I Will Be Strong

by ireneparnuta
- Joined Apr 2017
- Published Books 1
Copyright © 2017

The Wet Suit ( story by Arik Harel)
Four days before the journey of my life, the water was shut off in the city. Up the road was an only faucet that worked and there was a line of people waiting to fill up their bottles. Mother gave me a couple of jugs and asked me to go and fill them up. I was ready for my journey which I waited for, for so long. I was about to go to Eretz Israel and make alliya on my own. I had just received a brand new suit for the jorney which the town’s tailor made especially for me. I was so excited about it and this was an opportunity for me to take it for a spin around town.
As I got closer to the only working faucet, I realized that all the people were standing behind it and filling their jugs and were careful not to get to close. Right in front of the faucet there was a huge puddle which I decided to walk through it but not realizing that it was not just a puddle, it was a deep pool of water way deeper than my height. I felt that I was about to drawn and drank mouthfuls of dirty water. I tried to scream and move my arms and legs but I couldn’t really do anything but panic more and more. Finally two older boys retrieved me by grabbing onto my collar and bringing me to safety. I wasn’t dead but I wanted to die, thinking of what my father would have done to me if he’d find out that I ruined my brand new suit. I laid on the floor and puked my brains out like a wet cat in a brand new suit.
I walked home humiliated and soaked in dirty water and in my own tears, terrified of what’s to come. Luckily, the return home was so much better in reality than in my imagination. Mother took my wet suit and washed it before my journey and father realized my humiliation and spared me any further punishment.

I will be strong (poem by Lihi Findling Talpiot)
This poem is based on the story of my grandfather’s immigration from Tunisia to Israel.
He emigrated alone by a boat when he was 13 years old.
The loneliness was difficult.
Nor friends neither family.
Nor a warm feeling, neither a caressing hand.
“Daddy?” “Mummy?”
So cold.
I have to be strong!
I will be strong.
Salt water on my face.
These are not tears, it is the sea.
The waves are overjoyed for me.
My home, my life,
my desire, my love,
I’m coming for you.
You will be for me a warm feeling and a caressing hand.
I’m coming for you.
I’m coming to huge you, Israel.
The cover is an art work by the contemporary artist Justyna Kaponia.
Published: Apr 7, 2017
Latest Revision: Apr 20, 2017
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-286354
Copyright © 2017