il a été fermé. Peter Pan a déclaré:

«Timmy, si nous voulons la clé magique, nous devons tuer les méchants, le capitaine Hook. Il est le plus mauvais capitaine de l’Océan et la clé, mais je ne peux pas le tuer sans toi »

Et Timmy a déclaré:

«Peter Pan Je vais tuer ce capitaine et prendre la clé, alors on peut aller au monde magique, je suis prêt! »

En ce moment Peter Pan et Timmy ont vu une grande explosion la plus grande explosion que Timmy n’avait jamais vue. Alors ils sont allés à l’explosion.

Quand ils sont arrivés, ils ont vu la plage de Vespucha détruite par l’explosion. En fait, il y avait le capitaine Hook avec son bateau dans l’océan. Le capitaine Hook a déclaré:

«Peter Pan! Ha Ha! Viens et lutte avec moi si tu veux ta clé magique! »

Et alors que le capitaine Hook parlait à Peter Pan, Timmy prit sa mitrailleuse et détruisit le bateau du capitaine Hook. Peter Pan a sauvé le crochet de l’océan et il veut à la plage. Timmy cherchait Hook et dit:

” Capitaine Crochet ! Donnez-moi la clé magique ou je vais vous tuer! »

Le capitaine Hook pleurait et dit:

«Timmy … c’est toi, mon enfant. Timmy, c’est ton père … Je … »

Et Timmy a décroché le capitaine Hook, il est mort. Puis, la clé magique est apparue, Peter Pan a pris la clé et est allé avec Timmy à la porte secrète, il a ouvert la porte et à dit à Timmy:

«Wow Timmy! Quel bon petit garçon, vous êtes! »

Et Timmy a déclaré:

«Pas Peter Pan, quel bon garçon vous êtes! »

Et ils sont allés au monde ensemble magique.

Vous ne vous débrouillerez pas vos enfants et vos enfants.



Modernised Fairytales 2°3 by Mrs English -

Think twice!

Once upon a time there lived in the city of Los Angeles,
A cute little girl called Red Riding Hood,
She was the prettiest and the smartest girl of her family.
One day, her mom sent her to go buy grocery for her grandma,
Who lived near Venice Beach, Santa-Monica.
When she was walking near Walk of Fame avenue to
join her grandmother, when she was suddenly saw her across the street !
She was excited and she ran fastly to her grandmother.
Grandma: Oh! What a lovely surprise! I didn’t expect to see you!
Little Red Riding Hood: I told the same thing to myself!
And actually , I was going to visit you and to bring you some grocery.
-How kind you are! Well to thank you my dear , I have also a surprise for you!
-Are you serious grandma ! Show me grandma, show me!
Suddenly, a cute little dog went out of her shadow
Her grandma explained her that she and the dog who by the
Way was named Mr.Wolfie was forming perfect love. The little girl
begun to become mad and she wondered herself:
” Why is my grandmother in love with a dog? “
She thought that her grandmother and Mr.Wolfie were going to get married.
Mr Wolfie was a little nice dog, he was certainly the cutest dog who lived in Earth, 
But she did not look at him in the same way, she remembered those dark story
Of wolves eating grandmothers. So ,while her grandma wasn’t looking
She caught the dog with all her fierce and she threw it at a taxi
that was on full speed! The poor little dog died, sliced in two pieces and Red
Riding Hood shouted:
” Who wants some hot dogs! “
Her grandma was angry and she slapped her, then she asked her why she did that
She answered that she doesn’t want that her grandmother becomes a zoophile
Her grandmother told her:
” Baby, are you crazy? When I said that I loved him, I meant it as a pet! ”

” Oupsi! Well, I suppose that I did a bad thing , but at least we have some hot dogs! You should thank me “
You should always think twice before acting, Little Red Riding Hood has a bad reputation
Since this event and because of it, she did not become a famous actress like she wanted
Instead of it, she is now a mascot for a hotdog brand .


By A.I


Modernized Peter Pan.


Once upon a time, there lived a young boy, called Peter pan, who, with magic powder from Tinker Bell coud fly over the sky.

            One day, he gone in the Wendy’s bedroom and her brother’s. He took them and gone to fly in London. After that, they go to the London airport :


-Wendy : « Where are we going ? »

-Peter Pan : « We go to my plane to go to the paradise world,     Neverland ! »

-Wendy : « What a beautiful plane you have ! »

-Her Brother : « How biger he is ! »

-Peter Pan : « This is bigger than a boat ! »


            After they have taken fly, Captain Hook gone next to Peter Pan’s plane and attack it with his crew because he is jalous of Peter Pan. After a long battle between they, Peter Pan coud landing with difficulty.

