Bob Dylan poet compose singer by ophra barshay -
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Bob Dylan poet compose singer

  • Joined Jan 2017
  • Published Books 6
Bob Dylan poet compose singer by ophra barshay -

listen to the following songs and read their lyrics carefully

Knoking On Heaven’s Door

Blowing In The Wind

A hard Rain Is Gonna Fall

  1. What is the topic of each song?
  2. What do they have in common?
  3. What are the issues in these songs that are still relevant today ? How ?
Bob Dylan poet compose singer by ophra barshay -
Bob Dylan poet compose singer by ophra barshay -


About the artist

read the Wikipedia entry Bob Dylan and complete  the following tasks :

  1. Write a short biography of the artist
  2. Name his major artistic contributions- in which fields does he create – name at least one work of each.
  3. What is the major sociopolitical issues which interst Bob Dylan ?
  4.  What can you say about his personality as an artist ?

influences on israeli song writers

Read the following article

כל אחד והבוב שלו


  1. What is unique about the influenc of Bob Dylan on Israeli musician ?
  2. In what way does the article show that Bob Dylan’s legacy is universal ?
  3. state your opinion

REFRLECTIONS answer in writung and  share your views on Tricider using this link  Art and Politics




  1. Have you heard of Bob dylan before this book ?If not , what has this information made you feel about Dylan ? if  you have,  how has the new information impact your opinion of him ?
  2. Artists and  political agenda ? In your opinion should artist deal with such issues or should they leave politics to the politician ?
  3. What are your feelings about this project ? did you enjoy working on it ? Did it make you want to look for more information about the artist  ?

one more song before I go ……


One More Cup Of Coffee


Bob Dylan poet compose singer by ophra barshay -
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