Chocolate is a sweet mostly brown food that is made with coacoa that was discovered by Christopher Columbus in the 15th centuryand was rejected by the king and queen of spain because they were unaware of its potential,the potential that it had indeed.
Chocolate began as a drink.Chocolate means bitter water.As the drink traveled the world,people added other ingridients like:milk and sugar.
There are 2 kinds of chocolate:dark which is bitter and milk chocolate is sweet.
If you think that white chocolate is acually chocolate than…
Sorry far the last page but white chocolate being chocolate is a myth.
Another myth about chocolate is that it has physical therapy abilities.
If you know what caffiene is than you probably think that chocolate is high in it.If so than…
I absolutly LOVE chocolate and the next image will show what my favorite type of massage is.
I hope you learned something new and if you did please like the book.
This is my first bookand I will become better at this.
Published: Feb 13, 2017
Latest Revision: Feb 15, 2017
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