            Suddenly, Captain Hook entered into the plane and kidnapped Wendy and her brothers.


-Peter Pan : « Why do you do that, Hook ? »

-Captain : « Because you have real friends and family, i have nobody , do you believe it’s to simple for me !!! »

-Peter Pan : « We can be friends, come with me ! »


            During ten hours of négociation, Captain accepted to be friend with the Young boy and they lived happily ever after…



            Moral : you should be friend with the poeple who want to help you.


Célestin Chapelain


                                     Snow Dark

Il était une fois une belle femme. Elle était la plus belle et la plus gentille de New York. Oui, elle habitait dans une place à New York. Elle valait vivre dans l’Empire State Building, mais le roi et la reine vivaient ici.
Un jour, la reine était morte. Elle a mordu une pomme empoisonnée. Les gens de ce lieu ont dit que c’était Snow Dark, elle était la femme la plus méchante de cet endroit. Elle valait être la plus belle de cette ville. Sophia a pris le royaume de la reine. Snow Dark portait toujours un miroir magique. Ce miroir répondait à ces questions. Snow Dark a posé une question au miroir:
«Miroir, Miroir, qui est la plus belle de cet endroit». Et le miror a répondu:
«Quelle belle femme tu es. Mais la nouvelle reine est la plus belle ».
Snow Dark a appelé un chasseur pour tuer la Reine. Mais le chasseur aimait la Reine. Il est parti pour la tuer.
Sophia entra dans Central Park et vit une petite maison. Elle voulait se faire des amis. Elle a ouvert la porte, et si fatiguée, un dormi. Elle s’est réveillé, elle a vu sept nains. Si heureux, un nain a dit:
«Quelle belle reine tu es! Restez avec nous »et elle accepte.
Soudain, une vieille femme touche à la porte avec une pomme et dit à Sophia:
«Tu veuxais manger cette pomme?» Sophia, si affamée, prit la pomme et la mangea.
Sophia a mordu cette pomme, et moura. La vieille femme était Snow Dark et elle fuya. Les sept nains ont couru pour l’attraper mais ils ont échoué.
Moral: vous ne devez pas manger de la nourriture d’un étranger Mais le chasseur aimait la Reine. Il est parti pour la tuer. Sophia entra dans Central Park et vit une petite maison. Elle voulait se faire des amis. Elle a ouvert la porte, et si fatiguée, un dormi. Elle s’est réveillé, elle a vu sept nains. Si heureux, un nain a dit: «Quelle belle reine tu es! Restez avec nous »et elle accepte. Soudain, une vieille femme touche à la porte avec une pomme et dit à Sophia: «Tu veuxais manger cette pomme?» Sophia, si affamée, prit la pomme et la mangea. Sophia a mordu cette pomme, et moura. La vieille femme était Snow Dark et elle fuya. Les sept nains ont couru pour l’attraper mais ils ont échoué. Moral: vous ne devez pas manger de la nourriture d’un étranger Mais le chasseur aimait la Reine. Il est parti pour la tuer. Sophia entra dans Central Park et vit une petite maison. Elle voulait se faire des amis. Elle a ouvert la porte, et si fatiguée, un dormi. Elle s’est réveillé, elle a vu sept nains. Si heureux, un nain a dit: «Quelle belle reine tu es! Restez avec nous »et elle accepte. Soudain, une vieille femme touche à la porte avec une pomme et dit à Sophia: «Tu veuxais manger cette pomme?» Sophia, si affamée, prit la pomme et la mangea. Sophia a mordu cette pomme, et moura. La vieille femme était Snow Dark et elle fuya. Les sept nains ont couru pour l’attraper mais ils ont échoué. Moral: vous ne devez pas manger de la nourriture d’un étranger Sophia entra dans Central Park et vit une petite maison. Elle voulait se faire des amis. Elle a ouvert la porte, et si fatiguée, un dormi. Elle s’est réveillé, elle a vu sept nains. Si heureux, un nain a dit: «Quelle belle reine tu es! Restez avec nous »et elle accepte. Soudain, une vieille femme touche à la porte avec une pomme et dit à Sophia: «Tu veuxais manger cette pomme?» Sophia, si affamée, prit la pomme et la mangea. Sophia a mordu cette pomme, et moura. La vieille femme était Snow Dark et elle fuya. Les sept nains ont couru pour l’attraper mais ils ont échoué. Moral: vous ne devez pas manger de la nourriture d’un étranger Sophia entra dans Central Park et vit une petite maison. Elle voulait se faire des amis. Elle a ouvert la porte, et si fatiguée, un dormi. Elle s’est réveillé, elle a vu sept nains. Si heureux, un nain a dit: «Quelle belle reine tu es! Restez avec nous »et elle accepte. Soudain, une vieille femme touche à la porte avec une pomme et dit à Sophia: «Tu veuxais manger cette pomme?» Sophia, si affamée, prit la pomme et la mangea. Sophia a mordu cette pomme, et moura. La vieille femme était Snow Dark et elle fuya. Les sept nains ont couru pour l’attraper mais ils ont échoué. Moral: vous ne devez pas manger de la nourriture d’un étranger Est réveillé, elle a vu sept nains. Si heureux, un nain a dit: «Quelle belle reine tu es! Restez avec nous »et elle accepte. Soudain, une vieille femme touche à la porte avec une pomme et dit à Sophia: «Tu veuxais manger cette pomme?» Sophia, si affamée, prit la pomme et la mangea. Sophia a mordu cette pomme, et moura. La vieille femme était Snow Dark et elle fuya. Les sept nains ont couru pour l’attraper mais ils ont échoué. Moral: vous ne devez pas manger de la nourriture d’un étranger Est réveillé, elle a vu sept nains. Si heureux, un nain a dit: «Quelle belle reine tu es! Restez avec nous »et elle accepte. Soudain, une vieille femme touche à la porte avec une pomme et dit à Sophia: «Tu veuxais manger cette pomme?» Sophia, si affamée, prit la pomme et la mangea. Sophia a mordu cette pomme, et moura. La vieille femme était Snow Dark et elle fuya. Les sept nains ont couru pour l’attraper mais ils ont échoué. Moral: vous ne devez pas manger de la nourriture d’un étranger Prit la pomme et la mangea. Sophia a mordu cette pomme, et moura. La vieille femme était Snow Dark et elle fuya. Les sept nains ont couru pour l’attraper mais ils ont échoué. Moral: vous ne devez pas manger de la nourriture d’un étranger Prit la pomme et la mangea. Sophia a mordu cette pomme, et moura. La vieille femme était Snow Dark et elle fuya. Les sept nains ont couru pour l’attraper mais ils ont échoué. Moral: vous ne devez pas manger de la nourriture d’un étranger


