
by meshi

Artwork: Meshi and Ayelet

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Artwork: Meshi and Ayelet

  • Joined Feb 2017
  • Published Books 2

Butterflies are very good Pilots. They have two pairs of large wings covered with colorful wings.

Butterflies can only fly if their body temperature is above 86 degrees.

butterfly by meshi - Illustrated by Meshi and Ayelet - Ourboox.com

Butterflies are small birds and worms are enemies of butterfly lizards ..

Most butterflies live between two weeks and a half to three weeks.

Butterflies eat nectar .

butterfly by meshi - Illustrated by Meshi and Ayelet - Ourboox.com

Butterflies not active in winter.

Butterflys live in the bushes.

The butterfly is not endangered.


butterfly by meshi - Illustrated by Meshi and Ayelet - Ourboox.com

 Butterfly “Queen Alexandra” lives in the rainforest and much of his time going through the high treetops.

butterfly by meshi - Illustrated by Meshi and Ayelet - Ourboox.com
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