George and the Italian Restaurant by Ayelet Arzouan & Emil Agronov - Illustrated by Google Images -
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George and the Italian Restaurant


Artwork: Google Images

  • Joined Apr 2017
  • Published Books 2

One day, George went to an Italian restaurant with his friends, Molly and Jeff. 

George and the Italian Restaurant by Ayelet Arzouan & Emil Agronov - Illustrated by Google Images -

First, they ordered some drinks. George ordered orange soda, Jeff ordered sparkling water , and Molly ordered Coca Cola.

George and the Italian Restaurant by Ayelet Arzouan & Emil Agronov - Illustrated by Google Images -

Next, they ordered their food. There were so many things to choose from! George and Molly ordered bruschetta as an appetizer, and Jeff ordered minestrone soup. And for the main course, George ordered some pizza, Molly ordered seafood risotto, and Jeff ordered some pasta carbonara.

George and the Italian Restaurant by Ayelet Arzouan & Emil Agronov - Illustrated by Google Images -

While they waited for their food, they all enjoyed listening to the lovely Italian music!  



Finally, the food arrived! The bruschetta was refreshing, the minestrone soup was lovely. When they finished eating their appetizers, the main course arrived. George’s pizza was tasty and cheesy. Molly’s seafood risotto was delicious and fishy, and Jeff’s pasta carbonara  was creamy and filling. 

George and the Italian Restaurant by Ayelet Arzouan & Emil Agronov - Illustrated by Google Images -

When they finished eating, the waiter came by.

“Would you like some dessert?”, he asked. 

“Hmm…” said Jeff, “How about some espresso and tiramisu?”

“No problem,” said the waiter. “Would you two like dessert as well?” he asked George and Molly.

“Yes, the same for us, please!” they answered. 

George and the Italian Restaurant by Ayelet Arzouan & Emil Agronov - Illustrated by Google Images -

A few minutes later the waiter returned with the dessert. The espresso was hot and bitter, and it went well with the sweet tiramisu

George and the Italian Restaurant by Ayelet Arzouan & Emil Agronov - Illustrated by Google Images -

After dessert, they paid for their food and left the restaurant.

“That was lovely, wasn’t it?” asked George.

“Yes, it was! Thank you for your idea to go to an Italiarestaurant, George” said Molly.

“And thank you for inviting us to come along,” said Jeff. “Next week, let’s go to a Thai restaurant!”

“Sounds like a plan!” said Molly and George. 

George and the Italian Restaurant by Ayelet Arzouan & Emil Agronov - Illustrated by Google Images -
George and the Italian Restaurant by Ayelet Arzouan & Emil Agronov - Illustrated by Google Images -
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