Seven Kids And The Wolf by Betka -
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Seven Kids And The Wolf


  • Joined Apr 2017
  • Published Books 1
Seven Kids And The Wolf by Betka -

Once upon a time, far in the forest there was a beautiful meadow with a small cottage in the middle. In the cottage there lived a white mother goat with her seven kids.

Seven Kids And The Wolf by Betka -

Like every day, on that day the mother had to go to a village to buy some food for her seven kids. They were growing very fast and they needed to drink plenty of milk every day to become big and strong. The mother told her seven kids not to open the door of the cottage to anyone, but her. To be sure that it was their mother knocking on the door, she said that she would sing a special song, so the kids will be sure it is really her. She started to sing:

‘Open the door, my little kids

I have the milk for you to drink.’



Seven Kids And The Wolf by Betka -

Unfortunately there was a wolf outside the cottage listening to the conversation. He thought: ‘Ha ha the silly kids, I can go there, sing the song, they will open the door and I will have a fresh dinner. I just need to wait until the old mother disappears.’


The wolf waited a little bit and when he could not see the mother anymore he went closer to the cottage. He thought that the kids were very young so they were silly and they would open the door when he sings the song.


He knocked on the door and with a terrible voice said: ‘Kids open the door, it is me your mother.’ Then he started to sing the song he was sure he remembered: ‘My kids open the door, I have some water for me to drink.’


Seven Kids And The Wolf by Betka -

The kids inside the cottage started laughing, although they were young they could recognise that it was the wolf’s voice and not the lovely voice of their mother. Also the song was very funny and not the song their mother would sing.

They said: ‘We know that you are the wolf and you want to eat us. Our mother has a nicer voice and is a better singer then you are. We will not open the door, go away.’


The wolf heard how the kids were laughing at his song. It made him very angry: ‘Silly kids, I will show you how beautifully I can sing.’

Seven Kids And The Wolf by Betka -

The wolf went to the blacksmith to ask him to make his throat to be narrower, so he could sing nicely. The blacksmith started asking him why he needed to have a narrower throat, but the wolf started frightening him by saying that if he asks to much, he will eat him. The blacksmith had not finished the work yet and the wolf was running back to the cottage.


The wolf knocked on the door and started to sing the song in a nicer voice:

‘Open the door, my little kids

I have the milk for you to drink.’


The kids were confused if it was their mother or not. The oldest one looked through the keyhole and saw wolf’s fur. He shouted: ‘The wolf, we know it is you and not our mother. It is true that you sang the song nicely, but we could see your fur. Our mother always wears red or blue dresses.’

Seven Kids And The Wolf by Betka -

The wolf did not wait and ran to take their mother’s clothes, which were outside, drying in the sun and put them on quickly.


He went to knock on the door third time. With the softest voice he said: ‘Open the door, it is me your mother’ and started to sing:

‘Open the door, my little kids

I have the milk for you to drink.’


The kids could hear the lovely voice and see their mother’s clothes. They were sure it was their mother and they wanted to open the door. Suddenly the oldest kid stopped them and said: ‘It is the wolf again, trying to get inside the cottage.’ The other kids did not want to believe him and push him aside. They were very hungry and they could not wait to drink the fresh milk.

Seven Kids And The Wolf by Betka -

As soon as they opened the door the wolf jumped inside and ate all of them. Seven kids were quite enough for the wolf and he felt very full and tired, so he decided to have a nap until the mother comes.


The mother was on the way back home. She could see the door of the cottage was open. She ran,because she found it strange, especially when she told her kids not to open the door unless it was her singing the song.


All of the kids were gone. She saw just the wolf with a huge belly sleeping in her bed. She knew that kids were inside his belly. She cut the wolf’s belly while he was still sleeping and all the kids jumped out. After that they put seven heavy stones in his belly, very quickly and sewed it.


The mother and seven kids were quietly hiding and waiting for the wolf to wake up.

Seven Kids And The Wolf by Betka -

When the wolf woke up he was very thirsty, his belly was heavy and he hardly had any strength to walk to a stream and drink water from it. As he was leaning down to drink water, the heavy stones in his belly pulled him down right into the stream.


The mother and kids saw him falling and they started laughing. While the wolf was carried by the rough stream the mother shouted: ‘I do not want to see you near our cottage again!’


The wolf regretted that had eaten the kids and that he had not learnt how to swim when he was young.

Seven Kids And The Wolf by Betka -

The mother with her seven kids came back to the cottage, where the fresh milk was waiting for them.




They lived happily ever after.

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