The Garden of my Life by Atzmon Yaniv - Illustrated by Atzmon D. Yaniv © -
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The Garden of my Life


Artwork: Atzmon D. Yaniv ©

  • Joined Jan 2015
  • Published Books 8
The Garden of my Life by Atzmon Yaniv - Illustrated by Atzmon D. Yaniv © -

The Garden of my Life


Atzmon D. Yaniv


The Garden of my life


In the garden

of my life

Many trees have grown

Some have dried along the yeas

Some from wind are torn

Yet they all look to the sky

All have birds that sing

In the beauty of the green

I feel like a king.

Come now flowers come now fruit

Fill the ground with joy

In the garden of my life

I am just a  boy.

The Garden of my Life by Atzmon Yaniv - Illustrated by Atzmon D. Yaniv © -


The air is free

But I need space

I love your face

So full of grace

Let’s go together

To the fair

Drink hot chocolate

Laugh out loud

No care.

The Garden of my Life by Atzmon Yaniv - Illustrated by Atzmon D. Yaniv © -

I took my baby to a Bar


I took my baby to a Bar

the tender was a freak

Then through the window

saw a car

that crashed into a creak


The little darling

on the floor

was laughing all the time

A gaze of wind

opened a door

flooding us with wine


The Garden of my Life by Atzmon Yaniv - Illustrated by Atzmon D. Yaniv © -

The music sounded

far away

the clock was ticking

high and low


My girl was drinking

all the time

so beautiful she was

I know


The night was young

the guys were old

the lights were shining bright

So out we went

into the cold

for life was there to fight

The Garden of my Life by Atzmon Yaniv - Illustrated by Atzmon D. Yaniv © -


The night you left me


The night you left me

all alone

and went away for good

my heart was beating all along

I felt I could not move

Your face reflected in the moon

my eyes were full of tears

remembered how we met that day

and had a glass of beer

your perfect body and your face

the way you walked with stunning grace

the smell of perfume I  embrace

and now forever gone

The Garden of my Life by Atzmon Yaniv - Illustrated by Atzmon D. Yaniv © -

I pray at every falling star

I kiss your picture at the bar

the end of ends is not so far

to see you once again I wish

I want to be a golden fish

in your aquarium in the loft

were we made love  like  hell so hot


The night you left me

all alone

and went away for good

my heart was beating all along

I felt I could not move.


The Garden of my Life by Atzmon Yaniv - Illustrated by Atzmon D. Yaniv © -
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