Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -
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Cultural Identity


Artwork: Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan

  • Joined Jan 2015
  • Published Books 1
Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -

Uludag University Teacher Fakulitiy 

Primary Partition Class Teacher 

Master Of Science

Class Name: Drama


Class and Branch: 3-A


Instructor Surname and Name: Ögr. Gör. Sehnaz Sungurtekin


Teacher Candidates Fakulity Number / Surname and Name:

061200006 Seher Dalkiran

061200093 Zülal Hocaoglu

061200104 Gül Ülge

061200107 Ezgi Idemen

061200141 Esranur Tufan


Lesson Plan

A. Formal Section

Course Name: Life Science

Class: 2

Subject: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Topic: Countries and Kids

Educational Attainment: C.2.6. Children from different countries, nutrition, clothing and changes in style of play, booking travel and offers.

Skill: Two Class Hours (40+40=80 min.)

Teaching methods and techniques: Drama Methode, Improvise, Opaque Imge, Role Play, Teacher Role To Enter, Visual Presentation Technology, Bilinc Corrido.

Tools and Equipment: Computer, projector, speakers, role cards, pens, kruangam (Black, White, Cream, Red, Blue), trappings, Mint Lemon Peel Song.


Teachers do Preliminary Preparation

Ensouling active leader for equipment needed are already provide.
Saudi Arabia for white and black fabric of Japan for red and blue, and indexer for kumasi, India cream kumsalari contains ready.Fight the revived activity by writing the role cards makes ready for.
The warm-up lap is etkinliginde kullanacagi determines the music. At the end of the course they ready to advance the slides kullanacagi. Working environment makes it suitable for the course.


B. Entry Section

The leader is know yourself first as young students, and gives a short information about the process. (For different countries and the kids will learn about the various information and activities of the yapacaklarindan mentions.) After the lesson bass information given.


Warming Efficacy

Leader in the field of work from students will want them laying in circle. Gives instructions for later enabled.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -

(We’re going to play a game with music with you Soon. I need to us a leader for the game. I’m going to be the first leader to easily hone your game and I’m going to start the first game as I was. Then the game the way you all are going to be the leader in sequence. Music starts around I’m going to stand in front of you when you call and I’m going to do a dance. From where I stand in front of the student will repeat the dance I did. He feels that he will be the leader this time again. I will stand in front of a friend and will do a dance. The game will continue in this way. If you do not handle leading his dance leader and another will go to your friend and will repeat the dance. Leading and selected other than keeping the student can accompany the music rhythm in place.) 

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -

Opens the music will use after the instructions given (Barış Manço-Mint-lemon peel / lyrics-music: Baris Manco). Clapping the rhythm and the students gradually to join him. In this way, the game begins.

Bana Ayak Uydur (Zaire Oyunu)

This selects a leader before the game players with music and forming a circle as you add them. Leader clapping rhythm and others gradually joined him. After leading the player stands in front of any player, and makes a dance rhythm accompaniment. The leader chooses this dance becomes a leader successfully if the repeat. If she fails, the leader selects a new player and dance again.




Leading students gathers and a short description for the course makes gains. (Today, nutrition, clothing and children living in different countries will learn how their style of play. But in this lesson you will fall the most. Because you’re going to teach each other. I’ll ask, you’re going to tell you. But we’re going to do all this using the method of the drama. Soon we’re going to have the animation activity. We will use information in the event by way of living in different countries learned many things about children will be amused.) Gives instructions for later resuscitation.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -

Animation Activity

Before moving to Improv students leading a variety of explanations. Provide students with a dull image what it is, how and when it tells you it will be opaque image. (The leader determines a rhythm or motion during the course. Using improvisation of rhythm or designate will launch the movement, still the same rhythm or movement improvisation will finish. Frozen image they gave them to stay where they are than move in and carefully the instructions should provide highlights.) After making the necessary comments that students will do with improvisation, gives instructions.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -


Separates the leading students into three groups. Three “role card” to each group said it would. (By the way, have inseparable roles at Improv students role cards, contain a variety of information related to, this information should provide direction by taking advantage of the roles of the campaign.) In addition to the roles they will play in a variety of materials to distribute to them in accordance with also specifies.

