Tom’s Piggy Bank by Simcha - Illustrated by Shutterstock, Can Stock Photo, Dreamstime and Google Images. -
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Tom’s Piggy Bank


Artwork: Shutterstock, Can Stock Photo, Dreamstime and Google Images.

  • Joined Jan 2017
  • Published Books 1

Tom got a piggy bank for his birthday.

Tom’s Piggy Bank by Simcha - Illustrated by Shutterstock, Can Stock Photo, Dreamstime and Google Images. -

Tom’s mother said:”Everytime you do a good deed,

Father and I will give you one shekel”.

Tom was happy and started doing

good deeds.


Tom’s Piggy Bank by Simcha - Illustrated by Shutterstock, Can Stock Photo, Dreamstime and Google Images. -

The following day, in the morning, Tom helped his mother make breakfast.

Tom’s mother thanked Tom and gave him one shekel.

Tom’s Piggy Bank by Simcha - Illustrated by Shutterstock, Can Stock Photo, Dreamstime and Google Images. -

“Now I have one shekel, yay!!”

Said Tom and put it in the piggy bank.

Tom’s Piggy Bank by Simcha - Illustrated by Shutterstock, Can Stock Photo, Dreamstime and Google Images. -

After school, Tom returned home and gave his mother a note from his teacher.

“Tom did all the homework and helped his friends in the class, good job!”.

Tom’s mother gave him a kiss and one more shekel.

“Now I have two shekels, yay!!”

Said Tom and put it in the piggy bank.

Tom’s Piggy Bank by Simcha - Illustrated by Shutterstock, Can Stock Photo, Dreamstime and Google Images. -

In the afternoon, Tom called his friend Jimi.

Jimi didn’t come to school today.

So Tom called to check that Jimi is okay.

Tom’s Piggy Bank by Simcha - Illustrated by Shutterstock, Can Stock Photo, Dreamstime and Google Images. -

Tom’s mother heard the call and said:

“It is very nice to ask Jimi how he is doing”

and gave Tom one more shekel.

“Now I have three shekels, yay!!”

Said Tom and put it in the piggy bank.

Tom’s Piggy Bank by Simcha - Illustrated by Shutterstock, Can Stock Photo, Dreamstime and Google Images. -

Tom went with his mother to the playground.

On their way, they saw an old lady with heavy baskets.

“Mommy let’s help the old lady,”

said Tom.

“It is a great idea,” said Tom’s mother

and they helped the old lady.


Tom’s Piggy Bank by Simcha - Illustrated by Shutterstock, Can Stock Photo, Dreamstime and Google Images. -

“You did very well” said mother

and gave Tom one more shekel.

“Now I have four shekels, yay!!”

Said Tom and put it in the piggy bank.

Tom’s Piggy Bank by Simcha - Illustrated by Shutterstock, Can Stock Photo, Dreamstime and Google Images. -

Tom went to his grandmother and grandfather

and ate dinner with them.

When Tom came back,

mother gave him a kiss and one more shekel.

“Now I have five shekels, yay!!”

Said Tom and put it in the piggy bank.

Tom’s Piggy Bank by Simcha - Illustrated by Shutterstock, Can Stock Photo, Dreamstime and Google Images. -

Tom played with his little sister.

Tom’s mother gave him one more shekel.

“Now I have six shekels, yay!!”

Said Tom and put it in the piggy bank.

Tom’s Piggy Bank by Simcha - Illustrated by Shutterstock, Can Stock Photo, Dreamstime and Google Images. -

Tom tidied up his room

and went to sleep.

Tom’s mother saw the room and put one more shekel

near Tom’s bed.


Tom’s Piggy Bank by Simcha - Illustrated by Shutterstock, Can Stock Photo, Dreamstime and Google Images. -

Tom woke up in the morning and

saw the shekel.

“Now I have seven shekels, yay!!”

Said Tom and put it in the piggy bank.

Tom’s Piggy Bank by Simcha - Illustrated by Shutterstock, Can Stock Photo, Dreamstime and Google Images. -

Tom helped his mother

and took his little sister to the kindergarten.

Tom’s mother thanked him and gave him one more shekel.

“Now I have eight shekels, yay!!”

Said Tom and put it in the piggy bank.

Tom’s Piggy Bank by Simcha - Illustrated by Shutterstock, Can Stock Photo, Dreamstime and Google Images. -

After school Tom took out the trash.

Tom’s mother thanked him and gave him one more shekel.

“Now I have nine shekels, yay!!”

Said Tom and put it in the piggy bank.

Tom’s Piggy Bank by Simcha - Illustrated by Shutterstock, Can Stock Photo, Dreamstime and Google Images. -

“Mommy today I helped an old man get on to the bus”

said Tom.

“Wow that is a wonderful deed” said mother

and gave him one more shekel.

“Now I have ten shekels, yay!!”

Said Tom and put it in the piggy bank.

Tom’s Piggy Bank by Simcha - Illustrated by Shutterstock, Can Stock Photo, Dreamstime and Google Images. -

“The piggy bank is heavy, let’s check

how much money I have,”

said Tom and he broke the piggy bank.

Tom’s Piggy Bank by Simcha - Illustrated by Shutterstock, Can Stock Photo, Dreamstime and Google Images. -

“Let’s count:

one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten.

I have ten shekels! Mommy let’s go to the Shekel store.”

Tom’s Piggy Bank by Simcha - Illustrated by Shutterstock, Can Stock Photo, Dreamstime and Google Images. -
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