Elenor’s Breakfast Adventure by Jasmine Mistry - Illustrated by Andrew Mistry - Ourboox.com
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Elenor’s Breakfast Adventure


Artwork: Andrew Mistry

  • Joined Jan 2017
  • Published Books 1

One morning Elenor the Elephant wakes up to her alarm going off and luckily for her there is no school today.
Even though she has no school today Elenor still has a very busy day ahead of her.

Elenor’s Breakfast Adventure by Jasmine Mistry - Illustrated by Andrew Mistry - Ourboox.com

Elenor has soccer at 11:00,

Dance at 3:00,

and a movie to see with her best friend Margo the Mountain Goat at 6:00.


Elenor decides to go downstairs for breakfast and get her usual bananas and strawberries.
She soon notices that she is out of both bananas and strawberries.

Elenor’s Breakfast Adventure by Jasmine Mistry - Illustrated by Andrew Mistry - Ourboox.com

So Elenor yelled to her Mother “Mom can I go to the store for some groceries?”

Elenors Mother yelled back “Yes, the money is in my purse don’t take too long!”


Elenor quickly walks down to the local grocery store and is greeted by the store manager Mr. Clark “Good Morning Elenor!” announced Mr. Clark.
Elenor replies and says “Good Morning Mr. Clark!” as she walks over to grab some bananas and strawberries.

Elenor’s Breakfast Adventure by Jasmine Mistry - Illustrated by Andrew Mistry - Ourboox.com

Police Officer Kyle is driving past and sees Elenor and says “Elenor are you okay?”
Elenor replies “No sir, I think I am lost.”
Officer Kyle then offers Elenor a ride home which she kindly accepts.

Elenor’s Breakfast Adventure by Jasmine Mistry - Illustrated by Andrew Mistry - Ourboox.com

As they pull up to the house Elenor’s parents are waiting outside and say “Where have you been Elenor?! We were so worried!”
Elenor replies “I’m sorry Mom and Dad, I got lost on my way home.”

Elenor’s Breakfast Adventure by Jasmine Mistry - Illustrated by Andrew Mistry - Ourboox.com

The moral of the story is if you are ever lost make sure to ask a familiar face.

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