Leader first the plot tells students about Improv. Plot indicates that his character of the play last Zeynep. Thus would be disagreeing with them in the role.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -

Allocates the first three groups respectively, “Saudi Arabia, Japan and India” distributes their country. After you deploy the countries of each group to groups between themselves into groups threes. The first group of the country’s children to “nutrition-style”, the second group of “clothing style of the country to” the children of the country to the third group of “style of play” distributes about role cards. Will ask them questions during improvised and acted in a manner that will perform this information reminds us that they must move. In accordance with the role of their country and to groups already distributes the materials provided by.


The leader will use the role cards to students and materials after you deploy the space and gives the necessary information about the State of the conflict.

The leading group will carry out the order, a group of the improvisation improvisation while the other groups should follow them carefully from one group to another group in the groups take their place will give a short time to the campaign. Emphasizes that everyone would take the role as active during the improvisation.

He told leaders of the plot and the various explanations he made about improvisation, then groups role cards readings and gives enough time for hazırlanabilmeleri their roles. The name on the cards leading role within this time, the other food, materials, etc. with the help of the projection reflects the operating environment. Students after completing the preparations for leader would start with the students improvising reminds again the opaque image and therefore passed on improvising.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -

In addition


Leading the way in order for the evaluation activity preparation by playing their roles very well to students and parents come to their countries Bzf hashes should, therefore, work to persuade in a way that episode, why it’s important, then specifies that say.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -


due April 23 national sovereignty and children’s day demonstration in order to make our country has kids from different countries. Zeynep is located in the group show in their own school. Zeynep a while wants to go with his family to a country and intended primarily for cruising purposes. Therefore the various with different countries engaged in research. Feast Festa festivity field prior to their show from Saudi Arabia met, Japan meets with student groups from India and from. Type of trip with his family at one time would have thought. In order to receive information about this country Festival is an excellent opportunity to decide. Groups of students from these countries in order to join them increasingly will chat with them. Countries of them nutrition, clothing and various questions related to the style of the game is headed. Occasionally he also foreign students nutrition, clothing and in their own country are the style of the game mentions.


Role Contacts


Second-year student. While chatting with the children of different countries is quite exciting, just as curious, learn new information to share with her family taking this information, so a lot of the kids she met asks you questions.


Children from Saudi Arabia:

A different country will be participating in the celebrations and demonstrations here are quite happy and excited for you. Zeynep’s question in the face of both are surprised and rejoice. In order to explain themselves and their country are put. Zeynep’s to come to your home in a way that they try to convince.



Children from Japan:

A different country will be participating in the celebrations and demonstrations here are quite happy and excited for you. Zeynep’s question in the face of both are surprised and rejoice. In order to explain themselves and their country are put. Zeynep’s to come to your home in a way that they try to convince.

Children from India:

Join the celebration of feast and a different country, will be showing here are quite happy and excited for you. Zeynep’s question in the face of both are surprised and rejoice. In order to explain themselves and their country are put. Zeynep’s to come to your home in a way that they try to convince.


Event Place:

April 23, national sovereignty is an area of festivity, prepared for the children’s day.

