Hillary in USSR by Matteo Settineri - Ourboox.com
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Hillary in USSR

  • Joined Mar 2017
  • Published Books 1

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Hillary. One day she was walking in Manhattan, and saw a little white rabbit with a big mustache, who’s running in the direction of the statue of liberty. Hillary without mind, followed him. The Rabbit jump into the ocean and started to swim to the statue, Hillary tried to do the same, but she didn’t know how to swim, and a lot of fish push her to came at the statue. The little white rabbit opened a imaginary door in the statue. They appeared in a cold place with snow. Hillary asked to Stonline, the Rabbit :

“Where are we ? Why you leaded me here ?

– I don’t care we have to go in Moscouscous ! I know the way ! Follow me, responded Stonline.”

They walked during few hours in the snow.

When they arrived in the city, Hillary asked again :

“Where are we ?

– We are in the USSR.”

They entered in the capital :


“Look around, we have to find the weapon shop ! said Stonline

– Why ? Why am I here ?

– We have to find a weapon shop ! repeated the rabbit

– Ok it’s just here. I know the way. aswered Hillary”


The Rabbit followed Hillary and they went to a weapon shop. When she enter, she saw Gérard Deuxpardeux in front of the shop. He drank some Vodka :

“Do you want some Vodka for become much bigger ? shouted the alcoholic

– No ! What do you mean, I’m not this type of girl ! responded Hillary

– Don’t judge me ! said the big guy”

He drank again and again and become fat as a balloon. The White Rabbit and our girl entered in the shop. They buy 2 AK-10x. They ran to the enchanted castle of Maria Sharapodane. Johny Deff stopped them at a dark corner for sold some magic powder.


“Euh ! NO ! Where am I for this, I can buy magic powder everywhere… Hillary was crying”

They ran away to the white palace. On their way, they saw a bear. His name was Sostchi. He defended the door of the castle. Stonline kill him with his AK-10x.


In the castle, they saw a big army of Rastateen, with the Queen Maria Sharapodane at bottom, with the crown. Two second after, Maria started to shoot with her RAKET-47. The army began to attack the two heroes, but Hillary and Stonline was so quick. Hillary do a 360° noscope and killed the Queen. After that, Hillary and Stonline was promuted Queen and King.

They get married and lived happily after.

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