Modernised Fairytales 2°3 by Mrs English -

Le petit Chaperon rouge

Il était une fois vivait une grand-mère dans une petite maison dans la forêt et une petite fille nommée Little Red Riding hood. Elle était méchante et méchante. Elle aimait faire de mauvaises actions et faire une blague.

Un jour, elle voulait dans la forêt pour rendre visite à sa grand-mère et elle prit un gâteau pour faire une blague.

Elle est arrivée dans la forêt, elle a regardé un loup. Il était le meilleur Wolf et il était le plus gentil du monde. La petite fille a dit:

“Whouaa! Quelles grosses dents tu as! Regarde mon gâteau, ça te tente! Tu peux le manger … avec tes dents! Prends-le!

Le loup dit:

Oh non, vous pouvez donner le gâteau pour votre grand-mère!

Le petit capot rouge a répondu:

Alors, vous ne voulez pas mon cadeau? Ok ok je te connais … ”

Après avoir été déçue, Little Red Riding Hood veut se venger. Alors, quand elle est arrivée à la maison de sa grand-mère, elle a repoussé le gateau qu’elle avait faite. Puis elle a donné le gâteau et elle a parlé:

“Grand-mère, regarde le gâteau, c’est détruire … C’est le loup qui en a fait. Le loup voulait me tuer! Je courais dans ta maison pour l’échapper.

La grand-mère de la rage prend un pistolet et dit:

Pourquoi vous faites ce loup, vous êtes un méchant!

Elle l’a regardé et dans l’action elle l’a tué. Ils vivaient dans le chaos parce qu’elle regrettait son geste. Et après que la petite fille ait tué sa grand-mère parce qu’elle pleurait trop

Moral: Tu ne devrais pas écouter une petite fille parce qu’elle dit quelque chose.

Modernised Fairytales 2°3 by Mrs English -

Il était une fois l’homme le plus courageux de New York. Il s’appelait Cap Hook. Il vivait aussi dans l’endroit le plus pauvre de New York, The Bronx.

