Seventh Grade by othman jamjoum - Illustrated by This digital book is designed by the author Othman Jamjoum and supervised by the associate professor Mohamad Farrah in the course Computer Assissted Language Learning
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Seventh Grade


Artwork: This digital book is designed by the author Othman Jamjoum and supervised by the associate professor Mohamad Farrah in the course Computer Assissted Language Learning "CALL" at the faculty of higher studies at Hebron University

  • Joined Mar 2016
  • Published Books 1


  •  Unit 1 Oh, Hello

  1. Listen and say the words

  2. Text for reading and listening

  3. Video about greetings

  4. Listen sentences and say

  5. Adverbs of Frequency

  6. Video about frequency

  • Unit 2 World Languages:


Listen to the recorder and read the following words:


often  perhaps  surprised   ages  kiss  pleased   smile



Every day we meet people. We meet friends in the
street or at school and sometimes we meet new

What do you usually do when you meet
friends? Do you kiss and hug them? Perhaps you
never do that. But in some countries people always
kiss and hug their friends.







Jane: Hi! How are you?! I haven’t seen you for
ages! How’s your family?
Anne: Hello! How are you? You look great! We’re
all fine. How are your parents?
Jane: They’re very well, thank you! Oh, I’m so
surprised to see you here!



What do you do when you meet new people? Are
you friendly? Do you often smile?
Paul: Jake, this is Evan. He’s my cousin.



Jake: Hi, Evan. I’m pleased to meet you.
Evan: How do you do, Jake? Good to meet you
too. I’ve heard a lot about you.


Paul: And this is my cousin, Clara.
Jake: Hi, Clara.
Clara: Hello.





Listen to the recorder and read the following sentences:


1 I’m really surprised to see you here!

2 When I meet my best friend I always give her a hug.

3 Hassan is a happy person. He always has a big smile.

4 I like it when my little girl gives me a kiss.




Unit two: World Languages:

Listen and say

Listen and read the text

Videos about other languages

World Map and songs



Listen and say the words:

chinese  communicate   different   hard     learn     number     prepare      standard  United Nations




Jake: I’m learning Arabic. I think I’m learning a lot.
Amir: Hey, well done! Are you learning Palestinian Arabic? People
speak a different Arabic in different countries.
Jake: That’s why I’m learning standard Arabic. It will help me to
communicate with people in a lot of Arab countries.
Amir: Good idea!




Jake: My teacher says the number
of Arabic speakers is rising
every year.
Amir: Yes. And it’s one of the six
languages people use at
the United Nations.
Jake: Really? That makes it very



Jake: One other important language is Chinese. The number of
Chinese speakers is also rising all over the world.
Amir: Yes, I want to learn Chinese one
day but I think it will be hard.



Jake: English is also an important
language and you and I can
speak in Arabic and in English!
We’re preparing our future every
time we talk!
Amir: We’re making our teachers
happy too!


Greetings in Chinese:



Saying Bonjour in French:




Greetings in spanish:




World Map;


Unit Three: ِAnimal Magic


Listen and Say

Listen and read a Text

Pronunciation Practice

Grammar Note


Listen and say:

afraid    bark    common     maybe     neck    rub     tail     warning



Karama: Oh no! I’m afraid! I think it’s angry.
Alice: I don’t think so. I think it likes you.
Karama: Really? Do you understand dogs?
Alice: Yes, usually. A lot of animals
communicate with people. But
we don’t always understand what
they’re saying.




Alice: When a dog barks, maybe it’s
angry, but maybe it’s warning
you that it hears something, or it
wants food. A happy dog moves
its tail and its ears are up.
Karama: I see! But I don’t like dogs
very much …
Alice: I prefer cats. Listen! It likes me!


Alice: My favourite animal is the whale.
Whales are big and beautiful, and
they sing!
Karama: What do you mean?
Alice: They make a noise like singing.
That’s how they communicate.




Karama: Cool! Is singing common in the
animal world?
Alice: No, it isn’t.
Karama: I think giraffes are the best. They
rub necks to say ‘You’re my friend.’
Alice: Aw!




Pronunciation practice:

We usually stress the important words in a sentence, such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives.


1 How do dogs say You’re my best friend?
2 How do whales talk to whales who aren’t near?
3 They sing, they dance like bees near flowers.



Grammar note:

Stative verbs:

Verbs not usually used in the present continuous. Some verbs are not used in the present continuous form.

Many are verbs of thinking and liking.We use the present simple even when the action is happening now, because many of these verbs are verbs of thinking, feeling and liking, we often use them to express opinions. 




Incorrect: Ahmad is smelling a flower.

Correct: Ahmad smells a flower.


Incorrect: Ali is liking cats.

Correct: Ali likes cats.


Stative verbs lesson:




Grammar note:  


Writing skills: linking words

We use so and because to link two parts of a sentence. So describes the effect of something and because describes the cause.


I think whales are fantastic because they’re very big and they can sing!
Whales are big and they can sing so I think they’re fantastic.
My dog understands me more and more because he’s intelligent.
My dog is intelligent so he understands me more and more.

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