Conflict status:

Zeynep suppliers of the country from the children of countries eagerly asks questions to gain information. The children of countries is engaged in order to provide the most accurate information to Zeynep.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






1.1. Group/nutrition Style:



You live in Saudi Arabia. 2. you are freshman. April 23 national sovereignty and children’s day at the festival organized within the scope of the show you’re going to do. A family member is more or less know the Turkish Turkish. Therefore the teacher at the school for show you and like you choose to bring your friends to the Turkey, he added. There are a lot of tea house in your country. Your food looks like Turkish food. You eat lunch at Kepse. Kepseyi you use your hand while eating. The food is traditional Mandi. Mandi is made from lamb or chicken meat. Mirra has coffee named.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -

1.2. Group/clothing style:


You live in Saudi Arabia. 2. you are freshman. April 23 national sovereignty and children’s day at the festival organized within the scope of the show you’re going to do. A family member is more or less know the Turkish Turkish. Therefore the teacher at the school for show you and like you choose to bring your friends to the Turkey, he added. Your country men wear from the fis. A kilt is sewn from white fabric. They wear a scarf in black, round, hard. Women wear the black evening dress on the street. Her hair and face is closed.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -

1.3. Group/style of play:


You live in Saudi Arabia. 2. you are freshman. April 23 national sovereignty and children’s day at the festival organized within the scope of the show you’re going to do. A family member is more or less know the Turkish Turkish. Therefore the teacher at the school for show you and like you choose to bring your friends to the Turkey, he added. You play the game of Buğdayları Arabia. Circle the ground çömelirsiniz. The midwife tells the touching your game back on song. The song finished putting up the last touches of a midwife who passes behind the midwife. All players of the game on the back of a midwife continues until sıralanıncaya.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -

2. GROUP – Japan


2.1. Group/nutrition style:


You live in Japan. 2. you are freshman. April 23 national sovereignty and children’s day at the festival organized within the scope of the show you’re going to do. A family member is more or less know the Turkish Turkish. Therefore the teacher at the school for show you and like you choose to bring your friends to the Turkey, he added. You use chopsticks when I eat. Your Ramen and traditional food is all I eat is sushi. Ramen is similar to pasta. All I eat is sushi made from fish. Every meal you eat Miso soup necessarily. Diet purse does not necessarily name given to various Bento cartoons heroes have made food offering. Bento is made from rice.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -
Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -

2.2. Group/clothing style:


You live in Japan. 2. you are freshman. April 23 national sovereignty and children’s day at the festival organized within the scope of the show you’re going to do. A family member is more or less know the Turkish Turkish. Therefore the teacher at the school for show you and like you choose to bring your friends to the Turkey, he added. You wear your kimono is traditional. Kimonos are T-shaped. There are sandals called Geta under Kimononun. Festivals and special days you wear. Summer festivals in the Yukata robe that looked like you wear kimono!. Do you prefer casual clothes in everyday life.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -



2.3. Group/style of play:


You live in Japan. 2. you are freshman. April 23 national sovereignty and children’s day at the festival organized within the scope of the show you’re going to do. A family member is more or less know the Turkish Turkish. Therefore the teacher at the school for show you and like you choose to bring your friends to the Turkey, he added. You’ll love the effectiveness of origami. Origamiyi you make a colored square-shaped fold papers. Basketball, football and you like the card game. Men usually play the game of spin the dreidel beigoma. This game translates the longest spinner WINS. The girls that play with glass marbles called-hajiki. By hitting the opponent’s attempts to retrieve the marbles are.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -

3. GROUP – India


3.1. Group/nutrition style:


You live in India. 2. you are freshman. April 23 national sovereignty and children’s day at the festival organized within the scope of the show you’re going to do. A family member is more or less know the Turkish Turkish. Therefore the teacher at the school for show you and like you choose to bring your friends to the Turkey, he added. You use a lot of spices in your meals. Ghee and Curd are included. These are milk products. You manually place your lunch. According to you it’s rude to use fork and knife. Local fruit is the mango and papaya have. You loved the chicken curry. The most famous dessert is Rasamalai.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -

3.2. Group/clothing style:



You live in India. 2. you are freshman. April 23 national sovereignty and children’s day at the festival organized within the scope of the show you’re going to do. A family member is more or less know the Turkish Turkish. Therefore the teacher at the school for the show and you choose to bring your friends who like to Turkey, he added. In all countries women wear Sari’s suit. Sari unsewn fabric occurs. Connected through the shoulder. Men’s dress more simple than women. I usually prefer white or cream-coloured fabrics. They use a lot of jewelry for women.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -

3.3. Group/style of play:


You live in India. 2. you are freshman. April 23 national sovereignty and children’s day at the festival organized within the scope of the show you’re going to do. A family member is more or less know the Turkish Turkish. Therefore the teacher at the school for show you and like you choose to bring your friends to the Turkey, he added. Your most games you play drum game, monkey, as you have the hose, is skimming the crocodile grabbed the game. Also in the back right in front of me milking you loved the Lion game my left.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -
Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -

Assuming the role of leading the students improvised Zeynep during will help. So improvisation allows a specific stream capture.

Each of the three groups during the impromptu respectively is enabled. It also asks questions with the group leader’s non-Zeynep role followed, before setting out of improvisation. Improvisation improvisation leading the way in the first place, determined by the rhythm or motion with another group provides the transition by stopping. By not making a time order transitions group improvisation is ready to wait. Improvisation will continue in this way.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -




After playing leading roles in all groups of students to each other Ovation improvisation terminates. The students want them to stop circle. Can repeat the countries mentioned. Recalling the announcement before the start of improvisation to students, “before moving on to be an improvisation in a way you should convince the episode you told. Choose the country of destination in a minute because Zeynep. But we’re going to do a different drama technique again. “and goes through the evaluation activity.



Evaluation Activity


The leader tells a consciousness soon students will create the corridor. First class divides into two groups. The students could pass up a person from among them, and want them to stay in. Recalling the episode, “through this corridor you create should be a Zeynep to decide. But in the meantime, you can try to convince him to come to your country, you will continue. How do you do it? “after saying consciousness begins to give instructions to the corridor.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -

The Hall Of Consciousness


If the passing of “a leader who then he is Zeynep people voices will rise. The others try to convince in a whisper. To the end of the Hall that will continue like that. Are you Zeynep’s sounds in it. How are you going to convince? Each and every one of you in the first place, can you tell me what you remember about the country, which she says gives examples to help students. (For example, “in my country you can play these games right there, the food, the clothes that it suits you.” you can use expressions in the form of.)
Once you are sure you’re up to leading students entering the consciousness to cross the corridor to Zeynep role begins. At the end of the Hall to give the resolution takes into account performances in the animation activity. According to the students ‘ performance describes the country specified. In this way, it will terminate the effectiveness evaluation.




The leader makes a brief assessment with students about the process. The students, “what have we learned” is a form of questions.

Students receive feedback from leading finally to nutrition, clothing and the world’s children games genre presents a slide prepared by students before about.








Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -



Paris, France




Pickerel, green beans and mushrooms.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -







Rice, salmon, bread, celery, carrots, salad, oranges and buns.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -



Bamako, MALİ 




Fried doughnuts.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






Potatoes, meat and bun.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






Chicken Rice.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






Vegetable soup, oranges or bananas, salad, bread, fried meat.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






Omelette, vegetable soup, banana, yogurt and water.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






The menu on the left: Rice, broccoli and the kinds of cream cakes.
The Menu: pasta, bread, broccoli and fruit platter.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






Rice, chicken croquettes, taro root, yellow pea soup, fried bananas and orange juice.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






Sandwich, fruit juice and one Apple.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






To ensure healthy eating for children was prepared by school officials, salads. Meals as snacks, fruit, homemade bread the children also are given.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






Rice, Meatball soup, tofu and vegetables.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






In addition, kids can also get sold on the streets in the pancakes. The price of these pancakes as the Turkish Lira equivalent to 1.44 cents.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






The students brought the bread from their homes between olive oil and some spices have a prepared mixture of sauce.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






The children lined up for lunch menu, there’s a rice variety.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






This is brought home in the lunch box lavash, turnips and mango’s.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






In this school, kids in their homes the night before what they brought him for lunch.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






Toasted cheese sandwich, salad, carrot, corn tortillas, canned pears and milk in Egypt.


Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






The same school another menu: low-sodium chicken, a huge salad, whole-grain bread and milk.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -







Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -







Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -






Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -



Big Torchlight Game


This trick in the game players, they sit on the ground to form a circle. The game, a player’s hands closer to each other, begins with saying “big Lantern”. Then open your hands the player next to the “little lanterns” and the game continues in this manner. I mean, when you say big and small flashlights, respectively, must be the hand signs say otherwise. Of course, this makes the game more fun will be played at even faster. In the game the player is ejected from the game, disrupts the order with surprise.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -



Grab The Beans 


The game was originally called “colorinas” and is played with 4-6 people. First of all, in the garden, a small hole is ripped and about 2.5 meters away from the pit, a line is drawn. Players receive a handful of small red beans at your hands. Everyone must be an equal amount of beans in his hand. All beans are at their disposal in order to pit players toss up. Put beans into the pit and then everyone puts on your hand. Then it tries to catch up with her Palm and tossing their beans. The winner is the player remaining at most a handful of beans.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -



Turkey Fight


The original name, cock fighting, meaning “Luta de Galo” is the game played on the exterior. It’s more fun when played in a large group which can be in this game, players conduct a castle and a handkerchief to the belt as the iliştirirler. Players at the level of the chest their right arm holding constant, they jump right on his feet. The goal is to grab the opponent’s left hand released handkerchief. To open your right arm or left leg over değdiren player, game and also shut down his opponent’s handkerchief, wins the game.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -



Releases the Jump


Was originally called “Ladder Jump” is in the game, the players were allocated to groups of three or 4 each one gets a number. The number one player of each team came to the starting line, snaps to each other and both feet sıçrayabildiği bounces the most remote distance. After two top players, the number one player in the footsteps left starting point of taking bounces forward, in the same way. The groups all players after bouncing once to each, which is the most remote distance odometer Group wins the game.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -


Find The Middle 


The original name “Chocolonga”, this game is played with ten players or more. A circle is drawn on paper glued to the wall and one midwife is selected. An arm’s length away from a midwife, and connects to the eyes. The goal, in the middle of a circle of the selected player’s or midwife’s apartment is the nearest place to the middle of the touch. The midwife is three times before the game is returned. Meanwhile the other players pass in front of the apartment and the midwife in order to distract, pulls in a way that won’t hurt her in her fingers.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -


Humor Me


This selects a leader before the game players with music and forming a circle as you add them. Leader clapping rhythm and others gradually joined him. After leading the player stands in front of any player, and makes a dance rhythm accompaniment. The leader chooses this dance becomes a leader successfully if the repeat. If she fails, the leader selects a new player and dance again.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -



Rubber Jump


Was originally called “Lompat Tali” which game, but rather is a game played by girls. Andırmakla jump rope is not used to jump, with rope. IP is used instead of stitching a long circle each other they migrated into the lâstik band. Girls lâstik held either end of the rope in turn they jump. Early in the game lâstiğin level is around the ankles. The player is quite successful on the jump height is increased. Experienced players, even through the alignment of all threads of atlayabilmektedir.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -





In this game, there is a need for a large piece of cloth Chair and Ottoman. played 10 or more players in this game, everyone gets a number to start from 1. Chairs circle stitching if you connect the selected player’s eyes a midwife after the middle of the circle and tells the two numbers. The numbers sung by two players, they are obliged to exchange their places. Eyes closed while taking off his feet of the midwife, the Player tries to catch one of the. Of course, it would be the new midwives captured player.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -


Leader says to all students at the end of the slide which ends the lesson by thanking you for contributions.

Cultural Identity by Rabiye Karaca - Illustrated by Seher Dalkiran, Zülal Hocaoglu, Gül Ülge, Ezgi Idemen, Esranur Tufan -
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