Le chapeau dormait quand son chef est entré dans son bureau:

«Tu travailles fort comme je peux le voir»

” Sorry bos mais le dernier cas me rappelle quand j’essaie de dormir ”

«Ne vous inquiétez pas, nous avons trouvé l’enfant mais le kidnappeur est encore caché»

” Quel lâche il est! ”

” Il est un enfant ”


” Oui et il appelle Peter Pan ”

” Cela semble familial

”Avez-vous dit quelque chose ”

” Euh non non ”

” Il vit dans la rue 38 Abraham Lincoln ”

” D’accord … je vais aller ”

” Jure que tu n’irais pas dans cette maison … Tous les officiers et moi vont dans cette maison demain à 6 heures du matin ”

”Je le jure”

Cap got out of the police station.It actually was half midnight when Hook decided go to sleep.He was walking when he saw a shadow trying to capture a child, he got out his weapon and pulled the trigger. The bullet wounded it but it didn’t care. Only a light coming from a car made him go. Hook decided to follow it when he arrived in front of a huge abandonned house. He checked the door number : 38

”I sweared but ..How far could he go to get some new children ??”

He blew in the house when he heard a voice coming from upstairs

”Oh you finally found me ..I didn’t capture All these children for nothing ..Let me introduce myself I am Peter…Peter Pan”

”And I’m Hook”

He shot once, it wounded him in his leg. Peter screamed, Hook captured him and set free the lost boys

Moral: Everyone Can Be Dangerous.








Modernised Fairytales 2°3 by Mrs English -


Sleeping Beauty

Once upon a time there was a king and a queen, the saddest royal couple of the kingdom because they had no heir.

One day,  while all hope  disappeared the queen became pregnant. The most beautiful princess was born and they called her : ROSA. The royal couple organized a big celebration . All the  fairies were invited to urge  and baptized  the princess except the black witch. The princess received lots of gifts like intelligence, kindness, creativity, talent…

Suddenly, the black witch appeared and said: “What cute baby she is! I will give her a curse: at the age of 16 , ROSA will prick her finger with a  flower thorn and she will fall into an eternal sleep”. The king sent  the princess in the new world: NEW YORK.

In the city, the princess was a rebellious  teenager, she had pink hair ,a rose tattoo and she loved to draw  on the wall: street art.

One day, she was drawing a cat when a boy called JACK said:

-” How beautiful he is! I’m JACK and I love your  painting.

-Thank you ,I’m ROSA like a rose

– I like it!

– I must come back at home, but if you like join me tomorrow at Center Park.

– OK, bye!

ROSA took the subway and arrived at her home. Her parents (the queen and the king) were angry because they didn’t want ROSA to draw on the wall. She should stay in her room and thought about her bad actions.  At night, ROSA left her room by the window and went to draw roses everywhere in NEW YORK ( her signature is a snake holding a rose).

When she saw a sublime flower : a red rose. ROSA was taking the flower and she heard her name. JACK observed her and gave her a rose . ROSA pricked her finger with rose’s thorn  and fell into an eternal sleep( because  she was 16 years old). JACK was painting in front of her a snake which holding  a rose. When a man arrived. The king was upset, he approached his princess and put in the hand’s ROSA a rose. Suddenly she woke up.

They lived happily ever after in the kingdom (ROSA,  her prince JACK, the queen and the king). All walls of kingdom were painted with a snake holding a rose, ROSA’s signature.


MORAL: You shouldn’t forget to be careful especially when you do what you like.







Little Red Riding Hood


Once upon a time, there lived in Los Angeles a little girl, the prettiest creature who was ever seen. She was the daughter of a celebrity whose name was posting on Hollywood Boulward. Everybody called her Little Red Riding Hood.


One day, her  mother ,having made pancakes and said to her daughter :

« Go, my dear and see how your grandmother is doing, you take your howeboard.» So she went to her grandmother’s new house in Beverly hills.


But in Los Angeles, there was a group of rogues and racketters nicknamed the wolves who found the beautiful grandmother’s house, they knocked on the door then she opened the doorand they attached her. Then they destroyed evrythig in the house.


When the Little Red Riding Hood come she said.

« -Why is everything destroyed ! Where is grandma !

They wolves replied.

-We have attached her and we will do the some thing with you. »


But suddenly she struck them and gave them a good lesson. She freed her grandmother. The wolves were arrested by the police and they did not set a foot back in Los Angeles. Since she  made the headlines.


Moral : You must learn to defend yourself.


