Tsunami by natural disasters - Illustrated by Adam Tsikerman, Omri David, Ilya Parnas. - Ourboox.com
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Artwork: Adam Tsikerman, Omri David, Ilya Parnas.

  • Joined Jan 2017
  • Published Books 11


Tsunami Is a Natural Disaster. It’s Happend in the ocean. The tsunami happened in a lot of countries in the world for example: India, Thailand, Japan, Indonesia and more. The Tsunami is Wreck a lot of buildings and trees.Tsunami kill a lot of people, animals and more.


2004 was a bad year for a lot of countries in asia for example: Thailand, India, Sri-Lanka and Indonesia.After the Earthquake in the Indian Ocean,Tsunami Waves hit up to 36 meters off the coast of sevreal countries in south asia.

Tsunami by natural disasters - Illustrated by Adam Tsikerman, Omri David, Ilya Parnas. - Ourboox.com

Signs indicating the possibility of approaching tsunamis

(1 A strong earthquake

(2 strong and sudden slump

(3 A loud noise are coming from the sea

(4 Warning delivered from the emergency powers


Tsunami by natural disasters - Illustrated by Adam Tsikerman, Omri David, Ilya Parnas. - Ourboox.com
Tsunami by natural disasters - Illustrated by Adam Tsikerman, Omri David, Ilya Parnas. - Ourboox.com

What Should You Do When There Is A Tsunami?

  1. reach a higher place

  2. run away of the sea

  3. run to area with no buildings.

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