The Brioschi Brothers solve a mystery by Sam Goldberg - Illustrated by George Canetti -
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The Brioschi Brothers solve a mystery


Artwork: George Canetti

  • Joined Jan 2015
  • Published Books 3

Nono and Nona had two wonderful grandsons Romy and Ace. They loved them very much. Every day they would pick them up after school. Nono and the boys had adventures. They would have adventures until Momma or Papa took them home.


How did the Brioschi Brothers get their name? That was simple. They loved Brioschi! It came in big blue jars. It looked like dried white worms. One day the older brother had a tummy ache. Nono opened the jar, broke off a little white piece of Brioschi and said, “I have a surprise that will take away the ache. Close your eyes. Stick out your tongue!

The Brioschi Brothers solve a mystery by Sam Goldberg - Illustrated by George Canetti -
The Brioschi Brothers solve a mystery by Sam Goldberg - Illustrated by George Canetti -

Romy giggled when he was told to stick out his tongue at Nono. He stuck out his tongue. Nono put a tiny piece on it. The Brioschi started to fizz and bubble. It tasted like lemons. Soon he forgot about his tummy ache.


His brother Ace said, “Me too!” He tried it and giggled. Nono said “Let’s keep this our little secret”. He winked at the boys. From then on Nono called his Grandsons “The Brioschi Brothers”

The Brioschi Brothers solve a mystery by Sam Goldberg - Illustrated by George Canetti -
The Brioschi Brothers solve a mystery by Sam Goldberg - Illustrated by George Canetti -

Every day on the subway home from work, Nono would plan the next surprise for his grandsons. Some days, he would get off the subway and call home to Nona. “Do we have construction paper? If not I’ll pick some up”


Another day he called home and asked, “Nona, did you keep the box from the store? I have an idea”


Every day Nono would come home and get big hugs from his grandsons. Then they would ask, “What are we doing today?”

The Brioschi Brothers solve a mystery by Sam Goldberg - Illustrated by George Canetti -
The Brioschi Brothers solve a mystery by Sam Goldberg - Illustrated by George Canetti -

Nono turned to Nona and asked, “Did you get keep the rolls from the paper towels?” Nona answered “Of course” Then they all ran downstairs to the playroom. They coloured the rolls green, blue and red. They played Planet Wars for hours. The boys used the rolls as laser swords.  The Brothers bopped Nono until he fell on the couch and cried, “Enough! I give up!”  


Nona called downstairs, “Are the Brioschi Brothers hungry?” The boys ran upstairs. They washed their hands quickly. Then they sat down at the table.


“What’s our surprise snack?”


Nona said, “Space sandwiches!” Then she took some bread and spread Nutella Chocolate on it. “Those are just sandwiches”, said the Brioschi Brothers. Nona took out her cookie cutters. Then she pressed them into the bread. The sandwiches turned into the shape of stars, the moon and even a space ship!

The Brioschi Brothers solve a mystery by Sam Goldberg - Illustrated by George Canetti -
The Brioschi Brothers solve a mystery by Sam Goldberg - Illustrated by George Canetti -

The Brioschi Brothers liked playing hide and go seek with Nono. But he wasn’t very good at it. Sometimes Nono would hide behind a curtain, but his feet would be showing. Once Nono hid his head in under the sink, but his body stuck out. Once he stood in the corner with a lamp shade on his head. He pretended to be a light. The Brioschi brothers twisted his nose but the light didn’t turn on. They giggled and giggled.


One day Nono decided that the Brioschi Brothers needed a bath. He took the Green Turtle sandbox and emptied it. Then he took the garden hose and filled the turtle with water. He called out to the Brioschi Brothers.


“Do you want to go diving for treasure?”


In two seconds the Brioschi Brothers took off their clothes. Shirts, shorts, shoes and underwear flew everywhere. The boys jumped in the turtle. They played in the soapy water until they were clean.

The Brioschi Brothers solve a mystery by Sam Goldberg - Illustrated by George Canetti -
The Brioschi Brothers solve a mystery by Sam Goldberg - Illustrated by George Canetti -

Nono grabbed one boy and Nona the other. Then they wrapped them in warm towels and dressed the boys in clean clothes for Momma and Papa.


Later that night Nona asked Nono. “Did you see my ring?”


“I’m sure you will find it dear” said Nono. Then he fell asleep, snoring because the Brioschi Brothers had tired him out.

The Brioschi Brothers solve a mystery by Sam Goldberg - Illustrated by George Canetti -
The Brioschi Brothers solve a mystery by Sam Goldberg - Illustrated by George Canetti -

The next day Nono phoned from the subway. “What should we plan for the Brioschi Brothers?” he asked.  “Anything you want.” said Nona. Nono could tell that his wife was sad.


“Did you find the ring?” he asked. Nona didn’t have to answer.


“Ok so we will turn the house upside down to find your ring!”


When Nono picked up the Brioschi Brothers he said. “Today we are going to be detectives. We are going to find Nona’s ring.”


The Brothers looked all over the house. They looked in the playroom. They looked in the Living Room. They looked in the Kitchen. They even looked in the jar of Nutella just in case it fell in.

The Brioschi Brothers solve a mystery by Sam Goldberg - Illustrated by George Canetti -
The Brioschi Brothers solve a mystery by Sam Goldberg - Illustrated by George Canetti -

Nono and Nona were busy looking for the ring. They didn’t notice that the Brioschi Brothers went out and started looking in the back yard. They looked on the swing. They looked under the stairs. They looked in the garage. Then the Brioschi Brothers looked at each other and they looked at the turtle. After their bath in the turtle, Nono had emptied the water in the garden.


So they looked in the carrots, tomatoes and radishes. They looked in the beans and the peas. They looked at the onions. Guess what they saw at the top of the tallest onion?


Nona’s ring!

The Brioschi Brothers solve a mystery by Sam Goldberg - Illustrated by George Canetti -
The Brioschi Brothers solve a mystery by Sam Goldberg - Illustrated by George Canetti -

The boys were so excited. They ran into the house screaming. “We found Nona’s ring! We found Nona’s ring!”


Nono and Nona were so happy. Nona looked like she was going to cry.


Nona made space sandwiches for supper. Nono baked cookies shaped like Brioschi jars. The boys decorated the cookies with blue icing. They even made extra cookies for Momma and Papa.


Nona gave them kisses and the biggest hugs. “The Brioschi Brothers solved their first case” she said.


But by they were so tired that they fell asleep in the minivan as they drove home.

The Brioschi Brothers solve a mystery by Sam Goldberg - Illustrated by George Canetti -
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