Title : Peter Pan in Las Vegas

Once upon a time , a family of two boys and one girl named Michael and Roger for the boys, Wendy for the girl. They lived in the amazing city of Las Vegas with its all casinos. The most famous casino of the city was « Casinland » but it was reserved for the VIP because his entry was very expensive. One day, Michel, Roger and Wendy where playing at Fifa 17 when a boy entered in her room :

– «  Oh my god ; cried Wendy, he is flying !!! »

– « Superman is that you ??!! » cried michael »

– « Superduck ?! » cried Roger.

-Calm down, calm down, my name is Peter Pan , do you want to visit Casinland ?

-The famous casino ?

-Yep !

-For sure !!! But how can we do that

-By the sky !

-Can we fly with you ???

-Obviously ! Let’s GOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!

-Yipiiiii ! How lucky we are to fly to visit Casinland !

When they arrived to the casino, Wendy s said :

« You are the most amazing man that I’ve never seen Peter Pan ! »

– « Silence ! Now we need to enter in the casino »

– « It’s so exiting ! It’s like an infiltration video game ! »

-Shhh Michael !

The four children where hidden in the bush when Peter took a soporific pistol and he went out the bush to cried : « Hey ! I’m here!And he shooted the keeps.

-What a courageous boy you are ! Cried Wendy.

-Well played ! Now we can enter in the casino !

They entry in the casino and found so many beautiful things !

-It was a good adventure , we did it !

The children where talking when Peter Pan left the place.

-Bye children

-Bye Peter Pan and thank you for all ! After that , the children talked about his story to their friend and they lived happily ever after.

Morale : You should do everything if you want to go somewhere

Modernised Fairytales 2°3 by Mrs English -

Peter Pan in Los Angeles

Once upon a time there lived cleverest boy who refused to grow and a young girl called Wendy in Los Angeles.One day , Peter Pan was crying because his shadow wouldn’t stick to his feet and he entered into Darling’s house while wendy was couting the stars that she could perceive on the Hollywood Boulevard from his Bedroom window .When he explained his problem , Wendy heleped him (to) catch his shadow .To thank her , the cleverest boy learnt Wendy how to fly and took her on Venice Beach , the most beautiful places of los Angeles , because it was Wendy’s dream since she was a little girl .

  • « How nice you are ! » said Wendy

  • « You welcome, it’s a pleasure » said Peter Pan

Suddendly , the evil Captain Hook arrived from the Ocean on his ship and captured Wendy and Tinker Bell ( because she was always with Peter Pan ) on his ship . When Peter Pan learnt that , he became furious and led a duel of sword with Captain Hook for the liberty of Wendy and Tinker Bell .

During the duel , Peter Pan had the advantage and pushed Captain Hook on the Ocean with the crocodile who swallowed a clock : the girls were saved . The evil Captain Hook was eaten and drowned because just before , Peter Pan was stolen Capitain’s clothes , because it was Peter’s dream .

– « What a beautiful hat you have » said Peter Pan to Capitain Hook.

The next Morning , Wendy returned to her house with her brothers Jean and Mickael and she lived happily ever after.

– « It was the most beautiful adventure of my life » said Wendy

Moral : You should always help your friends .

Modernised Fairytales 2°3 by Mrs English -

              The revenge of the queen who turns into a nightmare.


Once upon a time there lived the wicked queen and the most beautiful princess called Snow White who was dreaming to meet prince charming.


One day, the wicked queen asked to her cell phone : « google talk »

  • « Who is the fairest of them all ? »

Her phone replied :

  • « The most beautiful is not you, it’s Snow White ! »

After this conversation the queen became very jealous and she couldn’t stand that Snow White was more beautiful than her ! so she decided to order Hounstan, the servant of the queen, to kill Snow White in the wood.

Hounstan arrived with an arm, and the princess was so scared, that she ran until a little house, where she saw seven dwarfs.


When the queen discovered that Snow White was still alive, she became very furious and organized a revange. She went into the wood, she saw the little house and entered. She said :

  • « Hello Snow White, you are very beautiful today » how are you ? »

Snow White replied :

  • « Oh thank you. How kind you are ! »
  • « Are you hungry ? I have apples for you, look at this magnificient red apple, eat this, it’s very delicious and you will become a wonderfull women. »

Snow White replied :

  • « Wouah ! it’s true ? what a beautiful apple you have ! »


Suddenly Snow White crunched apple and fell on the floor. At this moment, the smart dwarf fainted in the room and met the princess. They called with theit phone the bravest prince. Then, he arrived with his car and offered a magic ring to the princess and she woke up. In the minute, the fairest Snow White decided to take her revange. She entered in the castle and met the wicked queen.

Afterwards, she was taking a tool and fought the wicked queen. The princess emprisoned the queen and she died.


In the end the wicked queen died and the princess and the bravest prince lived hapily ever after.



Moral, you shoud not rely on apperances.



Modernised Fairytales 2°3 by Mrs English -

Snow White in Las Vegas

Once upon a time, there lived the most beautiful princess, Snow White. The throne was taken by a woman and became

the Queen. She always asked her mirror: “Mirror, who is the most beautiful girl in the world?”. But this time, he was saying confused: “Miss, you are beautiful but Snow White is more beautiful thzn you!”. The wicked Queen, angry, Closed the princess in a tower but Snow White fought and escaped. She arrived in a city with lot of brightness, Las Vegas. She went in the casino to have fun with her new friends, the seven dwarfs. She was very crazy and lost control.

One day, after the party, she don’t memorized the party and a man was next to her.

When she really woke-up, the man was in reality a girl, so she ran out and prayed for this was a bad dream.

Finally, she went in the castle with the wicked Queen and prefered the life in Tower to Las Vegas.

Moral: You need to valorize the life you have, every moment, good or not.


The junky Beauty

Once upon a time there lived the most unlucky king and queen of the kingdom. They never had any child of their life.
One day, the queen was pregnant and gave birth to a girl called Aurora. The king organized a party to celebrate the birth and invited all the kingdom. There were fairies, dwarfs and the witch Maleficent too.
For the 16th birthday of the princess, the king organized, again, a large party with the same guests. Maleficent took care of Aurora during 16 years. But Aurora didn’t care of that and did stupid things every time. During the party, the princess ate a mushroom that was a drug.
Maleficent said : « Why are you doing that ? Are you silly ? »
But Aurora didn’t care care and continued to eat mushrooms.
Suddenly, she fell asleep during a lot of centuries. Maleficent was very sad. She said : « What a dumb girl you are ! »
One day, Aurora woke up and saw buildings everywhere. She was surprised and startled. She walked during long minutes on an avenue with stars on the floor with a lot of people who were walking too; it was Hollywood Boulevard. She asked a man : «  P…please, where am I ? when are we ? And who are you all ?! »
The man answered: « Oh! Are you serious girl ?! Leave me alone, I don’t want problems. »
Aurora walked alone all the day. When the sun was setting, she arrived on a beach. So she went on the sand and saw a group of teens. She went to meet the group and said: « Please, where am I ? I’m lost… »
A very stuffed boy said : « You are on Venice Beach ! The place where all your dreams are fulfilled ! How beautiful you are ! Do you want Heisenberg’s meth ? »
It was a group of junkies. She consumed drugs all her life and died in a gutter.

Morale : les drogues sont mauvaises … elle peut détruire votre vie et celle de vos proches aussi.

Modernised Fairytales 2°3 by Mrs English -

The little Red Hating Wolf

Once upon a time, there lived in a certain village the evilest  girl with wolves, because one day a wolf ate her cat, so from that moment on she hated all wolves and the animals, it’s why we named her the little red hating wolf. One day her mother said to her <<Go, my dear to your grandmother’s house to see how she feels, and take with you a basket with bread and a pot of butter for her>>. She went immediately bit while she was walking, on the other side of the woods, there was a little house, it was the grandmother’s house. A wolf was walking in the wood when he saw the little house, he looked like the happiest wolf of the wood, he knocked on the door, then the grandmother opened the door and she was afraid and she cried: <<

– Oh my god, a wolf like the wolf who ate the cat of my grand-daughter.

–     No no, don’t be afraid, I’m a very nice wolf like all wolves, in fact I just want to help you .

–     Oh so excuse me, I was cleaning the house, you can help me if you want, wait I will give you cleaning clothes.

–     Oh, thank you.

The wolf put on the cleaning clothes and started; while he was cleaning the house the grandmother got to sleep, five minutes later the little red hating wolf arrived and knocked on the door, the wolf opened the door,

<< Who are you, I know you? >> asked the little girl

<< I am the cleaning lady.

–     But what big arms you have!

–     All the better to carry old person’s bags

–     And what big ears you have!

–     All the better to hear easily a person when she is in danger.

–     Stop, I’m not stupid, I know wolves by heart. >>

Suddenly she took out a lead from the basket and did him her pet.

Moral: You shouldn’t take you’re revenge on someone because of his race or breed.



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